Sentences with phrase «less activation»

Over the following year, those whose brains showed less activation in areas known to respond to natural rewards like foods ended up gaining more weight — though only if they had a particular genetic makeup.
«For the first time, we have found that a sample of randomly assigned young adults showed less activation in certain frontal brain regions following a week of playing violent video games at home,» said one researcher.
The gold clusters with the cyclohexane ligands exhibited far less activation of the ligands.
Images of disgusted faces elicited less activation in the insular cortex, which processes feelings and observations of disgust, compared with a control group.
Franzen and Forbes also found connections between sleep restriction and mood: after a night of restricted sleep, the participants who experienced less activation in the putamen also reported more symptoms of depression.
In this position, the glutes and hamstrings receive less activation, which is useful for guys with whose glutes and hams are a lot stronger than their quads.
While crunches on an exercise ball generated less muscle activity than the bicycle maneuver or captain's chair it's worth noting that this exercise produced less activation in the rectus femoris, means less hip flexor activity.
According to a number of recent studies, elliptical training results in greater activation of muscles in the buttocks and thighs than walking does, and less activation of muscles in the calf.
The participants in the high - psychopathy group exhibited significantly less activation in theventromedial prefrontal cortex, amygdala and periaqueductal gray parts of the brain, but more activity in the striatum and the insula when compared to control participants.
In one recent neuroimaging study by Hidehiko Takahashi of the National Institute of Radiological Sciences in Japan, volunteers who imagined themselves winning a prize or trouncing an opponent showed less activation in brain regions associated with introspection and self - conscious thought than people induced to feel negative emotions such as embarrassment.
They showed less activation in regions involved in «emotional regulation, conditioning, and motivation,» the researchers note, specifically the amygdala, hippocampus, insula, orbitofrontal cortex, and striatum.
Compared with healthy controls, patients with chronic fatigue syndrome had less activation of the basal ganglia, as measured by fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging).
«The ones who had more activation in these regions and more connectivity between the regions showed fewer symptoms of depression in response to the election than participants who had less activation in these regions, even if they were deeply disturbed by the election.»
For instance, generally, the more highly expressed a gene is under native conditions, the less activation you can achieve using a Cas9 activator; your gene of interest might already be hitting an upper bound of activation that current Cas9 systems can not help you pass.
Brain scans also showed less activation in the parts of the brain that processed pain.
In contrast, most EMG studies have shown that using a narrow grip width leads to proportionally more activation of the clavicular head, and less activation of the sternocostal head.
Most EMG studies have shown that using a wide grip width leads to proportionally more activation of the sternocostal head, and less activation of the clavicular head.
Those who had lower capacity to filter distraction were slower, less accurate in the decision - making tasks, and had less activation in the prefrontal cortex.
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