Sentences with phrase «legal niche»

The law blogs above provide great examples of lawyers who identified legal niches in which a blog could be successful, and filled them with their time, energy and creativity.
What legal niche services are clients in your market looking for?
The potential for «spot fires» of transformative thinking to come together and impact legal niches, seems imminent.
While Flood's views on how to handle the Russia probe aren't clear, he brings vast experience in the very specialized legal niche of defending a president.
This part is visible, but essentially it seems to be that the argument is based on a underlying premise: non-profitable publishers, though not the unprofitable publishers, should not be «servicing» the needs of a very profitable legal niche market.
Here are a few great reasons why solo practitioners and small law firms need to have a more niche focus to succeed in the modern legal industry, and some growing legal niches for lawyers to consider.
As a solo or small law firm practitioner, identifying and targeting a specific legal niche with your marketing materials and website content can be an incredible boon to your business — and a great opportunity to differentiate yourself from your competition.
For anyone looking for a position in legal niche (advocate, lawyer, etc.), often the most important qualities you will need for the position is a sound and specific education, and a good amount of experience in the field.
But firms stuck in the middle — without strong reputation in narrowly focused legal niches and without a very strong low - cost value proposition — will find they lose share to Big 4
Jeremy Hessing - Lewis at Skunkworks says that in highly competitive legal niches, «unfortunately, the trend is to sacrifice everything for the sake of SEO.»
We now have any number of blogs and e-newsletters and Twitter feeds geared to the narrowest legal niche; but we're running out of periodicals that speak to lawyers as a unitary group.
Winning Websites Need a Healthy Diet of Strong / Legal Niche Backlinks We like to think of backlinks as your website's nutrition.
(Are you distinguishing your firm within your specific legal niche or regional marketplace?)
The e-discovery industry is forecasted to grow tremendously in the next few years and legal professionals with technical knowledge and skills will be at the forefront of this new and lucrative legal niche.
The unlocking of smartphones and computers has become a legal niche, but this niche will soon grow to become a big part of many cases, Cook says.
That opened a legal niche to be quickly filled by younger, more aggressive, firms formed (as Lincoln Caplan points out in his chronicle of the rise of the Skadden firm) by Catholics, Jews, and non-Ivy Leaguers who had been snubbed by old - line firms.
Once you have set up a Legal Niche Advertising Campaign, we welcome you to expand it to include other sites within Passions Network that provide you with the target niche market you are looking to reach.
I believe we are the legal niche market experts.
The legal niche for part - time lawyers, stay - at - home lawyers, and work - from - home lawyers.»
Turns out that Stoel Rives is good at inhabiting a legal niche and giving it a stamp of their own.
Music law is a complicated niche, and like all legal niches, it comes with its own challenges.
Most lawyers and paralegals are increasingly able to focus on a smaller number of legal niches.
Given the ambiguities in the law, which had no warning of this technological development, the brave new world of drones has spawned a growing — and lucrative — legal niche.
Some clients» legal matters are not a good fit, especially if you focus on a legal niche.
Once you think you've identified your legal niche (or niches), set up a quick PPC campaign, do some social media marketing, and write a few blog posts around niche topics to see if they get any traction.
Empirical data shows that legal professionals are increasingly following this logic and specializing their careers within an small number of legal niches.
Because my legal niche is helping creative people and business, I'm around inspiringly creative people almost every day.
Go for something unique and original that truly represents your firm, or better yet your legal niche.
Sharing content on topics that your lawyers know about deeply — and your prospective clients care about deeply — serves to build trust and boost your brand, reputation and authority in your legal niche.
And, finally, I've seen from multiple sources that the legal niche of copyright and yarncraft has a significant lack of precedents.
Here is a columnist who discusses the whole «ReZooming» experience, her journey, and how she has gone into solo practice in the second chapter of her legal career and doing so very successfully following a legal niche which is her passion.
Some students enter law school with a gut feeling as to where they want to end up and manage to successfully carve out a legal niche.
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