Sentences with phrase «legal settlement»

A "legal settlement" refers to an agreement reached between two or more parties who were involved in a lawsuit or dispute. This agreement is approved by the court and typically involves the resolution of legal issues or the payment of money to resolve the dispute. Full definition
The funds come from legal settlements with banks and insurance companies for contributing to the housing crises and in some cases, breaking state laws.
This year, the state would use $ 200 million it received in legal settlements from banks and insurance companies to help pay for this.
It will also pay the costs of legal settlements, up to the limits set on your policy.
In all, the governor is proposing to spend this year $ 2.3 billion from legal settlements with financial institutions to pay for capital projects.
A recent legal settlement between credit card issuers and merchants may cause more retailers to pass along these surcharges to customers.
Part of the bridge is being paid for with a low - interest federal loan and part with legal settlement money the state has received in recent years.
The attorney will be able to factor in your medical records, legal costs, lost compensation, and general hardship to determine what their asking price for a potential legal settlement would be.
It remains the largest legal settlement of its kind in history.
The board also voted unanimously to promote 30 part - time workers to full - time status as part of a previous legal settlement.
Companies that offer money to plaintiffs in anticipation of future legal settlements are racing to capitalize on sexual harassment lawsuits.
Mighty connects plaintiffs awaiting a fair legal settlement with the financing they need to continue living their lives.
Nevertheless, these terms allowed the king and the rebels to compromise on a vague legal settlement, which both parties could later attempt to interpret in line with their own political standpoint.
He also wanted to borrow to cover a $ 7 million legal settlement when the county had cash to cover the cost.
Legal settlements tied to the 2008 financial crisis have been a drag on bank profits for years.
Finally, a formal legal settlement with your creditors may be an option.
Most legal settlement negotiations do not fall at the extreme ends of an adversarial / collaborative continuum.
It includes claims related to any injuries sustained by the employees, any damages to the property, legal settlements etc..
You get the information you need to make educated decisions and reach a final legal settlement on all issues, without worrying that you are giving up key legal rights.
For this reason by signing this you agree you will not use these clinical records to resolve legal settlements.
These suits could result in billions of dollars in legal settlements.
A $ 25 billion legal settlement between the government, and 49 states and five of the nation's largest banks is providing more help for struggling homeowners.
The second possibility is some sort of legal settlement, and in this day and age, who can tell how large that will be?
If the directors or officers of a company are accused of wrongful or negligent acts, this coverage can protect the company's financial assets from legal settlements and the cost of legal defense.
Personal injury victims receiving large legal settlements may discover that within a short period of time, the money is gone.
In legal settlements reached with the US government, several companies have been forced to publish databases listing monies they provide to doctors.
The newspaper cites prior revelations that the foundation was used to pay legal settlements and once paid for a 6 - foot tall portrait of Trump.
This provision alone «should be particularly helpful because it applies to» large numbers of homeowners who are covered by legal settlements over alleged abusive practices by lenders and servicers, said Ruth Susswein, deputy director of national priorities at the nonprofit group Consumer Action.The bill also seeks to bring reforms to credit scoring.
As the deadline draws near for authors and publishers to opt out of a proposed legal settlement allowing Google Inc. to forge ahead with plans to scan millions of books, more opponents of the landmark deal are stepping forward, and the local literary world is growing more perplexed.
A spokesman for Silver says there are no other legal settlements besides the payout to the alleged victims of Assemblyman Lopez.
Amount earned as legal settlement for the case she filed against Rex Features Ltd for while spending the holiday in Cornwall
The boom is attributed in part to cost - cutting by financial firms and lower non-compensation expenses, including legal settlements.
For Putnam Europe Equity Fund, Global Equity Fund, Growth Opportunities Fund, International Equity Fund, International Growth Fund, Investors Fund, Research Fund, and Sustainable Leaders Fund, recent performance may have benefited from one or more legal settlements.
IRS debt settlement is similar to any other sort of legal settlement over a debt; it's the process of negotiating with the IRS to pay them less money than they originally requested.
NEW YORK (Reuters)- Half of the money spent so far from New York state's $ 10 billion in legal settlement windfall has gone to support the state budget rather than the capital projects for which it should be used, the state's chief fiscal watchdog said on Friday.
Two Tennessee school districts are in the process of modifying their policies allowing children to leave classes to attend Bible lessons, in the wake of recent legal settlements involving similar policies in two other districts.
• Documented success in helping in developing plans according to legal settlement agreements • Adept at working with lawyers and paralegals to identify insufficiencies in data and resolve them efficiently • Focused on monitoring team progress, aiming at best possible research support for all cases being undertaken by the law firm • Proficient in making suggestions and recommendations to higher management for improving monitoring and reporting of progress
A spokesman for Silver says there are no other legal settlements besides the pay out to the alleged victims of Assemblyman Lopez.
In October, UTLA expressed outrage at the district over a proposed legal settlement with civil rights attorneys that could threaten a longstanding «last hired, first fired» principle.
The State of Georgia will pay $ 3 million to the victims in the 2007 Bluffton baseball team fatal bus accident, which is the maximum legal settlement that the state is allowed to pay.
Friedman, Gary J., and Jack Himmelstein «A Guide to Divorce Mediation: How to Reach a Fair, Legal Settlement at a Fraction of the Cost» (1993, Workman).
These patent, trademark and copyright «trolls» are shell organizations focused on hoarding intellectual property and bullying small businesses into legal settlements.
But leaving aside the question of whether Daniels is telling the truth, Trump is completely correct that NDAs and other similar legal settlements have become a popular way for rich people (and powerful companies) to keep normal people quiet.
However, the Chicago Sun - Times reported that the case is related to an earlier legal settlement stemming from a 2005 sexual abuse and battery lawsuit.
There was Hefner's undisclosed legal settlement with ex-wife Conrad in 2010, a suit in which she sought $ 5 million.
Camden R. Fine, president and CEO of the IBCA says that the seemingly constant drumbeat of stories about big banks taking advantage of consumers and entering into huge legal settlements with federal regulators will only help small banks increase their deposit share.
Both Weinstein and former Fox News host Bill O'Reilly used legal settlements to keep allegations of sexual misconduct from becoming public, according to the New York Times.
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