Sentences with phrase «length of the record»

There are several factors that are important in monitoring global or U.S. temperature: quality of raw observations, length of record of observations, and the analysis methods used to transform raw data into reliable climate data records by removing existing biases from the data.
All the curves have been centered to have the same mean and standard deviation over the length of record, so as to make them more comparable.
If the text expands, so might the length of the recording, which might make the voiceover talent have to speak faster.
The recording can be stopped at any point and then resumed; however, there is a 15 - minute limit to the length of the recording.
For $ 15 a year, users experience no limitations to the length of their recordings as well as a handful of other premium features.
Audible automatically sets the price based on the length of the recording.
While looking at the narrator's audio portfolio on Audible from your desktop computer, I'd suggest that you also look at the length of the recordings, which is shown on the left side of the screen.
The globes vary in size, ranging from 20 to 30 centimeters (7 7/8 to 11 3/4 inches) in diameter; the length of recorded time represented by each, proportional to the length of tape needed to cover their surface area, thus also varies.
But questions remained concerning the degree of decadal variability, the length of the record and the balance in the models between aerosol forcing and climate sensitivity (which can't really be disentangled using this measure).
This implies that the resolution of the ice core C02 time series is related to the length of the record.
The network was divided into five regional groups based on geography, tree species, and length of record: the eastern Rockies,...
The more demanding you are in the purity of the data — length of record, no gaps, no missing data, the smaller the pile gets.
In our letter of 20 April, we offered list of all stations used, but without sources which would include locations, names and lengths of record.
Influenced by broader ocean temperatures — the CET seems likely to be reasonably representative of broader conditions and is important for the length of the record.
From the time series of annual - mean values for each observed or simulated realization, we calculate (i) the baseline mean value over the length of the record, (ii) the annual anomaly from the baseline mean value, (iii) the SD of the detrended baseline annual anomaly time series, and (iv) the ratio of each individual annual anomaly value to the SD of the detrended baseline annual anomaly time series.
The homogenised temperature database comprises 112 locations that maximise both length of record and network coverage across the continent.
The ACORN - SAT homogenised temperature database comprises 112 carefully chosen locations that maximise both length of record and network coverage across the continent
The locations are chosen to maximise the length of record and network coverage across the country.
[Response: There is always the chance that you've got some low frequency oscillation going on, with a wavelength greater than the length of your record, rather than a monotonic trend.
Analyses of satellite - derived phytoplankton concentration (available since 1979) have suggested decadal - scale fluctuations linked to climate forcing, but the length of this record is insufficient to resolve longer - term trends.
Results obtained so far are preliminary because observational records of the change in satellite orbits are relatively short (Nerem and Klosko, 1996; Cheng et al., 1997) but they will become important as the length of the record increases.
There's no limit on the length of your recordings unless you choose to set one, which can be useful if there's a chance you might accidentally leave the recorder running.
If you want to record and share a clip of your game play, you can use Cortana to precisely control the length of the recording and quickly share it with your friends without leaving your game.
Other definable settings include the Arlo Q's response (record video, take a snapshot, or do nothing), the length of the recording, and the type of alert you receive (push notification or email).
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