Sentences with phrase «legal services firm»

Clients of legal services firms are demanding more from the technology platforms to communicate quickly and securely.
Legal services firms with digital business processes, like project management systems, will see an increase in productivity and billable hours.
These clients «prospect» for legal services firms by doing internet research and visiting websites.
For example, public accounting and legal services firms also traditionally bill by the hour of staff time.
David Thompson, managing partner, Moore Blatch said: «Having two of our solicitors accredited by the Agricultural Law Association confirms our position as one of the South of England's leading legal services firms specialising in agricultural law.
Unlike some of the top - tier firms that suffered financially over the last five years, Shamie says Hicks Morley has had its best years since 2008, partially due to the need for companies to restructure and the resulting terminations requiring legal services his firm provides.
(Recently I was unimpressed when I received advertising for a private small legal services firm — actually just down street from home.
A high level of competition from entirely new «Tesco law» legal services firms competing on a platform of agile technology has perhaps not materialised, whereas the threat from accountancy - based firms remains very present.
Commoditized work of this sort will likely appear in the UK over the next few years when the UK's Legal Services Act will no longer restrict law firm ownership to lawyers and will permit new types of legal service firms known as «alternative business structures.»
Client Requests for Proposals to retain legal services firms are at an all - time high.
Legal services firms realize the importance of marketing, websites, and technology in attracting clients and demonstrating their market differentiators.
The Client Development Advisor is a newly created role to support the growth of the successful alternative, flexible legal service the firm set up early last year.
Hardee Consulting is an international specialist consultancy, set up to provide expert advice and support to professional legal service firms, educational institutions and regulators, in the areas of legal education and training, knowledge management, practice management and professional regulation and compliance.
We've got the foreign legal services firms like the UK who've already gone through some liberalization and I'm sure that there are some really smart firms in London that would like to take market share and steal talent from US firms.
Last year, former Lord Chancellor Liz Truss» suggested that the introduction of 3 million apprenticeships «brings a big opportunity for some of our large legal services firms», meaning more prominent companies will be putting forward their own apprenticeship offerings.
An example of what they will be working on is something they call The Legal Chain, which is a consortium chain developed by Fadada (China's leading online legal service firm), the Onchain for - profit entity (which in turn was created by the Antshares team), and Microsoft Azure that provides a blockchain - powered digital legal evidence repository.
The islands boast many financial and legal services firms, and Providenciales is home to the world's only Conch (pronouced «conk») farm, a large mollusk farmed for its meat and shell, and intrinsic to the culture and cuisine of the Turks and Caicos.
These partners, the legal services firms, can use these metrics to become process advisers that offer a holistic approach to cost savings by leveraging the information.
WOL is a national organization for women owned law and legal services firms to provide a forum for networking opportunities; to increase visibility and media coverage of women entrepreneurs; to help interested firms grow into larger organizations with significant influence in the legal industry; and to provide an «on ramp» for women considering their own legal ventures.
Unlike many real estate attorneys or legal services firms, Legal Solutions Group does not insist on hourly fees.
Legal Services Firms are increasingly taking advantage of the flexibility and convenience offered by cloud computing.
If you have questions about the legal services our firm can provide veterans, or have questions about the veterans disability claim process, give us a call!
Legal services firms are traditionally conservative.
Guild Yule LLP hosts this website to provide general information to the public about the legal services the firm's lawyers provide.
With over 5 years experience working with the legal industry and 19 years promoting websites Law SEO is dedicated to ensuring your legal services firm grows from your online promotional efforts.
USA Today recently carried a «snapshot» stating that 47 % of legal service firms have outsourced a portion of their business.
As a result, there «could be trouble» on the financing side if the HUD cuts go through, says Darryl Jacobs, of Ginsberg Jacobs LLC, a legal services firm specializing in corporate, real estate and tax credit areas.
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