Sentences with phrase «legal pathway»

He explained that welcoming means «expanding legal pathways for entry and no longer pushing migrants and displaced people towards countries where they face persecution and violence.
When a reporter asked Reid on Wednesday about Republicans waiting for Mitt Romney to take a position on the DREAM Act — which would provide a permanent legal pathway for some children of illegal immigrants - before they commented on it, Reid dodged the question by appropriating Harper.
However, until the European Union has created effective legal pathways to Europe, as it has obliged itself to do, people in need of international protection will continue trying to use other ways to save themselves and their loved ones — whether the Member States like it or not.
As yet, there may be little direct application of AI in the field of legal services for those on low incomes — for all that there is increasing use of guided legal pathways as, for example, in MyLawBC or in various use of «chatbots».
Matthew A. Streff, «U.S. Immigration Law: Legal Pathways for Physician Immigration.»
Unlike Aereo, Skitter negotiated with for retransmission rights, which has paved a legal pathway for the company.
This Article, excerpted from Michael B. Gerrard & John C. Dernbach, eds., Legal Pathways to Deep Decarbonization in the United States (forthcoming in 2018 from ELI), addresses the use of CCS to achieve significant reductions in emissions of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere by 2050, and explains why its widespread adoption in the United States has not yet occurred.
Since there was a well thought out answer to each concern, the proposal to adopt the Tiny House Appendix, and create a legal pathway for tiny houses to receive certificates of occupancy (COO), started to fall into context.
This Article, excerpted from Michael B. Gerrard & John C. Dernbach, eds., Legal Pathways to Deep Decarbonization in the United States (forthcoming in 2018 from ELI Press), examines how these challenges can be overcome with targeted legal and policy reforms.
Clients are now wanting to better understand their legal costs and limit their own risk of high expenses for legal work that could lead to their financial loss, even when they win the legal case, thereby making better informed decisions about whether to pursue a legal pathway or not.
It allows them to make more informed decisions about whether to pursue a legal pathway or not.
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