Sentences with phrase «lengthening life»

Remember, Americans are living longer than ever, which means retirement nest eggs need to account for lengthening life expectancies.
Other factors include: the rise in the number of working women; changing attitudes about marriage and divorce; and lengthening life expectancies.
Stimulating or blocking them, with the goal of lengthening life, especially healthy life, can now begin.
If it can be shown to work in humans, it could decrease obesity, lengthening life.
After all, it costs a lot to keep up with the ever - lengthening life span of people.
So also have better medicine and hygiene, lengthening life spans far beyond the child - bearing age, thereby diminished the male advantage or female disadvantage.
Efforts to improve the quality of life of the elderly will almost certainly continue lengthening life as an unintended by - product (the main increases in longevity for those beyond 65 have been an offshoot of higher socioeconomic standards of living and disability - oriented technologies).
«Our goal is not necessarily lengthening life, but extending a healthier, high performing, more productive lifespan.»
These conclusions do not mean that suddenly putting all five factors into practice will lengthen your life by a decade.
I know from studies that it appears to lengthen life spans.
A person can lengthen their life by honoring their parents.
There have been many cases in the courts (e.g., improvements in telephones, tires, fluorescent lamps, flashlight bulbs) in which changes that would have greatly lengthened the life or quality of an article were withheld to promote replacement sales.11 Often patents have been taken out on superior inventions but not used, so that the improvements were completely suppressed and an outmoded product continued.
Technological progress has lengthened lives and made each of us in many ways more secure, but it has also detached us from others in ways that have made us more obsessively security conscious.
Now he begins to explore the far universe, lengthen his life span, discover unlimited sources of energies in the atom, and crack the genetic code.
Someday, science may show that particular prebiotic, probiotic, and synbiotic ingredients help prevent certain age - related disorders and lengthen lives.
Instead I cut them into 8 × 8 squares (serging the edges will lengthen the life of your new hankie).
Miner said the data also allows the city to better plan street repairs in the future, adding that if these strategies can lengthen the life of a street, it ultimately saves taxpayers money.
FINALLY, a contender for the elusive fountain of youth: an enzyme found in humans appears to lengthen the life of mice.
While the virus is unlikely to lengthen the lives of people with glioblastoma by much, the small chance of benefit is worth investigating, says Bulstrode.
Research led by scientists at Dana - Farber Cancer Institute showed the drug and a potentiating agent lengthened the lives of patients with metastatic colorectal cancer, all of whom had exhausted available standard treatments.
Kenyon believes that tapping into the same mechanisms in humans could lengthen lives.
The gene, described in next month's issue of Nature Biotechnology, could help lengthen the life of other flowers, and perhaps prolong the shelf life of vegetables.
The obvious key to living longer is to eat less, and significantly cutting calories has been shown to lengthen life span substantially in model organisms such as worms and mice.
Carbon nanotubestiny tubular structures composed of a single layer of carbon atomscould lengthen the life of batteries, according to new research.
Although liver transplants can lengthen the lives of some patients, the disease remains incurable.
Hydrogen sulfide offers clue to how reducing calories lengthens lives.
But as researchers delve into the mechanism behind caloric restriction, some are beginning to question whether cutting calories alone can really lengthen life span.
These tools could also be used to make people resistant to viruses, lengthen life span, and increase human intelligence.
Parrish and researchers at her company decided it was time to see if stretching telomeres in people could also lengthen life.
It's now known that single gene mutations in other organisms can lengthen life span.
Although caloric restriction also can lengthen life, the researchers found that their transgenic mice ate no more or less than ordinary mice.
But it's unclear if the approach can really lengthen the lives of long - lived animals like us.
Anything that can cut such resistance should lengthen the life of machines and save energy.
In any case, she and Yang have found that a week of gene shots three to five times daily not only shrinks the tumors but lengthens the lives of the mice.
While EGFR inhibitors have lengthened lives and improved outcomes in patients with advanced NSCLC, experience has shown that resistance inevitably develops.
The mitochondria are clearly very important in any consideration of aging, given that there are so very many ways to manipulate them to either shorten or lengthen life in laboratory animals.
Simply limiting components of the diet (such as protein), or even specific amino acids, lengthens life in some organisms.
In the first attempt to reverse aging by reprogramming the genome, they have rejuvenated the organs of mice and lengthened their life spans by 30 percent.
Can managing gut health and one's microbiome prevent disease and lengthen life?
Nobel Prize winning bacteriologist Dr Ilya Metchnikoff (1845 - 1916) asserted that probiotics found in yoghurt could in fact lengthen life span.
Going vegetarian a few times a week may lengthen your life.
Another reason to indulge: Research suggests that eating peanut butter as part of a healthy diet could benefit your heart and maybe even lengthen your life.
More stress, less longevity hormone The kidneys and brain secrete klotho, a hormone that delays aging, lengthens life expectancy, reduces the chance of age - related diseases and cardiovascular disease, and keeps muscles strong.
Healthy lifestyle habits can absolutely lengthen your life, combat aging, and reduce disease risk.
And then there's the confusing question of whether IGF - 1 actually shortens life or lengthens life... let's take a look at that, shall we?
Dr. Gregor may have lengthened my life by his videos.
Don't take pills, eat more veg... 15.04.2014 Animal study: cranberries are an anti-aging drug 19.03.2014 Polyphenols in food extend life expectancy 08.02.2014 Six things you can do to if you want to live to a hundred 13.01.2014 More magnesium, longer life expectancy 27.12.2013 Magnesium - rich diet reduces mortality risk 10.11.2013 Tour de France cyclists live six years longer 19.10.2013 EGCG protects liver and kidneys, and extends life expectancy 04.08.2013 Sedentary lifestyle causes body to deteriorate faster 30.06.2013 More exercise improves quality of life on all fronts 28.06.2013 Positive emotions extend life expectancy by ten years 13.06.2013 Your word use reveals the age you are likely to reach 11.05.2013 Positive view of life after retirement extends life expectancy 29.04.2013 No fear in the face of aging extends life expectancy 23.04.2013 Sleep less and you're more likely to die 03.04.2013 Better health = more sex 15.02.2013 Glaucarubinone extends life expectancy and boosts metabolism 19.01.2013 Animal study: L - theanine extends life expectancy 21.12.2012 Child that still needs you lengthens your life expectancy 05.12.2012 Alpha - carotene: the life elixir in carrots 30.10.2012 Live longer with Horny Goat Weed 27.10.2012 The more muscle you have the longer you live 01.10.2012 Caffeine and paracetamol are longevity drugs 28.09.2012 Animal study: epicatechin from cacao extends life expectancy 18.07.2012 Join Greenpeace and double your chance of good health 15.07.2012 Coffee reduces mortality risk — but effect is minimal 01.07.2012 Dean Ornish diet makes your cells younger 17.06.2012 Vitamin S prolongs your life 16.06.2012 Combined effect of not smoking, healthy eating and exercise is tremendous 13.06.2012
Get fit and live longer 12.08.2014 A life with a purpose lasts longer 10.08.2014 Running just 5 to 10 minutes a day will lengthen your life 08.08.2014 Standing is healthier than sitting 02.07.2014 Diehards who hardly ever miss fitness training sessions live longer 26.06.2014 Diabetics live longer with physical exercise 25.06.2014 Muscle mass extends life expectancy 15.06.2014 You'll live longer if your diet contains lots of vitamin K 20.05.2014 Glucosamine, the life extender 22.04.2014 1973 animal study: DMAE extends lifespan 19.04.2014 Live longer?
I see that as the easiest thing we can do right now to lengthen our life spans.
Line drying or drying on a rack will lengthen the life of your cloth diapers.
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