Sentences with phrase «legal understanding»

This option is much more complicated and requires a solid legal understanding of the process before you even start.
A law firm with long experience in corporate matters can handle company matters and integrate their industry insights with deep legal understanding of business issues, regulatory issues and strategic needs of modern corporations.
The global blockchain and cryptocurrency community needs a strong, yet quickly adaptive, base of legal understanding on which to build and blossom.
Fortunately, the Cypress court reporters at Stratos Legal understand and utilize efficient, accurate, and up - to - date court reporting in the Cypress area, and we serve our clients with every such aspect in mind.
Knowing that she was a sitting Judge and Justice helps clients to feel confident that her arbitration decisions are objective and based on a solid legal understanding as well as principles of equity and fairness.
By establishing the congruence between different legal understandings and the ethical teachings of the major religious traditions, he shows that human rights folks from both camps are basically talking about the same thing.
Reading the constitutional text in light of this established legal understanding, we conclude that the President need not personally perform the physical act of affixing his signature to a bill to sign it within the meaning of Article I, Section 7.
In plain English, you can not rely on this bundle or related communications as legal advice, nor as a recommendation of any particular legal understanding.
They wisely note that legal understanding changes as courts interpret and refine precedent.
The «Civil Legal Needs and Public Legal Understanding» study conducted by Professor Rebecca Sandefur revealed that many Americans do not understand how to identify the legal dimensions of the problems they face.
Statements like the ones made last year on, some of them from well - known lawyers, hurt our chances of making a go of a site that strives to bring greater legal understanding to the public; and can not be tolerated.
From their offices at The Law Library of Congress, GLIN Director Janice Hyde and Comparative Law Specialist Hanibal Goitom explain the principals and practices of this network that shares its laws in order to promote global legal understanding
Soundpath Legal understands the day - to - day demands of law firms.
[138] Megan Davis has argued that a more deliberative democratic process is «not inimical to Indigenous culture» [139] and is corroborated by international legal understandings of self - determination.
Travis possesses a unique blend of technical and legal understanding which has enhanced my web presence,... Read more
The Baytown court reporters at Stratos Legal understand that law firms must keep a considerable amount of documents organized in order to stay productive.
Knowing that she was a sitting judge and justice helps clients to feel confident that her arbitration decisions are objective and based on a solid legal understanding, as well as the principles of equity and fairness.
Lepard offers a way for religious and legal understandings of morality to reinforce one another — perhaps a necessity for formulating a coherent policy regarding humanitarian intervention.
Recent changes in legislation have transformed the legal understanding of family structure and human sexuality.
In fact, the legal understanding of sexual harassment includes the possibility that...
According to Stephen Balkam, founder and CEO of the Family Online Safety Institute, the company's actions are consistent with the legal understanding.
The second concern of naysayers refers to the legal understanding that an officer can shoot any dog on sight if they need to enter a property for an emergency when there is a «BEWARE OF DOG» sign posted, as it is an admission by the owner that the dog is aggressive.
This cutting - edge profession combines the legal understanding of attorneys and paralegals using the technical skills of knowledge technology professionals.
When you are dealing with the media, you have several layers of translation to cope with: from you to the reporter's notes, from your legal understanding of the issue to the reporter's reporter - y understanding, from the reporter's notes to the blog, page, or screen, and from the reporter's reporter - y understanding to the audience's understanding.
As such, the assessor neither had the legal understanding nor authority to opine on Rita being unduly influenced.
Our medical malpractice lawyers have a wealth of experience in handling these types of cases, which requires sound knowledge of healthcare protocol and a legal understanding of the service patients should receive.
However, as more and more legal minds seek to contribute to scholarship and legal understanding, there is no reason for them to model their contribution on the academic template and many reasons to abandon it altogether.
CMS provides «outstanding service in terms of response times, legal understanding and speed of turnaround».
Mental health professionals must have a systems understanding, and are more available but don't have the power of the court, nor the legal understanding of the attorney.
I think the main reason is a legal understanding of state laws and licensing from a broker perspective.
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