Sentences with phrase «legislative branches»

We know support for Medicaid block grants exists in the executive and legislative branches.
Even while embroiled in an existential crisis over healthcare delivery in the U.S., the Executive and Legislative branches can agree on this aspect of healthcare.
Developed a comprehensive understanding on constitutional and statutory provisions, exercise of discretion for legislative branches, ethic restrictions, constitutional rights of public employees, and the relationship between law and administration at the local, state and federal level.
These executive and staff - level jobs — some subject to Congressional confirmation — with a galaxy of federal agencies, offices and programs in the executive and legislative branches, are given to Americans who have demonstrated political loyalty to the president - elect and who possess the knowledge, skills and passion required by the specific position for which they've applied.
The deadline on this one is a bit further out, with the Council expected to produce its position on the data protection regulation in the summer, before commencing negotiations with the other legislative branches of the EU.
In this regard, the CJRB monitors the process of judicial appointments, the conduct of judges, and the separation of the judicial and legislative branches of government.
This case involved the appeal of three non-Charter cases in Ontario where the Attorney General disputed the amicus curiae rates as determined by the court, raising constitutional issues about the relationship between the judiciary and the executive and legislative branches in our society.
Neither Section 7D nor any other section of the Code prohibits a judge in the exercise of administrative functions from engaging in planning and other official activities with members of the executive and legislative branches of government.
One distinguished jurist recently said that he saw no reason for the judiciary to be applying this rule to administrative hearings conducted by the Executive or Legislative Branches.
The independence of the judiciary from the executive and legislative branches is a cornerstone of Canada's justice system, promoting democracy and the rule of law.
While precriminal creep can be observed within Canadian criminal law, this philosophical shift has also occurred within other legislative branches, specifically administrative law.
That case resulted in a 1984 ruling from the court on the separation of powers between the executive and legislative branches of government.
Secondly, and on an ongoing basis, the UK executive and legislative branches can review whether or not individual pieces of legislation should be retained, amended or repealed in accordance, we must assume, with the policy objectives of the Government of the day.
The state (read government) can be (subject to sovereign immunity) in its administrative arm (i.e. not the judicial or legislative branches).
This standard is simply too low and, in effect, leaves the difficult work of reconciling policy goals and protected rights to the courts when the executive and legislative branches also have an important role to play.
The Seventh Amendment and Article III Judicial Power were intended to protect life, liberty, and property from the executive and legislative branches, which could «overwhelm -LSB--RSB-» the British judiciary.
These include: (i) state executive and / or legislative branches, on the grounds that they are regulating not attorney conduct but consumer services and corporate structures, (ii) federal agencies, such as the FTC, on the grounds that they are regulating not attorney conduct but restrictions on competition, and (iii) the executive and / or the legislative branches of the federal government, on the grounds that they are regulating not attorney conduct but trade and commerce, economic policy and the protection of human rights.
Or, should it be the executive or the legislative branches of the federal government of the United States, who would then override a 200 + year tradition of the regulation of the legal profession on the state level, on the grounds that it is regulating not attorney conduct but restrictions on competition, economic policy and the protection of human rights?
With money and politics dominating the executive and legislative branches of government, America's civil justice system is one of the only places left where everyday people can successfully challenge powerful industries and institutions.
What kind of dance does our top court have with the executive and legislative branches of government?
That is not because they wouldn't like to have it, but because the country's executive and legislative branches have not, in contrast to US state supreme courts (as well as to US executive and legislative branches), abdicated their regulatory powers to the bar.
When determining peerage, is it the legislative branches that determine such?
«The Constitution imposes too many restrictions on government interference for Mr. Sachs, and we'd be better served if we moved toward a «French - style» constitution that consolidated the executive and legislative branches and empowered experts to help us manage the «complexity of our economy.»»
The judicial branch of governments may be less subject to pressures from special financial interests than the executive and legislative branches, and the courts are expected to protect the rights of all people, including the less powerful.
The heavy hand of the fossil fuel industry works mostly in legal ways such as the «I'm an Energy Voter» campaign in the U.S. Failure of executive and legislative branches to deal with climate change makes it essential for courts, less subject to pressure and bribery from special financial interests, to step in and protect young people, as they did minorities in the case of civil rights.
The current executive and legislative branches of the government fully support the logging industry, and particularly Rimbunan Hijau.
Before joining PetSmart in October 2016, Kathy served as the Director of US Government Relations for Zoetis, the world's largest animal health company, and held various positions at lobbying firms, trade associations, nonprofit organizations, and in the Executive and Legislative branches of the federal government.
She remains an advocate for the veterinary profession in DC, and believes in strengthening the profession through outreach and training, that includes the difficult task of educating the legislative branches on regulatory implications for our profession.
Even before statehood, the State Library served as a depository of legal and historical documents and as a ready resource to the executive and legislative branches of Kansas government.
It is imperative that teachers in IL are prepared to lead the profession against the tide of intentional belittling by our elected state officials in both the executive and legislative branches.
Further, as occurred last year in Wisconsin, when opponents of school reform control the executive and legislative branches, initiatives such as Milwaukee's voucher program encounter the double - whammy of less funding and a public school regulatory model.
Bottom line: if the Obama ESSA rules are repealed and the Trump team doesn't clarify how the regulatory moratorium applies to the education department, states could be left with little more than an ambiguous statute and non-binding assurances from the executive and legislative branches.
The Republican leaders in the executive and legislative branches, which once championed accountability, have turned to school choice as the primary strategy to produce reform (even as public opinion on choice, especially more extreme forms such as vouchers, has begun to sour).
Moreover, although I agree that additional accountability measures are needed, continued involvement of the state courts, working in concert with the executive and legislative branches in a new, functional separation - of - powers mode, is essential for holding all parties accountable and for attaining the nation's education goals.
«Without the active involvement of the courts, the national goal of closing the achievement gap will never be achieved,» said Rebell, who favors a collaborative effort between the judicial, executive and legislative branches to solve education problems.
During her 15 years with the board, she was its chief liaison with the executive and legislative branches of the federal...
Accordingly, unelected officials inhabit a space between the executive and legislative branches and wield enormous, hard - to - check authority.
If the ESSA rules are repealed, states could be left with little more than an ambiguous statute and non-binding assurances from the executive and legislative branches.
The other two are the executive and legislative branches.
The judicial branch of governments may be less subject to pressures from special financial interests than the executive and legislative branches, and the courts are expected to protect the rights of all people, including the less powerful.
With yearlong placements in Washington, DC in the executive, judicial, and legislative branches of federal government, the Science & Technology Policy Fellowships fosters a network of STEM leaders who understand government and policymaking, and are prepared to develop and execute solutions to address today's pressing challenges.
Ultimately, we hope that the discussions on AMS Policy Forum will provide insights to the weather, water, and climate community; decision makers in the Executive and Legislative branches; members of the media; and the public.
By refusing to ask for the Senate's advice and consent, Obama is ignoring the constitutionally mandated division of responsibility between the executive and legislative branches of government, Ebell argued.
With a team of more than 20 staff and a $ 16 million dollar annual budget, she administers programs and professional development for over 250 fellows in the executive, judicial and legislative branches of the U.S. government.
Davis believes a good working relationship between the executive and legislative branches of government comes down to respect.
In 2008 Democrats took control of Congress and along with the election of President Barack Obama, controlled the executive and legislative branches in Washington.
Several FOIL experts agreed to some extent, saying there was a difference between the executive and legislative branches.
That pool would be chosen by a bi-partisan nominations committee selected by the executive and legislative branches.
The implications of the tax reform bill on the executive and legislative branches of government.
«These actions amount to an attempt to coerce or threaten the Legislature and upset the separation of powers that exists between the executive and legislative branches, and can not be accepted,» Skelos wrote to Senate Republicans in November 2013.
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