Sentences with phrase «legal side of this question»

Not exact matches

And while there is no legal requirement that underwriters like Mr. Thiel reveal their involvement to the opposing side or the jury, it is considered fair game for lawyers to ask questions about financial backing — something that Gawker Media did on Wednesday in court as part of its efforts to overturn the Hogan judgment.
While I can not myself question Julie based on my knowledge, I think it is fair to at least point out that there is legal documentation and testimony to support that Julie's side is not the only side of the story.
There have been several legal cases questioning a private college's receipt of property taxes, but the courts have consistently sided with Cooper Union and its service to the public good.
Undue pressure by one side, exploitation of a dominant position to secure an unreasonable advantage, inadequate knowledge, possibly bad legal advice, an important change of circumstances, unforeseen or overlooked at the time of making the agreement, are all relevant to the question of justice between the parties.
While most of the curriculum at Harvard during this time consisted of lecture and student recitation, skills development was also provided in the form of weekly moot courts, during which students argued questions of law before professors and submitted occasional written disputations on legal subjects.121 Although Stearns had previously used moot courts in his teaching at Harvard, Story and Ashmun refined them.122 Cases were handed out the week before argument, and two counsel were assigned to each side.123 The cases would then be argued the next Friday, with the other students taking notes of the argument; the professor in charge that week would issue a written opinion.124
I took the two following questions to the virtual street, posting on the Legal Tech LinkedIn group, asking on Twitter, and emailing lawyers on both sides of the equation.
If you have any questions about the legal side of accidents that occur during winter weather, call a skilled attorney today.
I want to put this debate about legal ethics to the side for a brief moment and ask a different set of questions:
We save you time and money by focusing on the main conflict instead of getting bogged down in side questions that prolong disputes and raise legal fees.
The Public side of the website contains information on Do - It - Yourself legal kits, answers to common questions, working well with a lawyer, counselling, industry ombudsmen, and legal aid, and how to choose a lawyer..
In the UK, the jury can not directly ask questions (to the witness, to either side's legal team) but can ask the clerk of the court to pass a note to the Judge (indeed, when I sat on a jury a couple of year ago, we were positively encouraged to do this).
There are interrogatories (fancy legal name for questions) exchanged between the parties, and also requests for production of documents (each side asks the other to produce specific documents).
«Greenpeace Breaks Up Ken and Barbie, Rappels Down Side of Mattel HQ to Save Indonesian Rainforests Main The Day's Three Burning Legal Questions»
In a one - hour legal Question Time special, a distinguished panel will be examining this and other important topics affecting all sides of the legal profession.
Fortunately, legal teams can use interview templates and workflows to understand in advance what questions they need to ask to stay on the right side of the FRCP.
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