Sentences with phrase «legal subjects»

Participating students get exposure to a wide variety of legal subjects and gain experience in handling client files.
If students are trying to figure out where to begin in such circumstances, of course we have, teach, and hope they avail themselves of the usual legal subject indexes.
He is a regular radio, television and op - ed commentator on legal subjects for the major national media.
To start things off, how about telling us which legal subject matter interests you the most — and why.
The best way to illustrate this is from a long track record of blog posts on various legal subjects.
Now let's face it, there are many legal subjects that simply bore the heck out of most people.
The purpose of the classes is for the material to represent the most current and relevant thinking involving a specific legal subject.
Blog on a substantive legal subject, industry or social issue.
This legal handbook broke from the norm by arranging legal subjects according to scientific principles, under three headings: persons, things and actions.
We recognize that it is impossible for attorney volunteers to be an expert on every possible legal subject.
Can lawyers stay up to date on legal subjects through social media alone?
Our legal experts regularly produce articles, legal publications and resources on a wide range of legal subjects and hot topics.
Will there continue to be the great single or multiple volumes of works on legal subjects?
Likewise, returning to the analysis of the law through theorists such as Fuller and Waldron, the clear manifestation of its content affords individuals the critical capacity to apply the law to their own behaviour through self - governance, and lends stability and predictability to the lives of citizens in a manner that underscores their dignity as legal subjects capable of self - determination.
Yet law schools continue to teach and research basic legal subjects from the parochial perspective of whatever nation they are located in.»
I've been perusing public libraries looking at what's available to the general public with regards to reference materials for legal subjects for anyone wanting to read up on law and procedures that may affect every day people and what I find are selves of books from Carswell and a few from Irwin Law.
He could speak as fluently about mystery novels and popular music as about legal subjects.
Handle the tasks of drafting memoranda, pleadings, correspondence, and responses dealing with legal subject matter that requires considerable judgment and discretion
Several of those on US legal subjects and resources are of substantive edification and are the subjects of some of the stories... [more]
CHICAGO, Aug. 3, 2011 / PRNewswire - USNewswire / — The American Bar Association Law Practice Management Section (LPM) and Apple have partnered to make e-books on legal subjects available in the Apple iBookstore.
In a common law system, this original source - first focus properly centralized the primacy of case law study over lecturing about a generalized legal subject, allowing students to deepen case - specific legal reasoning.
Privacy Law and Investigations is an evolving legal subject that is rapidly emerging as its own practice specialty.
Authoritative — A Halsburys encyclopedia has high standards, with authors of major treatises and monographs selected to contribute Titles on the principal legal subjects, and with up - and - coming young lawyers and professional legal researchers and writers contributing Titles on the remaining subjects.
That is to say, there exists no corporate organ formally empowered to enact laws directly binding on international legal subjects.
David's profound writing covers a broad range of relevant legal subjects, such as handling attorney - client privilege, Ft. Lauderdale federal courthouse progress, and federal prosecutors.
But what they all share in common is a knowledge of and profound interest in the same legal subject area — pharmaceutical class actions, say, or business process patents, or asset securitization, or child custody proceedings in Oregon, or small - claims court cases in Nova Scotia, or wealth management in New South Wales, or any of the law's thousands upon thousands of sub-specialties.
It condenses a law degree down into a one year course (full - time) or a two year course (part - time) focusing on the core legal subjects of:
During our event series, Lawton Penn of Davis Wright Tremaine commented, «You come into a company because you had really specialized legal subject matter expertise.
«This will be exciting, but will bring with it new pressures to ensure that technology teams have a good appreciation of the respective legal subject matter.
He also lectured and wrote on legal subjects widely, in addition to teaching at the University of British Columbia.
You will know the general legal subject matter, the essential event (s) giving rise to the issue, and any individually named defendants within the organization.
In many cases, NCA candidates (after paying a fee) are either required to attend a common law Canadian law school for further studies or to write challenge examinations in specified legal subjects (there are at least four core exams: (i) foundations of Canadian law, (ii) constitutional law, (iii) administrative law, and (iv) criminal law.
But why couldn't a law school offer a MOOC on legal subjects aimed towards the needs of the general population?
Stepping outside legal subject matter for a moment, did you know that top reviewers on Amazon are publicly listed?
For more than a decade, Simon Fodden ran this site and curated an astonishing amount of top - notch content about the legal profession, law librarianship, legal technology, legal research, and just about every other legal subject you could imagine.
Familiarity with all text book software Power point developed for legal subjects Westlaw, Lexis / Nexis and all legal software Blackboard Developed relevant new curricula utilizing mass media materials Thirty years legal experience in litigation and business law at federal and state level.
paralegal school Taught various legal subjects including.
Although all the lawyers participating in the Lawyer Referral Service are qualified to practice law, neither Community Legal Education Association nor the Law Society of Manitoba represent to clients that lawyers who take part in the service are specialists in any particular legal subject.
As ALI explains,» the founding Committee had recommended that the first undertaking of the Institute should address uncertainty in the law through a restatement of basic legal subjects that would tell judges and lawyers what the law was.
It has delivered judgements on many legal subjects: i.e. constitutional law, fundamental rights, human rights, environmental law, private and public international law, to name a few, and of course, the famous concept of public interest litigation (PIL).
Getting a recommendation with legal subjects is always much better than throwing oneself in the endless possibility of google results...
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