Sentences with phrase «legal system when»

This would thereby minimize the extent of the child abuse caused by tactics utilized in parental alienation (Child Psychological Abuse noted in DSM - V) as well as the ruthless exploitation in a legal system when there is no «real» shared parenting by both loving and fit parents.
While it's beneficial to have a lawyer help you through the court processes of a traffic infraction, it's almost necessary to have one help you navigate the legal system when a traffic crime is involved.
The December 2015 United Nations report on China's compliance with the Convention against Torture enumerated a very long list of abuses within the Chinese legal system when it comes to administrative and criminal matters, including the use of torture, excessive length of detention before any court appearance, restrictions on rights to legal representation and residential surveillance amounting to incommunicado detention.
The «Law & Practice» sections provide easily accessible information on navigating the legal system when conducting business in the jurisdiction.
While deadlines and departure dates remain unknown, the UK needs to prepare itself for substantial changes within its legal system when we eventually part ways with the European union.
After a lengthy career, Abdus - Salaam had reached the top of New York's legal system when Cuomo appointed her to the Court of Appeals in 2013.
Dads have historically been hurt by the legal system when it comes to custody.
Again, I know my position is unpopular, but I have seen how quick people are to game the legal system when such arbitrary and one sided standards are employed.

Not exact matches

People settle out of attrition when they realize how long and painful our legal system is and how much money it costs.
McGuire, however, projects it could take much of this year for the state to evaluate and hire a company to do the work, making it questionable if a functioning system could be in place when legal sales launch in January.
They're usually 30 to 50 years behind what is commonplace, but that's what happens when you have a legal system based on precedent.
When the federal government declared jailbreaking cellphones legal, intrepid hackers sought and discovered more exploits in mobile operating systems.
Figure 1 groups immigrants into these three political system classifications since 1857, when the United States began recording country of origin of legal immigrant arrivals.
Proponents for anti-abortion legislation believe they are reduced when our legal system makes them harder to obtain.
When that is missing, as in the case of Inez Garcia a few years ago, our legal system judges the victim to be the criminal, presumed guilty of provoking the crime.
The message is unqualifiedly opposed to the use of violence in order to achieve good, but also a deeply disturbing reminder that violence is made almost inevitable when the legal and political system is unresponsive to the deepest convictions of millions of Americans.
The process of draining logic and meaning from everything came to full fruition in the 1960s and 1970s, when it began to be felt profoundly in the daily lives of many Americans, with such things as the proliferation of «alternative lifestyles,» the diluting or jettisoning of academic standards at every level, the increasing inability of the legal system to make in practice sufficient or consistent distinctions between victim and victimizer — among many others too familiar to all of us to need spelling out.
Claiming being Delusioned and Insanity was and has always been a ticket out of the western legal systems or minimize the verdict of condemnation specially when there is possibility of execution involved or lifetime sentence... So why now it seems surprising to you?
I'll stop whining when Christians stop trying to implement their retard beliefs into our legal system.
In the legal system, not only are judges supposed to recuse themselves when they have doubts about their ability to be objective; they are also supposed to recuse themselves when the public might have doubts about their ability to be impartial.
I obviously do believe that EVRYONE... male, female, black, white, etc, etc should be judged by the same standards when it comes to our legal system.
when parents do not live together, a cultural, social and legal system that supports joint birth registration and expects both parents to support their children financially and with hands - on care.
In our legal system, there is no possible justification for not doing a C - section when there is any element of doubt, no matter how tiny.
What child can escape unharmed when caught in the middle of highly conflicted charges and counter-charges of parental unfitness or abuse; being forced to choose sides and hide their love for the other parent; or understand the complex legal nature of the court system.
Many fathers» rights proponents argue that the legal system is biased against fathers when it comes to family decisions, leaving many dads who desire to share parenting responsibility without the chance to do so.
Therefore, in order to move to a proportional representation system, you would need the state officials in charge of drawing congressional districts (traditionally the state legislature) to draw districts against their own interests when it is perfectly legal to blatantly draw them in your favor (so long as you don't do so in such a way as to not explicitly dilute the power of some actual protected class, i.e. race, gender, etc.).
It also enables the automatic detection of new ways citizens are using services, when legal or business environment is changing, giving an early warning when a software would start to become a legacy system amid changes required by society.
«The administration continues to work to enact the database and intends to brief its legislative partners when the system is ready, but the legal responsibility for the implementation decision lies solely with the Superintendent of State Police.»
She rejected arguments for the use of prima facie evidence tests before extradition, saying it would be «absurd» to demand it of «mature legal systems» in the US, Canada and Australia when it is not required for other countries.
When the high court found the government's fast - track detention programme was illegal last year, Mr Justice Ouseley highlighted the failure of legal accountability the system entailed.
When Michael Gove took over at the Ministry of Justice after the election it was seen as his opportunity to introduce to the legal system some of the reforming zeal clearly demonstrated at the Department for Education.
He warned that former President Mahama and his appointees will see what 419 really means when the claws of the legal system is unleashed on them.
The Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund found several instances of voters being denied a written ballot when their information did not appear to be in the system.
De Montjoye says this, combined with legal systems which notify individuals when their data has been searched, and auditing systems that record who is searching for what information and when, could change the privacy debate.
The videos allow the system to learn the rules by logging what the board looks like when a game has been won, and what count as legal moves.
When I learned more about the tests and how widely they were being used in the Indian legal system, I realized these techniques need to be evaluated in a more rigorous way.
(The French legal system assigns cases to a new court when a decision has been overturned.)
Still, the report points to the promise of automated systems, saying they could become effective in determining when a crime scene print matches a known print and in weighing the legal strength of a fingerprint analysis indicating that a pair of prints originated from the same person.
When the bullshit criminal justice system fails to convict the swaggeringly unrepentant culprits, this woman completes the half - finished samurai tattoo she has on her side, and resolves to take matters into her own hands; her late husband's extended family and community having apparently fallen silent on the subject of legal or illegal means of redress.
«I Love You Phillip Morris» is an oddball tale of what can happen when the legal system, a daredevil spirit and undying love collide.
Those two things are nowhere to be found in Ted 2, despite the oddly topical storyline centered around the concept of Ted (MacFarlane) and John (Wahlberg) fighting for the bear's civil rights when it turns out that he somehow slipped by the legal system all these years and is now suddenly deemed property in the eyes of the law, as opposed to a human being.
But «Any Day Now» undercuts our acceptance with the uneasy reminder that these characters exist in 1979, within many of our lifetimes, when the legal system could sink to surprising depths of injustice against gays.
Bryan Stevenson was a young lawyer when he founded the Equal Justice Initiative, a legal practice dedicated to defending those most desperate and in need: the poor, the wrongly condemned, and women and children trapped in the farthest reaches of our criminal justice system.
When Richard consults a civil - liberties lawyer (Nick Kroll), he finds that there may be some legal hope for them if they are willing to take on the system.
I winced when hearing this line: «You may not believe in the (legal) system, but you can believe in me.»
After all, unions are going to be well within their rights to bring legal challenges, especially when there are concerns that systems are inequitable or unreliable.
Keeping up - to - date is essential because even though the legal system is often placed in the unenviable position of reacting to emerging developments rather than adopting proactive stances to head off controversies, if leaders can implement sound AUPs, they may be able to avoid costly litigation when disputes arise over the use of technology in schools.
Talks to prevent a legal battle between the city school system and its charter schools fell apart Tuesday when former Mayor Kurt L. Schmoke, who had been selected as a mediator, withdrew from the effort.
The Houston teachers union scored a legal victory in May when a federal judge found that the Houston school district's system of evaluating teachers could violate due process rights.
NARA regulations state that electronic files created to monitor system usage are authorized for erasure or deletion when the agency determines that they are no longer needed for administrative, legal, audit, or other operational purposes.
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