Sentences with phrase «lengthen during»

Foam rolling should be done before static or dynamic stretching activities, improving the tissue's ability to lengthen during stretching activities.
I don't know what's better, the pain in your lungs after completing 100 burpees as fast as you possibly can or the persistent discomfort as your hamstrings stubbornly lengthen during a forward bend.
In other sports such as walking and running the muscles lengthen during activation, which leads to delayed onset muscle soreness.
Interestingly, studies have indicated that a short G1 phase is a hallmark of pluripotent stem cells (PSCs)[2, 3], only lengthening during differentiation [4].
The abdominal muscles get extremely lengthened during pregnancy and sometimes can separate creating a diastasis recti.
In addition, these two automakers include some geometric and cushion specifications that direct occupants downward as they sink into their seatbacks in a rear - end collision, thus counteracting the «ramp up» that has been described in tests with volunteers (an occupant's neck shortens as the torso «ramps up» the seatback and then lengthens during rebound).
Every animal that arrives at a shelter is accompanied by a story — one that starts before they get there, lengthens during...

Not exact matches

Perhaps the common - sense way to approach this is to accept the possibility that Chilean - style controls (taxes on short - term inflows) may be useful for some countries during the transition, but not too much should be expected of them (see the conclusions on Chile itself, which suggest that the controls managed to lengthen the maturity of the debt, without being able to prevent the exchange rate from appreciating during the phase of capital inflow)(see Edwards (1998)-RRB-.
They can be coaxed to lay during the dark months using artificial light but their natural instinct is to wait until the days start to warm up and lengthen.
During this time you may notice your child controlling his impulses and negative behavior and lengthening his attention span.
Plus, the stretch that was placed on the abdominal wall by the expanded uterus during pregnancy has been suddenly released in labor, leaving the abdominal muscles and surrounding skin lengthened and somewhat loose, which all contribute to that still - pregnant - belly look.
Lengthening your baby's awake time during the day will help them sleep better at night.
So as to ensure that your baby has ample sleep at night, you need to ensure that you lengthen the feeding periods during the day.
Just know that this may lengthen the process since it can be confusing to him which is why I would not recommend feeding him during the night unless he needs to physically receive calories during the night given his age and weight.
The less you do during a night terror, the better, so that you don't lengthen it.
You may not be thinking about sun protection during these winter months, but you know the winter solstice is around the corner and daylight hours will be lengthening.
In the setting of chronic sleep deprivation, sleep during the night may need to be lengthened, and additional naps during the day might also help.
Even lengthening trains to their limit at Euston during peak hours would increase seating capacity by just 24 %; insufficient in the face of 4 - 5 % annual growth rates, as experienced over the last ten years.
Conference notes that this growing phenomenon includes: (i) management - led working practices which have not been workload impact assessed; (ii) coercive practices such as insidious threats to career progression; (iii) the de facto lengthening of the school day through the expectation that teachers will deliver extra lessons outside of the normal timetable; (iv) the loss of lunch breaks for teachers and students alike; (v) the bullying of teachers into running «booster» and revision classes after school, at weekends and during holiday periods and (vi) the consequential compromising of the teacher's work / life balance.
The bill includes measures to lengthen prison terms for felonies committed during gang activity, create a gang - prevention curriculum in schools and provide funding for non-profit community outreach to stop gang recruitment.
The enzyme lengthens the caps, or telomeres, on the ends of chromosomes, which wear off during each cell division.
«Antidepressant use during pregnancy may lengthen umbilical cord.»
Climate model simulations show that Pinatubo - like eruptions tend to shorten La Niñas, lengthen El Niños and lead to unusual warming during neutral periods, the study says.
This is consistent with a lengthening of the fire weather season in Spain during 2012 (Fig. 4, 2012) where fires burned more area than any year in the previous decade49.
An indicator of artemisinin resistance is the lengthening of the parasite clearance half - life during treatment, the estimation of which currently requires laborious clinical procedures and statistical analyses.
If the recipients of LRPs and early career awards are successful at the next stage of their careers, the average age of physician - scientists should begin to decrease during the next decade (that decrease in age may not be dramatic, however, since research careers now begin later in life than a generation ago because of lengthened training requirements).
This calming pose lengthens your hamstrings and activates the inner legs and works great for releasing the tension that builds up during training so it can be used as a resting pose between exercises.
Remember that focusing on maintaining a high level of intensity during your workout is more beneficial than simply lengthening the time of your workout but not giving full effort.
A recent study published in Frontiers in Physiology found that accentuated eccentric loading (AEL)-- which involves lowering a weight slowly during the lengthening of the muscle, rather than letting it drop — might be more effective in avoiding a plateau then changing a program week to week.Scientists conducted a ten - week experiment involving three strength - training groups, with the AEL programming noting an increase in force production, work capacity, muscle activation and resistance compared to the other methods.
The muscle can produce and sustain more tension during the lengthening (eccentric) phase of the exercise, which increases the chances of a strain occurring.
When appropriate mechanics are achieved during eccentric muscle lengthening the proper groove has been established ultimately promoting refined mechanics on the subsequent concentric phase.
More specifically, it is due to the high intensity eccentric (lengthening) contractions during these exercises.
This is somewhat obvious but spending greater time in the stretched position while staying tight and learning how to co-contract reciprocal muscle groups (during eccentric lengthening) is one of the most effective methods for enhancing mobility.
Force production from the active elements during muscle lengthening therefore requires less energy than muscle shortening.
The stretch - shortening cycle is simply the time it takes your muscle to transition from an «eccentric» phase, in which a muscle is lengthening (such as when your foot lands during running), to a «concentric» phase, in which the muscle is contracting (such as when your foot pushes back off the ground).
Rodent studies show that the number of titin filaments that surround each myosin filament can increase after exercise training (Bellafiore et al. 2009; Hidalgo et al. 2014; Krüger & Kötter, 2016), and this would be expected to increase titin - based stiffness, thereby increasing force during lengthening contractions (Lindstedt et al. 2001; Hidalgo et al. 2014).
For maximum strength and muscular development, is it beneficial to have focused stress a muscle during every phase of the lengthening and shortening phase.
A muscle must first lengthen to get a good contraction and if we look at postural core control, especially during exercise, then you need great rib expansion.
Stretch each of the muscles you used during your workout for 30 seconds to lengthen them.
The underlying mechanism of the SSC is, that during the lengthening or eccentric contraction the muscle and tendons can store energy, often named as «elastic energy», and this energy can be released during the shortening or concentric contraction.
During the stretch - shortening cycle a muscle gets stretched or lengthened (eccentric contraction), followed by an instant shortening (concentric contraction).
It is during this phase of the exercise where the muscles are being forced to contract, lengthen and slow down (or control) momentum simultaneously.
When muscles are lengthened or shortened, this seems to alter the cross-sectional area of the muscle fiber, which probably changes muscle conduction velocity (Kamen & Caldwell, 1996) and may also change the geometry of the particular region of the muscle being measured during the muscle action.
Also, there is a difference between the shortening and lengthening phases, with EMG amplitude being lower for the same force output during lengthening muscle actions compared to similar shortening muscle actions (Disselhorst - Klug et al. 2009).
For example, it may be the case that preferential stimulation of the semitendinosus in certain exercises occurs because the muscle is fusiform and is therefore more easily damaged during lengthening exercises than the other more pennate hamstring muscles.
Thus, static stretching may cause tremendous stress during muscle lengthening, potentially damaging the sarcomere (24) and subsequently reducing muscle force.
Lastly I've been enjoying the & Other Stories Lengthening Mascara on the makeup - front; it was such an impulsive purchase, I didn't even need a new mascara but it was discounted during Milan's Vogue Fashion Night Out and all the proceeds went to charity, so there was no excuse!
During the recent recession, twelve states lengthened their vesting period, the time a teacher must be employed before becoming eligible for pension benefits.
During the Vergara trial there was a debate over what would happen if we lengthened the probationary period, and whether principals would wait until the end of the clock to fire a bad teacher, or if they would they fire a lot of bad teachers at the end of their first year.
Deformation of the driver door plus lengthening of the safety belt allowed the dummy's head and shoulder to go outside the door frame during the offset test.
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