Sentences with phrase «less and less time»

As we spend more and more time in the electronic world, many of us are spending less and less time in nature.
So we did and spent less and less time in the office.
Leaving less and less time for sleep has sort of become a trademark for the modern 21st - century person.
We were going about our own business and spending less and less time with each other.
Start pages can become such a rich experience that users spend less and less time on other sites.
Considering that readers find less and less time to read, I have been thinking about new forms between short stories and long novels could be meaningful and making some trials of my own.
I think it's important to realize as you go through this process, it will take less and less time in the future.
Recently I've been getting home late and am out the door in the early morning, leaving less and less time for me to spend on prepping dinner.
And in time you lose the connection with your partner as you spend less and less time together because your job requires complete dedication..
Children today seem to spend less and less time outdoors, due to the pull of technology, busy family lives, and safety concerns.
Employees spend less and less time at home and more time in the office with little recourse.
Let's face it, as you go through college, you find yourself spending less and less time playing your favorite video games.
Not stressing over how long bedtime was taking helped me enjoy it more, and soon I realized that it was taking less and less time overall.
At many schools, kids have been spending less and less time on the playground.
I'm one of those adults you read about complaining she has less and less time for long, deep experiences.
As we settle into our fall schedule of activities, I'm finding less and less time to do my meal prep.
This summer, she's been spending more and more time in our backyard stocking her prey, and less and less time in the house with the human pack.
It probably takes less and less time to start the same fight, and even as it begins you already know where it will end.
You are so lucky to have such a baby friendly environment, in Malaysia, this thing so far never happen and I wish it so much it would happen to mother like us in here... We have to work extra hours for additional job, stuck in the traffic for no reasons and getting lesser and lesser time with our little one.
And as the season gets busier, we often devote less and less time to keeping track of our own health.
After each successive call, females tended to spend less and less time looking for the male suitor.
«People with children are parenting much more intensely than ever, and people who don't have kids are working more hours than ever, so we spend less and less time alone with our spouses.»
Time management doesn't mean shoving more and more tasks into less and less time.
If less and less time is being spent going out for dinner, movies or dancing and more time is being spent in bed, that's a pretty clear indication of what he really wants.
But as you mentioned their are lots of changes now to the publishing process and editors are getting less and less time which each book compared to the past so this may very well change!
It's a bit disconcerting when your books suddenly disappear while turning the page, and it's making me trust the Kindle less and less every time.
Each time your dog goes outside, wait less and less time before saying «Go potty!»
Apparently, recently it's been taking Rospatent (this is proper name of RUPTO) less time to finish formal examination of trademark applications than it used to be — if previously the period was about 1 month, then currently I've been noticing lesser and lesser time span.
Because there are so many applicants recruiters are spending less and less time actually looking at your resume; often as little as just 6 seconds so that they can find a likely person to interview as quickly as possible.
On why there is an increase in do - it yourself winemaking, proprietor John Gizzi states, «In a time where families spend less and less time together, winemaking is the perfect family experience.
Meanwhile, it seems that American children are spending less and less time outdoors due to decreased recess time at schools, more screen time, safety concerns, and overscheduling.
It was manageable in the beginning but as my business and profile grew I was finding less and less time to even sit down let alone sleep.
With doctors spending less and less time with patients in an effort to reduce costs and maximize their profits, obvious problems are often overlooked and / or misinterpreted.
Hiring Managers and HR Departments spend less and less time on each individual resume, so it's important that yours makes the right impression.
We spend less and less time at home with our children in unstructured playtime.
The Portuguese tactician is said to be cutting an increasingly isolated figure and spending less and less time in Manchester, according to the Daily Mail.
Fabio Capello will soon find himself having less and less time for Robinson, as a younger breed of keeper begins to get much needed top - level experience.
As your body gets less and less time to recover, it taxes your aerobic system, she explains.
Due to the busy lifestyle people nowadays are taking less and less time to cook proper and healthy meals.
Most of us aspire to conquer more and more work in less and less time, but since none of us can cram more hours into the day (despite our best efforts), increasing our productivity is the best we can do.
I have less and less time each day due to the enormous demand for my services.
I also have come to understand more and more that such an idea is not the spirit to be found on many Christian blogs, which is why I spend less and less time on them.
I keep taking on more and more tasks and I find I'm having less and less time to get the things I want done done.
Somehow we are always trying to do more in less and less time, and this has potentially devastating lifelong consequences.
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