Sentences with word «leniently»

When a new rule makes life harder for trolls, trolls shop for the district that applies that rule the most leniently (or in some cases, not at all).
Try finding an insurance carrier that will treat you the most liberally or leniently when it comes to your particular condition.
«It was definitely a distraction for the company for a period of time, and expensive, but everybody throughout the company, as well as the Crown prosecutor and the authorities we dealt with on the guilty plea, agree that but for the fact Niko went through the process they did, they wouldn't have been dealt with as leniently as they were.
As a landlord I know this is the reason, and I write my contracts almost as leniently as I dare.
This comes as little surprise, as public order has long been an aggravating factor for an offence which, committed in isolation, would have been treated more leniently.
Despite the perception that marijuana laws are being treated more leniently, the police continue to make arrests in grow - op cases.
«Real criminals — sex offenders and pedophiles are actually being treated more leniently than white - collar criminals these days.»
A text should not be construed strictly, and it should not be construed leniently; it should be construed reasonably, to contain all that it fairly means.»
As far as U.S. intelligence agencies are concerned, almost all non-U.S. sources are legitimate hacking targets for any alleged intelligence objective, read very leniently.
Sometimes, in cases of a crackdown, people who cease and desist in making fan works available at that point are treated very leniently, but there is no guarantee that this approach will be taken in the future.
The law does mention that the force used must be «reasonable», and for a minor accused of violence, a court might apply that criterion more leniently, because for a minor it might be more difficult to judge what is reasonable, but that is just my speculation.
An Oxford medical student who stabbed her ex-boyfriend has been treated leniently according to some critics.
In this week's news, changes to the law on smoking have came into force this weekend, judges have been accused of treating an Oxford medical student who stabbed her ex-boyfriend leniently, and the Lord Chief Justice has re-emphasised the importance of legal education.
They know they are going to be dealt with extremely leniently and they won't suffer any consequences for it.»
Chapter 13 bankruptcies are treated even more leniently.
A person's income and credit will be viewed more leniently or not at all with an FHA refinance.
The regulator said the January papers were marked too leniently, but stood by the new June grade boundaries.
By all accounts, the Common Core English exam, modeled after the English Advanced Placement exam, was much tougher, with triple the amount of reading than previous English Regents exams — but easier to pass, because it was graded more leniently.
For all that the film revises our view of Mary simply by placing the narrative focus more on her, its more radical specific changes are actually connected with the men who are treated very leniently.
They are also more likely to judge other deprived moral offenders who do the same more leniently, says a new paper to be published in Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.
Might have something to do with: 1) knowing that there is less chance of being caught than years ago: 2) you will be dealt with leniently, unless of course you are a former Tory minister, in which case our lefty justice system tries to make an example of you.
«It is a story of muddle - headed government initiatives, skewed police incentives, racism, drug wars and the old, old habit of treating white people more leniently than everyone else.»
David Cameron appeared to score a minor victory in his talks with Vladimir Putin yesterday, after the Russian president urged the courts to treat punk group Pussy Riot leniently.
Harshly or leniently.
As a final note our figure was usually around 6/6.5 the average was about 7.5 / 8 and the most leniently treated could have a figure as high as 10, sometimes more.
Again as I said earlier that is fairly normal for the more leniently treated teams.
We're all familiar with our tendency to evaluate our own moral failings more leniently than the moral failings of others.
After the story broke and public opinion wondered why these criminals were treated so leniently, the bishops then made the equal and opposite mistake: having been burned by being too merciful, they turned around and zealously applied the strictest justice, in the form of «zero tolerance» policies.
I am not inclined to judge such conduct leniently, but in this case as everywhere all depends upon whether the movements occur normally.
Man's natural inclination is to judge himself very leniently, and others very harshly.
It mistreats no stranger merely because he is a stranger in a strange land, nor the infidel because of his infidelity, nor the enemy because of his enmity; nor is a near relative given special treatment in Islamic law because of his relationship, nor is a friend shown partiality for his friendship, nor is a Muslim treated leniently because of his adherence to Islam.
This conversation is also a good point of reference for the employee in case «you worded the letter more harshly or more leniently than you intended to,» Williams says.
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