Sentences with phrase «legal system involved»

Where the reasons are adequate as written, then the words DO adequately explain, to any person with adequate fluency, the basis of each finding (conclusion) and how each finding fits into the framework of the portion of legal system involved in the decision.
It requires a broader understanding of how that area of law meshes (or doesn't) with the rest of the legal system involved and how that legal system meshes (or doesn't) with the society of which it is a part.
Certainly, one could argue that public law adjudication requires a certain adjudicatory structure, such as the presence of an appeals mechanism and permanent courts with tenured judges; yet, this disregards that arbitration is not an infrequent mode of settling disputes between public law bodies and private actors also at the purely domestic level, and is obviously accepted under the constitutional provisions of the legal systems involved.
I believe that the most robust and impactful changes we can make in and for legal education and the legal system involves rethinking our systems.
Indeed, limiting the search for these opportunities to within the legal system involves a great deal of investment on the part of Indigenous peoples with very little return in terms of outcomes on the ground.

Not exact matches

Okay, the new policy doesn't involve a literal hat — but it's still a lottery - like system that one legal worker, according to the Wall Street Journal, described as «a game for kids in kindergarten.»
Trump is no stranger to trying to use the legal system to get his way: USA Today found during the 2016 campaign that Trump and his businesses had been involved in at least 3,500 legal actions in state and federal courts over the course of three decades.
is mediated by our own unique belief system, then this issue of expert opinion can be a real problem, especially where belief and the «self» is involved, as opposed to expert knowledge on medical / legal / other issues.
Other than DACA, other notable immigration discussions have involved talks about «chain» migration (family based migration), refugees, Temporary Protected Status (TPS), diversity visas, and the RAISE Act was introduced about a year ago by two senators, which would limit legal immigration and include a points system.
Pursuing justice can be as simple as our choices as consumers or as involved as leading coalitions against the systemic injustices that plague our legal and educational systems here in the U.S. and abroad.
Claiming being Delusioned and Insanity was and has always been a ticket out of the western legal systems or minimize the verdict of condemnation specially when there is possibility of execution involved or lifetime sentence... So why now it seems surprising to you?
Today, abortion remains legal while a series of national stories involving police brutality against African American men and women have revealed to many another layer of inequality within the American criminal justice system.
I suggest a universalistic legal system can be such a substitute meaning system, though, as other chapters in this volume suggest, more than a universalistic legal system is surely involved.
Maryam leads API's initiative to bring Attachment Parenting to those involved in the legal system and families in need.
Indeed, I am not only worried but I'm also very concerned over the setback to our electoral system, and speaking generally in the best tradition of our legal profession, not being specific on matters before any court, the implication of some of the tribunals outcome intended to shoot down the use of the card reader as some of my fellow lawyers involved in petition matters are determined to achieve is worrisome.
The state's top judge on Tuesday called for a package of reforms to the legal system's grand jury process, including transparency in cases involving deaths of civilians caused by police officers.
It notes that 150 courthouses have been closed in the past decade, causing those involved to travel further and even resulting in some cases being cancelled, and says a lack of clerks and legal advisors is causing further delays to the system.
State Assembly candidate Dean Hart said Monday he's the victim of a «corrupt legal system» and will risk contempt of court charges by releasing sealed court records in a bitter family dispute involving the care of his mother Beatrice Hart, who suffers from dementia.
The system is based on the belief that involving local communities in the legal process helps to improve understanding of and increase confidence in the criminal justice system.
The county democratic party hardly focuses on judicial races and judicial candidates seldom reach out to local clubs for endorsements; however, I have elected to include their ratio in this piece because courts have the ability to deeply impact anyone who is involved in the justice system, and people in a lower socio - economic class are likely to have less control over and support with their legal matters.
Changing such systems would involve changing entire legal frameworks in place in Western states.
For instance, they typically have worse educational outcomes, are more likely to later get involved in the legal system, and to have children who are eventually removed,» Quast said.
The plot's crux involves a loving suburban father (Gerard Butler) who waits 10 years to wage violent retribution against the legal - system players (led by Jamie Foxx as a hotshot assistant district attorney) that let a murderer — the greasy, abhorrent deviant who killed the father's wife and daughter — walk free.
Given the low probability of victory as well as the considerable time, expense, and psychological discomfort involved in waging a legal battle, it isn't surprising that private placements are rare, especially among families who lack the wealth and sophistication required to navigate the legal system successfully.
The decision marks the first time a school district has been found negligent in a case involving a student's suicide, and legal observers say the decision could precipitate an avalanche of liability claims against school systems.
Drawing on the example of Berry Elementary and Middle School in Atlanta, Clement describes the steps involved in setting up a process for teachers to hire their fellow teachers in K - 12 schools: form a search committee; train all teachers involved in hiring protocols (including legal considerations) and in how to evaluate and interview candidates; create a list of prewritten questions and an evaluation instrument that all teachers will use to evaluate potential new teachers; role play interviewing; and set up a system for screening and interviewing candidates.
«If the district is interested in putting together a reasonable, intellectually honest — and legal — evaluation system, you have to have teachers involved,» Fletcher said.
These forward - looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that include, among others, risks related to competition, management of growth, new products, services and technologies, potential fluctuations in operating results, international expansion, outcomes of legal proceedings and claims, fulfillment center optimization, seasonality, commercial agreements, acquisitions and strategic transactions, foreign exchange rates, system interruption, significant amount of indebtedness, inventory, government regulation and taxation, payments and fraud.
Do you think Amazon should get involved, or let the legal system handle this?
These forward - looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that include, among others, risks related to competition, management of growth, new products, services and technologies, potential fluctuations in operating results, international expansion, outcomes of legal proceedings and claims, fulfillment center optimization, seasonality, commercial agreements, acquisitions and strategic transactions, foreign exchange rates, system interruption, inventory, government regulation and taxation, payments and fraud.
These forward - looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that include, among others, risks related to competition, management of growth, new products, services and technologies, potential fluctuations in operating results, international expansion, outcomes of legal proceedings and claims, fulfillment center optimization, seasonality, commercial agreements, acquisitions and strategic transactions, foreign exchange rates, system interruption, indebtedness, inventory, government regulation and taxation, payments and fraud.
These forward - looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that include, among others, risks related to competition, management of growth, new products, services and technologies, potential fluctuations in operating results, international expansion, outcomes of legal proceedings and claims, fulfillment and data center optimization, seasonality, commercial agreements, acquisitions and strategic transactions, foreign exchange rates, system interruption, inventory, government regulation and taxation, payments and fraud.
It involved a «Professional Tenant,» the term used to describe someone who habitually stops paying rent and then deftly uses the legal system to prolong the process.
We also provide veterinary care, transportation of pets to safety, a 24 - hour crisis line, guidance on pet safety planning, legal advocacy to help owners protect their pets via the court system, financial assistance with pet deposits in transitional housing, consultation in the prosecution of cases involving animal cruelty and domestic violence, and community outreach and professional agency cross-training on understanding the role of pets in domestic violence.
Next stage of the plan was for the politicized U.S. legal system to get involved.
Anything involving the sclerotic US «justice» system is a long, cheerless slog, but we have an outstanding legal team of principled freespeechers.
In a way, everytime a lawyer gets involved, some principle of the legal system, the democracy, is being put to a miniature «stress test».
The nature and features of OBOR projects and investment will be varied, and the underlying contracts are likely to involve parties of different nationalities, cultures and legal systems.
Finally, an interdisciplinary study involving legal writing and the legal system may simply be interesting to faculty in other disciplines.
If a driver is involved in a car accident with a BAC above the legal limit, they could be facing severe consequences under the criminal justice system.
If you or a member of your family was severely injured in a train wreck involving Amtrak, Metrolink, Caltrain, or another rail system, turn to the California train accident attorneys at Harris Personal Injury Lawyers for legal guidance.
We are familiar with the procedures involved with these types of cases, and we can help you navigate the legal system.
Client intake and lead management should be handled separately, in a system that is designed specifically for the functions involved with the legal sales process.
Ms Stirling said the initiative reflected Gilbert + Tobin's comprehensive innovation strategy involving the use of technology and legal information systems, such as teaching lawyers to code.
Looking at the big picture of legal marketing and client relationship management, there are 3 major phases involved in adopting an enterprise marketing system.
Whether you are negotiating a contract or involved in a car accident, we have the experience to navigate the complexities of the legal system so your interests are protected every step of the way.
The proof of that future loss is sometimes a difficult task and usually involves medical assessment and / or actuarial assessment); d. past care cost (if you have spend money for your medical care that was made medically necessary owing to ICBC motor vehicle accident injury then you can expect to collect a sum of money equivalent to those reasonable treatment and medication costs please ensure that you keep the receipts and seek prior medical approval to eventually prove this loss); e. future care costs (if you will suffer repeated medical expenses in the future owing to your motor vehicle accident ICBC injury claim then you can collect a sum of money equivalent to that future loss); f. out of pocket expenses or «special damages» (if you suffer out of pocket expenses like for travel to / from medical appointments, cab fare, parking, etc, then this is also recoverable by you but again — keep track of these expenses in a log and keep a receipt book for later proof of this loss); g. legal costs (sum of the legal costs associated with advancing your injury claim are recoverable as the court system recognizes that often legal experts, lawyers and their agents are a necessary part of the process); h. other categories of damages: not discussed here are other categories of damages like «in trust claims» made largely for those who relatives who take care of you while you are recovering from your injuries or things like «loss of ability to enter an economically interdependent relationship» which might be awarded to a seriously disfigured potential spouse for his / her unlikely ability to become married in the future.
Davis Wright Tremaine's government contracts counseling and litigation group offers a full range of legal services to companies involved in providing goods or services through public procurement systems.
In particular, as part of a more qualitative approach, one needs to have a look whether the current perceived «turbulences» have also by now reached the more fundamental layers of international law, i.e. meta - rules such as the ones on sources, State responsibility, State immunity, treaty interpretation, or res judicata effect of international court decisions must be abided by the parties involved, to name but a few, the general acceptance of which is indispensable for a functioning international legal system.
The murder of a young woman in Massachusetts raises new questions about the laws and the legal system in cases involving abusive relationships.
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