Sentences with phrase «legally married»

Benefits, such as employment protections, immigration, the ability to transfer Social Security benefits to a spouse, and more than a thousand others under federal law, do not apply to legally married or united same - sex partners.
Collaborative Divorce, using the Interdisciplinary Model, is beneficial for all couples who are separating, whether they are legally married spouses or same sex couples who are not married in the eyes of the law.
Although the couple may not be legally married, they may still face some of the same issues that couples who are married face when it comes to communication, trust, intimacy, or parenting issues.
Also, you have to file a separate tax return from your spouse, even if you are still legally married.
If you factor in the ending of gay and lesbian relationships (since such couples can't be legally married, they can't be legally divorced and thus don't get counted in these statistics), as well as committed but unmarried heterosexual couples, the numbers grow... more
We work with plenty of couples in couples therapy who aren't legally married, but have serious partnerships and want help.
However, your relationship is not a de facto relationship if you were legally married to one another or if you are related by family.
Ask one another, «What would it mean to us to be legally married, and what would it mean if we chose not to?»
Separation means that you and your spouse are living apart from each other, but you're still legally married until you are granted a divorce from a court (even if you already have an agreement of separation).
to us to be legally married, and what would it mean if we chose not to?»
A lot can happen during the sometimes months - long period where a couple is living apart but still legally married.
Granted in the form of a court order, the couple remain legally married during the process.
Generally speaking, our government favors those who are legally married.
Despite what you may have believed, you can have all of your dreams for love, family, and life - adventure (you can even have the wedding of your dreams) without getting legally married... if you want to.
The estranged couple is financially separated but remain legally married.
The primary difference between a legal separation and a divorce is that the parties remain legally married at the end of the case.
Mom and mom have an open relationship, aren't legally married, but live together with their two children and come to family counseling once a month to get help with the various challenges that come up in their complicated family life.
Whether participants were entering a first marriage was based on the item, «How many times have you been legally married
For separation, you can still be legally married while living apart, meaning you can enjoy the numerous financial benefits of being married.
(b) the applicant is not living with the other parent as his or her partner on a genuine domestic basis (whether or not legally married to the other parent); and
Same sex marriage became legal in New Jersey in October 2013 and many LGBT couples have been getting legally married since then.
A couple becomes legally separated when they wish to remain legally married, but live lifestyles that are removed from one another.
This means that same sex couples can not get legally married in states, such as Florida, that enacted a DOMA.
The status of putative spouse is eliminated by the knowledge of the fact that she is not legally married, and no further acquisition of spousal rights is permitted.
California divorce laws allow marriage annulments for several reasons including: fraud, bigamy (one spouse is still legally married to or in a domestic partnership with another person), incest, and age (one spouse under the age of legal consent at time of marriage).
A separation agreement is a legally enforceable contract in which a married couple agrees to live apart, although they remain legally married.
These documents are short and straightforward, and simply inform the court that you and your spouse are currently legally married and your divorce is ready for review by a judge.
While separated, the parties remain legally married; each spouse will continue to enjoy the same legal rights as someone who is married but not separated.
When an annulment is granted, no valid marriage ever existed; both spouses were never legally married to each other.
For example, a separation action allows one spouse to keep the other spouse on his health insurance because they are still legally married.
With a «limited divorce,» couples are still legally married, but petition the court for decisions regarding property settlements, alimony, child support and custody.
The main difference between legal separation and divorce is that a a legal separation does not actually dissolve the marriage relationship and the parties remain legally married.
If the couple does not proceed to a divorce, then they remain legally married.
Until the decree is signed, you are still considered legally married.
In a separation, the couple remains legally married.
When an annulment is granted, it means the spouses were never legally married.
During this separation, the couple is still legally married; however, the legal separation is granted in the form of a court order (in other jurisdictions).
(Bear in mind that during a trial separation, in many states, you are still legally married and the rules of property ownership remain the same.)
In fact, the key difference is that with divorce, the marriage is dissolved, but with separation, the spouses, with their lives now completely divided, are still legally married.
The predominant difference is that with a separation, you're still legally married, and with a divorce, you are not.
She may dispense advice only to heterosexual, legally married couples or accept clients who are just cohabiting or fall into the gay, lesbian, transgender or transsexual categories.
de facto relationship means the relationship between a man and a woman who live with each other as spouses on a genuine domestic basis although not legally married to each other.
Courts view legally separated couples as legally married.
This happens when one spouse was already legally married to another person.
The couple is legally married, but they do not live together anymore; this arrangement is recognized by the courts.
In simplest terms, Bethesda Workshops defines sexual sobriety as no sex with self or with anyone other than a legally married spouse.
If the couple does not proceed to a divorce, then they remain legally married and still subject to the rulings of the court.
You're still legally married after you receive a decree of legal separation.
For most purposes, married means a couple who are legally married.
My Pay Went Down but Still Paying the Same in Child Support Legally Married & Your Spouse has a Child?
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