Sentences with phrase «legislating morality»

Legislating morality so rarely is.
Because legislating morality (spay / neuter laws) doesn't work.
That makes it really hard to move on emotionally, and it seems like the state is legislating morality in this instance (especially when you consider how comparatively easy it is to get married).
Legislating morality has not worked and will not work.
Conversely, those that are against legislating morality are for legislating other behaviors.
It seem like a thinly veiled attempt at legislating morality through health insurance.
I have always blieved that legislating morality is a bad idea.
Legislating morality or legislating any pro or con stance to morality will never work.
That legislating morality works
ElGiblet — well, maybe if religious people didn't try to legislate morality and force their religion on others, they wouldn't have to try to convince you that your religion is foolish.
Somewhere along the line religions need to realize you CAN NOT legislate morality.
As far as what makes sense, our government legislates morality every time it makes a rule.
Yet, militant right - wing Christians, in a most uncharitable and un-Christian manner are working through the ignorant Tea Party and narrow - mnided GOP party to try and legislate morality and take away others» freedoms who do not believe as they do.
It's at this point I'd say that you can't legislate morality but is the result of knowing Father.
Quit trying to legislate morality and use your Godly gifts to improve the world and eliminate unwanted pregnancies before they happen.
It's sad to see a pillar of US history trying to legislate morality after failing to convert people's hearts and minds over a lifetime.
I hate people who claim to support small government, but who at the same time try to legislate morality.
We the church have dropped the ball, we can not legislate morality, if it does not begin early in a person's life then it is less likely to manifest itself later in life.
Every law legislates morality.
Some people think they are debating whether a life is preserved, but the fact is, you can't legislate morality or behavior.
And excusing people for their false beliefs that they force upon others by attempting to legislate morality because they are a majority is righteous how?
@Reality — looks like you're trying to legislate morality?
The objection arises, Why should the state legislate morality?
It's insane how often the same people that want to legislate morality (i.e. forbid gay marriage, abortion, pot) are the same against legislating other behaviors (i.e. what size soda you can sell, Obamacare).
But trying to legislate your morality is idiotic and essentially impractical.
Last week our nation commemorated the eightieth anniversary of the repeal of Prohibition, the most commonly cited lesson of which is: You can not legislate morality.
You can not legislate morality unless you want to violate freedom of thought and give us all lobotomies or brainwash everyone.
All those laws do not legislate morality.
Do not oppress — legislated morality.
Do not kill — legislated morality.
You can not legislate morality or religious values — all that you end up doing is oppressing the people instead of promoting liberty.
No, they're strapping Bibles to their chests and trying to legislate their morality into places where it doesn't belong.
They want government to act on behalf of the individual and legislate morality.
it isn't the governments job to legislate morality or many other things.
I never thought that Pat Robertson would ever realize that you can't legislate morality.
The Family Research Council are propagandists of the worst sort who resort to fear mongering to push forward their agenda to legislate morality.
The same leftist buffoons who shout «you can't legislate morality» to keep abortions available probably think they are good Christians (the ones who aren't Atheists).
To glazed eyes, Heastie trotted out the same old yada - yada: Can't legislate morality, can't judge the barrel by a few bad apples (quite a few now), can blame negative media, etc..
Earlier this year he said his administration had «proposed every ethics law imaginable» and «you can't legislate morality and you can't legislate intelligence.»
I'm not sure how changing the law would provide moral clarity since we are often reminded that you can't legislate morality.
Is it possible, or desirable, to legislate morality?
People are fond of claiming that you can't legislate morality, but that apparently depends on whose morality.
(Wait, we can't legislate morality?
I thought that in Canada, particularly since the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, we are reluctant to legislate morality, about which many legitimately disagree, particularly using the criminal law.
The chief justice took it as given that Parliament is entitled to legislate morality using the criminal law.
It's often said that one can pass laws, but one can't legislate morality.

Not exact matches

Although the religious communities of Judaism and Christianity can not legislate this minimal human morality (indeed, when they attempt to do so they most often retard its social impact, especially in a democratic setting), they can provide it with an overall ontological context, a continuing vision of its original grounds and its ultimate horizon.
Please tell all your religious brethren as well to follow your example of not trying to legislate your religiously held morality and let secular society work uncontrained free of the current blue laws and religious litmus tests it now supports.
We must legislate biblical morality by adopting the Christian Amendment.
One can not legislate one's own version of morality.
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