Sentences with phrase «legal ties»

These orders help make sure a child or young person has a stable, nurturing and safe home without cutting legal ties to their family.
If you look at the bottom regarding legal ties to another state... she'll obviously show prolonged living elsewhere.
Scotland's governing Scottish National Party has threatened to try to block the progress of key legislation that will sever legal ties with the EU unless the government does more to account for Scotland's interests in Brexit.
Divorce may sever legal ties, but divorced people often remain entangled.
Following the adoption of Isabelle Emonet by her mother's partner, who for many years she had regarded as her father, legal ties between mother and daughter were terminated.
In December, voters in Denmark rejected closer legal ties with the EU.
Because we used my egg, and her womb, and were going to petition the state to declare us both parents from Day 1 (about which more here), we decided it would be best not to have anyone else with a potential legal tie.
While deported fathers and mothers retain legal ties to their U.S. citizen children, it is very difficult to enforce these ties once they have been deported.
«When there's a second divorce, there are neither blood nor legal ties binding stepparents and stepchildren, so that creates an added level of complexity about who's in families and why.»
Compared to an MAT, a UT is a looser legal tie.
The biggest ever UK legal tie - up by lawyer numbers brings together the scale and quality of CMS, the strength particularly in real estate of Nabarro and the media law cool of Olswang — and oozes potential.
He became Vice President of Joint Ventures and Legal, with operations and legal tied more closely together.
Today, approximately 41 percent of children are born to unmarried parents and nearly one - third of children live apart from at least one of their biological parents.1 These changes in family structure are cause for concern because unmarried fathers have no automatic legal ties to their children, and children living apart from at least one parent are considerably more likely to live in poverty and spend less time with the noncustodial parent.2
Obtaining legal guardianship of your stepchild can provide closer legal ties.
Wylie seemed unfazed by any potential legal tie - ups that came with his SCL employment.
Your stepchild's biological parents would still be responsible for providing financial support and would retain legal ties to your stepchild.
However, it is also important to examine the role marriage plays in establishing a family and the responsibilities and expectations of family versus long term partners with no legal ties.
Healing Dismembered Families: Adopting - Back the Adult Children We Lost to adoption as infants Restoring the legal ties («filiation») severed by strangers when they took our infants by force and coercion.
RT America has positioned itself as a domestic US channel and has deliberately sought to obscure any legal ties to the Russian Government.
We're told you've got to be chosen by a guy who has to ask you to marry him and then it becomes a legal tie.
There were no temporary shelters that could take my pets while I went to a domestic violence shelter, and there were legal ties to my husband that prevented me from just disappearing with my child and pets in tow.
The two projects of the exhibition share an exploratory approach to the imagery and workings of individual and collective identity as it arises within social behaviors, sexual and legal ties, and linguistic and cultural contexts.
Business in Cuba Laurence Colletti and special host Adam Camras discuss the United States» legal ties to Cuba with Carolina Blanco, Peter Quinter, and Simons Chase.
One strategy to ensure that unmarried fathers have legal ties to their children and to improve their financial and emotional investment in their children is to establish paternity in the hospital at the time of birth through parental signing of an Acknowledgement of Paternity Form (AOP).
Adoption cuts all legal ties between your stepchild and her other biological parent and extended family.
Unless he or she has already legally adopted the child, in a divorce a stepparent's legal ties to his spouse's children are cut.
It has come at a price, however, as couples who live together without the legal ties of marriage find it much easier to move on if the relationship -LSB-...]
Consult your code of ethics, legal counsel, or colleagues when faced with any situation that involves the courts or has legal ties.
An adopted child loses all legal ties with their first mother and father (the «birth parents») and becomes a full member of the new family, usually taking the family's name..
To a degree, these social benefits might be found from a marriage or commitment ceremony, without the legal ties.
It has come at a price, however, as couples who live together without the legal ties of marriage find it much easier to move on if the relationship doesn't work out.
An attorney may be able to cut all legal ties to your spouse, but no one can cut the emotional ties for you.
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