Sentences with phrase «lengthy development process»

Though short, the piece provides some insight on the lengthy development process and the casting decisions.
The Field Test represented one of the final stages in a lengthy development process to ensure that the Smarter Balanced assessment system measured the depth and breadth of the Common Core State Standards.
After the formula is created, a product enters a lengthy development process to ensure quality, efficacy and palatability.
While the game's lengthy development process has meant that a lot of work on early versions has gone unused, one source argues that this is no reason to keep names out of the ending.
«In the latest issue of Game Informer, we travel to Espoo, Finland and get the full scoop on Quantum Break's lengthy development process.
The next iteration in the Devil May Cry franchise, which has been dubbed, DmC, has a release date set in stone after a lengthy development process.
It appears that the missing characters have simply been «cut off» by the edges of the circular displays on some watches, but it's unclear why Google failed to pick this up during its lengthy development process, during which it released multiple previews.
Still, after such a lengthy development process, it's great to see Apple Park finally near the finish line.
During the lengthy development process for Android Wear 2.0, Google specifically alerted developers to a requirement asking them to ensure their apps will work with the new feature.
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