Sentences with phrase «legal standard»

There is a tendency for professionals to focus on legal standards for taking action.
That is a much higher legal standard of proof.
However, we may edit content if a financial partner reports factual errors or is concerned that content does not meet legal standards concerning how products are represented to potential customers.
Often there are not clear legal standards on this issue.
Drawing on the spirit of the law, it seeks the just application of legal standards in accordance with their purpose.
As an integral part of the medical office and health care team medical assistants must practice consistent with legal standards and state regulations that apply.
These different legal regimes tend to operate in parallel with different legal standards governing their use, and drawing upon different principles and rules.
Often, in premises liability claims, the same legal standards apply as in other negligence claims.
It is hard to see how they can realistically be held to the highest legal standards.
As such, he is knowledgeable on the current legal standards as well as the historic perspective that is often relevant to an appropriate analysis.
It sent the issue back to the court below to apply what it called the correct legal standard to the facts.
And in doing so, it violates one of the most important international legal standards dealing with the protection of the rights of Indigenous peoples.
Should the officer's material fail to satisfy the applicable legal standard, the justice must reject the warrant application.
A different legal standard applies because a commercial airline is considered a common carrier.
This evaluation must adhere to very strict guidelines to insure that the findings and recommendations meet certain legal standards.
That has left us with no clear legal standards and processes for holding Canadian companies responsible for human rights abuses associated with their overseas operations.
A lawyer has to educate them about various legal standards, and the implications of their behaviours, including the response by the bench.
The question has actually been addressed by half of the country's 12 federal circuit courts, but by applying inconsistent legal standards, he said.
The benefit of using an attorney is that they have to adhere to legal standards imposed on them — which can make them a safer option in terms of ethical practices.
What he did at that time was within his own legal standard... oh well.
If the center is not up to legal standards then that is clearly a problem.
However, note that not all steroids pass the required health and legal standards therefore before buying the products, make sure to buy only legal substances.
In the absence of a definitive legal standard for accountability, charter holders and their corporate boards have created financial arrangements that benefit ownership at the expense of students and teachers.
However, from a purely legal standard, personal property is any property that isn't real estate.
The phrase the best interest of the child is the discretionary and foremost legal standard that pertains to support, visitation and custody.
Ensure adherence to legal standards in the areas of compliance including meal periods, rest breaks, minors, key control, and wage payment.
The agreement, signed in late 2014, allows companies to offset pollution they produce in order to meet legal standards.
I also believe that protection dogs, including pets, should be held to the same legal standards as are police dogs.
- Maintain psychotherapy notes, treatment plans and case records consistent with ethical and legal standards of care.
Doctors and other medical providers are held to a high legal standard.
Though mediation allows you to stay in control of your divorce, you still need to meet certain legal standards.
Children do not have the same level of brain development as adults, so it often is necessary to apply different legal standards.
• Ensured that company adhered to legal standards by checking all vendor documents and forms for regulatory compliance.
The court majority decided that punitive damages should be limited to the level of actual damages proved — a new legal standard for maritime cases involving tanker spills.
«This is yet another area where the Court has misinterpreted the law, setting legal standards which fly in the face of the public» expectations.
In considering the question of copyright ownership of online educational materials, institutions must take into account not just legal standards under copyright law, but also academic tradition and practical considerations of policy administration.
The bankruptcy court ruled that the parent loans were not dischargeable, applying the same legal standard used for student loans.
Animal welfare encompasses important issues, such as establishing legal standards for using animals in research, defining the parameters of what constitutes proper and improper care for animals, and establishing shelters for abandoned animals.
While the best interest standard and other legal standards still apply when a child is older, the wishes of the child do start to carry more weight with a judge when they are a teen as opposed to a younger child.
Clearer criteria would also discourage the litigation that results from vague legal standards.
The defendants argued in their appeal that court did not apply proper legal standards in the case, that the plaintiffs used improper legal theories in arguing it, and that Gov. Jerry Brown should not be named as a defendant because he lacks «institutional interest» in the case, among other arguments.
(10) Licensees shall maintain current knowledge of legal standards regarding parenting plans, divorce, and laws regarding abuse, neglect, and family violence.
By exceeding legal standards, they can be ahead of consumers» increasing privacy expectations and may be able to future proof themselves.
As a result, the Freeman dismissal was reversed because it applied the wrong legal standard in entering the summary judgment.
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