Sentences with phrase «legs out of the movement»

The Half Kneeling One - Arm Kettlebell Press Exercise is a fantastic movement for building shoulder and core strength as it takes the legs out of the movement and puts you in a slightly unbalanced position requiring more attention to each position you go through.
Keeping the legs out of the movement ensures all the work stays in the appropriate muscle groups — keeping those pecs under constant tension to help build the kind of shredded mass this NPC champ is known for.

Not exact matches

Their extensions — the movements of arms and legs — are straight out of ballet.
In the middle of playtime, you can find me and my kids doing side bends, leg lifts, or other stretches while we shout out numbers or the alphabet to count our movements.
Unlike passive artificial legs, robotic legs have the capability of moving independently and out of sync with its users movements.
«We wanted to find out how a stick insect moves, and which functions the individual parts of the leg play in its movement,» explains Professor Dr. Josef Schmitz, who together with Professor Dr. Volker Dürr is supervising Chris Dallmann's doctoral dissertation.
All participants, including Summers, were able to synchronize leg, ankle, and toe movements in unison with the rise and fall of a wave displayed on a computer screen, and three out of the four were able to change the force at which they flexed their leg, depending on the intensity of three different auditory cues.
Even after control by the brain has been lost, the spinal cord continues to send out motor signals, which are translated into movements of the legs and / or wings.
In general, you should try to keep your lower legs perfectly straight and avoid allowing your knees to drift out over your toes, but this is rarely possible in reality and there's usually some degree of forward movement of the knees when squatting.
That's why I try to always involve the legs in every movement I do, whether I'm holding them in a fixed position for a specified amount of time or constantly kicking them up or out.
Note: If you can not do this movement because your legs keep slipping out from under you, try anchoring your feet under a piece of furniture or weight bench until you can do it without the anchor.
This ends up almost mimicking a bicycling movement in a lying position, except keeping your legs moving in and out linearly instead of cyclically.
However, your body needs strong adductors, which help your thighs move laterally, to perform just about any leg movement both in and out of the gym.
Make sure you don't lock out your legs at the top of the movement as this puts the strain directly on your knee joint and not on your quads where you want it.
If you're not a yogi, then go for any simple series of movements that get the blood flowing, such as jumping jacks, pushups, leg lifts, and sit - ups (check out this Essential Bodyweight Workout video!).
The person experiencing this kind of seizure may make sounds (like crying out), stiffen for a few seconds to a minute, and the rhythmic movements of the arms and legs may occur.
I hope you enjoyed this article, I hope you achieve your perfect handstand and if you're interested in learning more about me or my Progressive Movement Philosophy, check out my CT - 50 system where I segmented 20 of the most powerful movement patterns (like handstand pushups, one leg squats etc.) into 5 different progressive movement levels so you can go from weak and wimpy to strong and powerful using progressions like the ones I just taught you.
So instead of pushing with your leg, set out to side, you have to use your core and adductors to oppose the force of the dumbell press and lock your body into the movement.
Lying with back on mat and legs bent and feet on ground shoulder width apart, crunch up and to right side reaching out right arm to touch the side of right foot, go back to start position and repeat movements on left side.
You should NOT feel your buttocks tighten, legs rotate out or movement of your spine or pelvis.
That said, the creation of the main characters was a challenge for the team, according to co-director Graham Annable: «Their arms and legs have to be able to come out and go in separately at different speeds, and their heads need to disappear inside, and at the same time, they need to be capable of all the range of movement of any kind of a normal, human puppet.»
The hind legs of this dog should look straight and firm, and the hocks should not stick out or inwards, it legs should allow it free easy movement.
Up, leg out, down, leg to the side, up for six steps, down for two, point toe, up again, knee in the air... it gave me flashbacks to my confusion in French classes, except with leg movements instead of tenses.
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