Sentences with phrase «less a film about»

It is much less a film about fashion than a film about an artist with a Roderick Usher - like sensitivity.
The child actors are terrific little Duracell batteries of rambunctious energy, and as the trio cuts an unsupervised path of mischief across the property — spitting on cars, roughhousing in abandoned buildings, chattering nonstop — The Florida Project conjures a sense of carefree everyday adventure that lesser films about childhood only wish they could summon.
In what's unfortunately one of the lesser films about a literary great, John Cusack wields a quill and a gun as The Raven's Edgar Allen Poe, a legend who would've skewered this thriller in one of his sharp - tongued newsprint critiques.
In a lesser film about Edward R. Murrow and the way he used television to bring down Joseph McCarthy, there would have been the obligatory unburdening scene with his wife.
Ultimately this is less a film about war and conflict, and more about what war and conflict do to a person, a theme obviously explored before but one that remains hugely interesting.

Not exact matches

The short film reached 6.5 million YouTube views less than two weeks after its September 2013 premiere, while the free game reportedly topped 500,000 downloads within about six weeks of landing in Apple's App Store.
This was the case recently when Amy Pascal, Sony's co-chairman and chief of its film division, came under intense criticism for her remarks about President Barack Obama and less than flattering statements about high - profile actors, including Angelina Jolie, Kevin Hart and Adam Sandler.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier, this year's top - grossing film so far, came out in early - April and the scattering of big movies around the calendar is one reason why all 2014 films have only grossed about 5.4 % less than all films had last year at this point.
Redstone was so upset about the disappointing performance of Mission: Impossible III, which grossed almost $ 100 million less than the previous installment, he blamed Cruise and his controversial behavior leading up to the film's release for costing the studio money.
Marketers promoting an R - rated horror film, for instance, are far less skittish about the content accompanying their ad than the marketer of baby shampoo.
Everything else about the film is, more or less, rubbish.
A lesser film would have opened by loading her with backstory about her royal heritage, her home planet and her ties to the Rebel Alliance (in fact, the lesser prequels committed just such errors with their own characters.)
The thing I find most freaky about it is the «film» it seems to leave behind on the kitchen counter if you drop a bit (and by a «bit», I mean the teensiest amount):\ I've been meaning to investigate some more good GF baking binders (such as guar gum etc) Hopefully I find one a little less intimidating:)
There's a little less film on Jackson than most of his peers at the top of the class, but his play in 2017 was so good that there shouldn't be many questions about him.
A new development claims that Stormy Daniels, the adult film star who allegedly had a sexual encounter with President Trump, threatened to void the non disclosure agreement about the encounter less than a month before the 2016 Presidential election.
Nevertheless, we know less about the potential effects of films that glorify the use of guns.
Although the product didn't contain nanoparticles — the problems were ultimately traced to the formation of a super-thin film — the incident put the concept of nanomaterials (which incorporate particles or components measuring less than 100 nanometers, or about 1/250, 000 inch) squarely in the public eye and raised the question of how to harness their potential while addressing their potential risks.
He decided to try by filming hummingbirds in the wild, which are less inhibited about flying than their captive counterparts.
A documentary made about Okinawa showed a 100 year old villager with better fitness levels than an entire film crew less than half her age, a 96 year old martial artist who beat a 36 year old boxing champion (on national American television live) and even a 105 year old woman who easily killed poisonous snakes.
Having re watched the trailer after the film, the it does pretty much give away what the film is really about and make the twists a lot less surprising.
The film feels a little less amateur than «Pusher», - a cheap debut feature for some underexperienced Dane trying to make abstract art - and it's that which brings the final product closer to decency, because many of the missteps that ruined «Pusher» feel more considerable in this superior, but still misguided effort, which has a good bit to commend, but even more to complain about as questionable «story «telling notes that ultimately send the final product crashing into mediocrity.
The film offers little more depth about the writer than his Wikipedia article and considerably less than one would get from reading the semi-autobiographical The Catcher in the Rye.
The film becomes less jarring as it goes along, but it's still about a creature who has trouble comprehending pop music, sitcoms, cake, or sex.
The plodding timeline of a film such as «Tulip Fever» — which was in the works for about 13 years before premiering this past summer — is much more typical than a turnaround of less than a year.
I literally couldn't care less about any of them and the only reason I made it to the end of the film is because the DVD cover lied, saying it was half an hour shorter than it was.
Luckily, he's riveting in the role: The film, about a novice British soldier cut off from his unit during a riot in Belfast, is less about words and more about the varieties of terror in a young man's eyes.
The film has about five sets and they never feel like they connect together, but this is less an attempt at disorienting the viewer than simply cutting corners; the grisly, overdone lighting, meanwhile, makes you want to hide behind your fingers for all the wrong reasons.
A film about the passage of a change to a legal document generates less intrigue, even if the revision in question outlawed slavery and came alongside the end of the longest and deadliest war fought on American soil.
This film is less about Dunbar and more about her daughter Lorraine who's life can truly be pitied.
It would seem foolish to complain about shallow characterization in a film like this, though in my opinion it should have either actually developed compelling human characters or dwelt less on them.
The film is about magic, but it's more or less a classic story of star crossed lovers that uses magic as a plot device.
Metz's film is less about the glory of sport than it is about the damage that sport can do to an athlete's soul.
I was almost sick during the film, it had got to the point when I was getting worried about how much less interesting things could get - until it looked like Eleanor and Dr Moreau were going to fall in love, and then I actually was sick.
This week, catch the latest trailers for summer comedies «30 Minutes or Less,» «Submarine,» and «The Change - Up,» and read news about «The Dark Knight Rises,» «The Hunger Games,» and other films in production.
More sprightly and less encumbered with the need to titillate that would ring - fence the Carry Ons in later life, there is a youthfulness about Spying that still remains fresher than the colour films.
Jolie's directorial debut was the little - seen «In the Land of Blood and Honey,» a film that traded epic sweep for a more intimate but no less brutal story, about a woman's sexual subjugation during the Bosnia - Serbia conflict.
The Gladiatorial bouts are breathtakingly brutal, made all the more immersive by the 3D which is less «throw things out the screen», and more about enriching the environment of the film.
There have been quite a few let down moments in the previous 7 films & the less said about X-men Origins - Wolverine, the better, but this was hands down my favourite in the series.
This sequel, following Kenneth Branagh's reasonably funny 2011 film, was written by no less than five writers, who between them have only mustered another dull, achingly generic story about saving the world.
For a film that explicitly tells you it's about the importance of women in the workplace (when Catrin's apartment building is destroyed by a German bomb, she more or less turns to the camera to say, «If I wasn't at work, I would have been killed!»)
The film itself toys with its audience about what is and isn't real, and about which option is is less terrifying one.
The universal quality you mentioned is interesting given the earlier films where the characters» idiosyncrasies are more pronounced — they still have universal themes below that — but this one seems less about heightened idiosyncratic characters and more about a universal fear.
Though it's evident that Marina comes from a different class than most of the film's other characters, A Fantastic Woman is withholding about her background and family — and this would be less of a problem if Lelio and co-screenwriter Gonzalo Maza offered her much in the way of motivation or aspirations.
The film is never less than forthright about asserting her fundamental dignity, but it's fixated on what she's lost: a home, the compassion of others, and a lover.
This movie is bad enough for non-techies as a thriller, but if you know anything at all about computers the film is nothing less than a brutal assault of stupidity on all of your senses of such magnitude, the government should also crack down on MGM for releasing it.
(remix) music video by Danger Mouse and Jemini; deleted scenes and alternative takes, five in total, including an alternative ending (9 min) with a less subtle conversation between Richard and Mark, but a haunting final image of Richard with Anthony; images from Anjan Sarkars graphic novel animation matched to actual dialogue from the films soundtrack (the scene where Herbie first sees the elephant); In Shanes Shoes (24 min) documentary featuring the premiere at the 2004 Edinburgh Film Festival, interviews with Shane Meadows about run - ins with violent gangs in his youth, and on - location clowning; Northern Soul (26 min) also made by Meadows in 2004, and starring Toby Kebbell as an aspiring wrestler with no actual wrestling experience or talent - this comic short is as amateurish as its protagonist, and serves only to show how much better Dead Mans Shoes is.
So I'll use this opportunity to sing the praises of something I'm much less surprised but no less disappointed didn't make our list: Gett: The Trial Of Viviane Amsalem, a thorny Israeli film about a married woman (Ronit Elkabetz, who also co-wrote and co-directed) attempting to secure a divorce against her prideful husband's wishes — a real uphill battle with Israeli law, which is fundamentally stacked against her.
Those who see the original after this remake will now be bored, but most will choose not to even view the classic because this one seems so weak and stupid it will make them care even less about seeking the 1960 film out.
To which I would add that there seemed to be far less objection when, only last year, the Palme d'Or went to another meditative film about nature, death, and possible afterlives — Apichatpong Weerasethakul's Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives — perhaps because there is no right - wing Buddhist conspiracy suspected of plotting to undermine Western democracy as we know it.
It is very hard to do a good heist film, especially one that is smart and memorable, so the less I say about Christian Gudegast's Den Of Thieves (2017), Unrated or otherwise, the better.
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