Sentences with phrase «lengthy stretch»

Of course, along lengthy stretches of the coastal highway, every third or fourth house seems to have a For Sale sign.
These tasks may not sound bad at first but they require you to travel back and forth long distances and spend lengthy stretches of time that inevitably causes a dip in the pacing.
An adult dog has a longer attention span than a new puppy and will enjoy dog training periods for lengthier stretches of time.
Its locally - tuned suspension managed lengthy stretches of corrugation well, minimising jolts through the cabin even from substantial surprise pot holes.
Hence, whereas a local paper might cover a town and a community paper might cover one section of a city, a hyperlocal paper covers a particular neighbourhood, block or even lengthy stretch of rural road.
Renters are often times busy people who have to leave their living spaces locked and unattended for lengthy stretches around the clock.
Bitcoin has gone through relatively lengthy stretches of flat price performance.
This is not a game to come back from an injury to i would start theo and ozil late on 70 minutes maybe as any kind of fragility in them will be made into another lengthy stretch on the treatment table we all know stoke are a bunch of dirty b ***** ds when it comes down to it.....
After the Bruins kept the puck in Tampa Bay's zone for a lengthy stretch, Spooner backhanded a pass that Krug one - timed inside the right post.
Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie told reporters earlier in the week that he's against a lengthy stretch out of the minimum wage increase, saying he doesn't want a deal where «none of us will be here by the time it gets to $ 15».
A man this afternoon drove a pickup truck down a lengthy stretch of bike path next to the Hudson River in Lower Manhattan, striking numerous people and causing 11 injuries and as many as eight deaths.
«Before Sunset» was made — and is set — nine years later, and the movie reveals that Jesse and Céline failed to reconnect during that lengthy stretch.
The «Pro Evolution» series from Konami stagnated for quite some time through a lengthy stretch in the last decade coinciding with the rise of EA Sports» «FIFA» to dominance.
After being dormant for a lengthy stretch of time, it seems the poor reception to Inafune's Mighty No. 9 has sparked a fierce desire to return to the classic Mega Man series — as such, an eleventh title in the core series is well on its way later in 2018.
After a lengthy stretch of underperformance, I expect to see value stocks — and particularly dividend stocks — take leadership.
Also on the west coast but further north, Paleokastritsa, often considered one of the most beautiful villages in Greece, sits on a lengthy stretch of indented coast with a number of deep, curving bays sheltering gorgeous beaches that back onto olive groves and cypress trees.
Our first stop, Morro Bay, took about two hours to drive to, beginning with a jaunt through countless acres of farmland, where much of the country's produce comes from, followed by a lengthy stretch where we were treated to panoramic views of long, sandy beaches with the sparkling waters of the Pacific Ocean stretching out toward the clear sky.
Its wide, lengthy stretch is rarely crowded, and the massive condo structures that cram the sands of other beaches are happily absent.
Here you can stroll along a lengthy stretch of protected beach which is ideal for safe and relaxed swimming.
It seems that there's always been a stigma attached to being unemployed, and even in this economy, when so many people are without a job for a lengthy stretch, it still causes candidates to be uncomfortable and nervous about telling people that they're unemployed.
Ann Arbor commuters had good reason to celebrate last Thanksgiving as the orange barrels vanished along a lengthy stretch of US - 23 that had been snarled for months by construction.
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