Sentences with phrase «legal year»

I remember fondly the speech given by the then Chief Justice Mr. Andrew Li SC at the Commencement of Legal Year in 2008, in which he said that mediation is complementary to litigation, and its promotion is plainly in the public interest.
Hale's appointment also means that a new deputy president will be appointed, with an announcement expected before the start of the new legal year in October.
President of CDLS, Rachelle Sellek, was invited to the opening of the new legal year on the 2nd October 2017.
Eight additional states legalized marijuana in some form last year, bringing the total to 29 states plus Washington D.C., and it's possible 10 more states will go legal this year.
The lord chief justice, Lord Phillips, says the new gowns to be sported by judges in civil cases will not be ready in time, so the changes are being put on hold until the start of the next legal year, 1 October 2008.
Three legal experts discuss the most important legal developments of 2006 in three Legal Year in Review podcasts released by Thomson West.
Law also has its party conference at this time of year when the great and good from round the globe gather in the Autumn mists at Westminster Abbey to herald in the new legal year.
The new incumbents then take office at the beginning of the legal year.
At events surrounding the Opening of the Legal Year our post Brexit interaction was very much core to the discussion.
The legal year begins with the Michaelmas term which this year began on 2 October and runs until 21 December followed by the Hilary, Easter and Trinity terms.
During his speech at the Opening of the Legal Year in 2017, the Honourable Chief Justice of Singapore Sundaresh Menon
It is a bit of a historical anachronism but the legal year is still divided into terms, much like the academic year, although this largely only relevant nowadays to contentious lawyers.
The legal year begins with a service in Westminster Abbey.
During his speech at the Opening of the Legal Year in 2017, the Honourable Chief Justice of Singapore Sundaresh Menon spoke about a determined push by the legal profession towards embracing technologies that will enhance effectiveness and productivity in the legal workplace.
The annual procession of judges from the Royal Courts of Justice to Westminster Abbey, arriving at 10.30 am, to mark the beginning of the legal year will take place on 1 October.
Once a year there is a special ceremony in Westminster Abbey during which all of the nation's judges assemble to commemorate the start of the legal year.
Last Thursday witnessed the pomp and ceremony of the Opening of the Legal Year, or OLY, as it has become known.
«It is an enormously stimulating role and the decision to step down at the end of this legal year was not an easy one to make, but I can not think of a better position from which to end full time public service and to move on to the next phase of my life.»
His report, Review of the Administration of Justice in the Courts, published last week, covers matters of importance to judges arising in the 2008 - 2009 legal year.
This is of course thanks to the formal attire required for the annual Opening of the Legal Year festivities and only thanks to that.
My daughter is listed as a driver on my policy for a car registration in her name has paid for the past 3 years and we were just informed that her is not covered is this legal
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