Sentences with phrase «legal use»

Just remember, we are speaking about safe, legal use of testosterone replacement therapy.
Some pot is grown on private property for legal use by medical marijuana patients.
This remains an agricultural commodity, which will generally experience downward price pressure as legal use grows.
If large - scale trials can replicate safety and efficacy results, the drug could be approved for legal use by 2021.
But, of course this can serve many useful legal uses.
«Are there legal uses» wouldn't look for hypothetical uses, but for real, practical ones.
They often work on the classification of diseases and treatments to ensure they are standardized for clinical, financial and legal uses in healthcare.
State and federal regulatory and legislative changes to an employer's legal use of credit report, criminal record, and social media background checks present another threat to your background screening program.
NOTE: We are not attorneys; this article is based on our 23 + years of experience in the publishing industry and is not for legal use.
We made a bet that we could create a new category of business, which specializes in the development of analytics, built on top of powerful AI engines to solve specific legal use cases for large corporations.
With the benefit of more than ten years of independent research, Who's Who Legal used the thousands of nominations it has received from clients and private practice professionals to identify the leading -LSB-...]
This is not strictly a law - related matter, of course; but general research sources are worth noting and bookmarking for a possible future legal use when they are of this historical depth.
Alcohol and Tobacco are terrible drugs, go to the psychiatrist they will remain legal use at your own risk.
I think Pinterest, tumblr, FB, and other sites should do a better job of directing users to legal use image content sites.
So they use a more subjective approach (albeit one that often includes reams of complex projections and reports): They try to estimate what the land would be worth if put to its most profitable legal use — as, say, a development of resort homes.
Twenty - nine states, the District of Columbia, Guam, and Puerto Rico now allow medical cannabis, with eight states plus D.C. permitting legal use of recreational weed and Canada on track to do so next year.
Advocates had countered that it was highly unlikely, given legal use of marijuana in other states, that the feds would tie up New York over offering expedited access to the drug to a limited number of patients.
Writing in a linked Comment, Professor Alexander McFarlane, at the Centre for Traumatic Stress Studies, University of Adelaide, Australia, said, «We think there should be a period of transition between legal use of DSM - IV and DSM - 5 so that potential effects of these changes can be examined and that deserving individuals are not denied their legal rights.
The five - year - old New Jersey case, Abbott v. Burke, is thought to be the first legal use of effective - schools research as an argument against changing a state's school - finance formula to make it more...
I think legal used to report to the CFO but I don't think that happens as much anymore.»
Many of the lawyers at Truth Legal used to work for trade union law firms.
Blue J Legal uses ML and a rules engine to answer legal classification problems.
My vote for the word that should be excised from use — all use, not only legal use — is fulsome.
The first items are so broad as to be meaningless, certainly not the slightest help in deciding on the issues presented in Bill C - 32, like the availability of methods to break technical protection measures to make legal use of copyrighted materials.
The next NYC Legal Tech Meetup, entitled «Blockchain Basics and Legal Use Cases,» will take place on the evening of Tuesday, November 7th, at Hogan Lovells.
I'm very much for legal use, medical or recreational.
In order to halt our economic decline and lessen our dependence on our trading partners, the U.S. must cap its trade deficits through the perfectly legal use of tariffs in accordance with World Trade Organization rules, and it must begin to guide its domestic market in accordance with a national industrial policy, just as the leading economies of the world (particularly the Japanese and Chinese ones) do as a matter of routine.
With the benefit of more than ten years of independent research, Who's Who Legal used the thousands of nominations it has received from clients and private practice professionals to identify the leading individual and firm in 27 practice areas.
Client funds, held in a trust account for future legal use and that would normally not earn interest are set up as an IOLTA account.
Family court judges should continue to employ traditional tools such as drug testing, drug counseling, and ordering the parent not use marijuana while exercising parenting time in order to ensure the child's best interest are protected despite a parent's legal use of medical or recreational marijuana
Elsewhere, legislators took steps toward expanding the legal use of firearms.
In some cases, 65 percent of a system's resources are being drained for mining, going far beyond legitimate or legal uses of the software.
In Fleck's first summer in the Twin Cities, his staff's legal use of a loophole caused the NCAA to close it right up.
This article should not be used as an official history of potty training for any other commercial or legal use.
A separate bill, also approved today, would shore up the legal uses for housekeeping accounts, which are used by party conference committees and can raise unlimited funds with no contribution limits (then - Mayor Michael Bloomberg in 2012 gave Senate Republicans $ 1 million to their housekeeping account).
In an effort to quiet the concerns of residents who are rattled by the barrage of late - night explosions, Schenectady County legislators last night repealed the legal use of small fireworks.
Legislation introduced this month in both the Senate and Assembly would expand the legal uses of medical marijuana in New York to include opioid addiction treatment.
State officials insist it's a legal use of the funds and that they don't need approval from E.P.A., which has provided some of the money to the Clean Water Fund.
SCHENECTADY — In an effort to quiet the concerns of residents who are rattled by the barrage of late - night explosions, Schenectady County legislators on Tuesday night repealed the legal use of small fireworks.
Stronger interdiction strategies and harsher penalties for dealers are needed - NOT designated spaces for legal use.
The legal use of engine cylinder cutting and exhaust blowing to the floor area to help in its quest has often wrongly been interpreted as evidence of traction control.
Avid users can indeed go through a high volume of content through the legal use a service.
(Yes, I know this isn't a legal use of an IRA.
Your office needs to communicate with these companies that these properties including many on Market Street need to be returned to their legal uses - resident & visitor - serving uses not illegal opaque - windowed office spaces & private staff canteens.
It requires that every biocide be registered and the legal uses of the product be specifically approved under the law and communicated with every sale of the product.
Fipronil is registered for legal use to treat fleas, ticks and lice — but it is banned from use to treat farm animals.
For example, was he counseled by attorneys on the legal use of «bad faith», and was that how he meant it?
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