Sentences with word «legitimized»

When the workshop ended, one graduate student thanked Eroy - Reveles, teary - eyed because the discussion legitimized pain she'd felt for years in a male - dominated engineering lab.
Walsh's boosters argue, however, that Corcoran was not truly the pick of the whole county committee --- that his selection was engineered by a small circle of people close to Clyne and legitimized through an endorsement process they contend was largely just for show.
In his long political career, while never actually serving in an elected position, Hawkins has helped the Green Party remain a fixture in Syracuse politics and legitimized the party, O'Neil said.
If legalization occurs, their main source of income will be automatically legitimized, making them an even more powerful organization.
If legalization occurs, [FARC's] main source of income will be automatically legitimized, making them an even more powerful organization.
For example, in a representative democracy, every vote has equal weight, no unreasonable restrictions can apply to anyone seeking to become a representative, and the freedom of its all citizens is secured by legitimized rights and liberties which are generally protected by a constitution.
In my view, the Nuclear Summit has only further legitimized the existence of a reality that will be dominated by nuclear power and energy, thus reinforcing an existing status - quo and sidelining what I believe is one of the most important issues to be addressed: the need for complete nuclear disarmament by nuclear weapon states.
One set of parents was shamed and minimized, while the other was idealized and legitimized.
UFC was by and large a meritocracy, and as the list of contenders grew, it further legitimized the perceptions of the UFC being a «real sport», with clear rankings and order.
The 6» 9 1/2» Isner would lose the match, but he put a scare into the best player of the age, legitimized his dizzying rise (from No. 839 in June to the top 150) and showed he has more than one massive weapon.
This, along with his appearance on Sway In The Morning, legitimized him so well that by the time he was — in my opinion — winning Chance the Rapper's #SoGoneChallenge, his ability and wholesome approach were highly regarded.
If low requirements for shade production become mainstreamed and legitimized, and are seen as the true benchmarks for eco-friendly coffee production, habitat quality and biodiversity will suffer.
All eyes were on the cannabis industry this past year — its rapid growth and widespread acceptance amongst consumers and producers in the U.S. legitimized the plant as a key driver of many economies in communities across the nation.
Some PGS have been legitimized across neighboring national boundaries.
Consequently, ultraviolence can not be legitimized from the Christian point of view precisely because ultraviolence means killing, and that means placing one's opponent beyond the possibility of reconciliation.
Religion and religious expression is power — but will it be a power unto life or a power of sacralized and legitimized oppression, marginalization, exclusion, ethnocide and even genocide?
The Phoenix had truly come forth not just as a powerful new life, but also as the numinosum which would allow them to once again experience the awe and reverence of the sacred — not a sacred which was foreign and opposed to them, but one which ultimately legitimized them in their innermost being — both collectively as a people and individually as persons.
Forced marriage and honor killings are legitimized by this very segregation of the sexes.
I think he legitimized that others have their own theories.
He clearly legitimized the < 10,000 year answer — from someone on the Senate Science and Space subcommittee.
Moreover, if the prince uses justly the power he seized by violent means, it is legitimized in the end.
He writes, The term «individualism» was coined by the Saint - Simonians to characterize the condition of men in nineteenth - century society - their uprootedness, their lack of ideals and common beliefs, their fragmentation, and their ruthless competitive and exploitative attitudes which evolved from this legitimized anarchy.»
If we can take the year 30 A.D. as the date of the historic beginning of Christian history and 313 A.D., the date of the edict of Milan, as the moment when Christianity was legitimized in the Roman Empire, then the first major chunk of history is in focus.
Most of it has simply become an academic commonplace, which precedes individual analysis and appears to be legitimized almost automatically by application.
Their history reeks of being a hoax — and yet they are more legitimized in the realm of religion than scientology.
At the heart of this discussion is this desire to force these views into the mainstream and have this alternative lifestyle legitimized.
The issue of power and its correct use is becoming more and more urgent in India, including the need not only for an inculturation but also for a de-culturation of oppressive and religiously legitimized structures.
But even if it IS legitimized, the avg gay marriage lasts 6 months to a year, which much cheating going on anyway.Read the Talmud.
It not only reversed the conventional direction of reparations, but it legitimized demands for reparations for past injustices by groups who had no specific national identity of their own.
(4) The complete adoption of the Gospel of Mark into the Gospel of Matthew, in chapters 12 - 28, reflected the reorientation of the Q community, now the Matthean community, into the worldwide mission of the gentile church, legitimized through the Great Commission to convert all nations, with which the canonical Gospel of Matthew closes.
When Moses walks from the people into the cloud, he is legitimized as God's special instrument.
The relentless, remorseless persistence of rich taking over resources, lands from the poor is legitimized with intricate and sophisticated theories of economics and jargon.
The vigorous promotion of free trade is an important way in which capitalism is legitimized morally.
It is grossly unjust, though it is now legitimized under the prevailing positive international law and the United Nations Organization set up by the victors of World War II after 1945.
These are sad times for America when perversion is legitimized and Marxism is embraced.
Voices of conscience may be empowered; their demands to treat future Pinochets as pariahs will be legitimized.
At least three elementary consequences may follow for an theological understanding of «revelation» (which is process - theologically legitimized):
For to say that is to say in effect that violence can be legitimized only by «the communal action of men, which is a revolutionary action.»
According to them, violence is legitimized by being put into the service of man.
And the state is legitimized when the other states recognize it (I know that this is not the usual criterion of legitimacy, but it is the only real one!).
Hans Kung, a Swiss Catholic priest, in the conclusion of his book Christianity and the World Religions, wrote that «the most fanatical, the cruelest political struggles are those that have been colored, inspired, and legitimized by religion.»
«What you're seeing is the next wave of serious investment coming to an exciting, recently - legitimized asset class,» Samani told the news service.
Mark Carney, the former Governor of the Bank of Canada who now heads up the Bank of England, legitimized the concept of the carbon bubble by confirming that the «vast majority of [fossil fuel] reserves are unburnable» if we are to avoid dangerous climate disruption.
«It's legitimized when you see it at the grocery store and then you see it at a restaurant.
There was also the charge that the jubilee further legitimized the debt system by taking money from the 99 % and giving it back to financial sector.
It's a bizarre tale of farm animals and new - school marketing gone bad — all assisted and legitimized by Google's infamous algorithms.
In the five years since they launched it from a San Francisco loft, Airbnb has single - handedly legitimized couch - surfing as a hotel alternative — and provided a not - insignificant revenue stream for entrepreneurial homeowners.
In a 2016 paper Gauvreau said other oral histories could be further legitimized through archaeological digs.
Meanwhile, some Asian governments, such as that of Japan, have introduced new rules that in part legitimized the asset as a form of payment.
The authorization was legitimized in two ways: firstly in the government's justification of mining activity that avoids a shortage of mineral resources for the nation, and secondly in the hope that allowing legal mining would assist in combating illegal exploration.
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