Sentences with phrase «less appreciative»

This process is reflected in our increasingly transient relationship with places, as our lives become more busy and less appreciative of our surroundings.I explore the surfaces of the landscape.
What we were less appreciative of, however, was how deep Microsoft buries things like friends lists, achievements and settings, all of which were a crucial part of the UI throughout the 360 years.
That's because editing implies making a paper stand out, outlining its strongest points, and eliminating the less appreciative aspects, as well as mistakes and errors in formatting, rephrasing, and so on.
We seem far less appreciative of time spent with noses in handheld DXs than in paperbacks.
And if / when it is, it's likely going to get sprinkled with sugar because if there's anyone less appreciative of naturally sweetened things, it's every.
Daniel Day Williams, no less appreciative and also having appropriated some of Niebuhr's thought, defended what he saw as liberalism's positive contributions, and provided a critique that was to have a resurgence later.
Psychologist Schwartz remarks on the interesting Western predicament of having too many options and how the abundance of choice can actually make us less appreciative of what we do have.

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If your customers feel that you go out of your way to reward them, they're more likely to choose you over your less - appreciative competition.
The aim of these courses was less to solve problems than to gain a critical and appreciative perspective on the dilemmas and strengths of local - church existence.
Also very appreciative of your insistence on lay - flat binding, it makes food stains way less likely:)
When they see that others have less, children usually feel moved to share, and become more appreciative of what they have and less focused on getting more.
Armstrong recalled giving a presentation in Kathmandu on his early findings to a less - than - appreciative audience.
I always leave feeling better, more centered, less anxious, and more appreciative.
We can start to be less interested and appreciative of the sheer sensory theater of being alive.
I like the World War II films that cover the stuff everyone knows, but I'm stating to get even more appreciative of the ones that bring the lesser known parts to a wider audience.
Specifically, here in New Jersey, while I'm appreciative of the support that the NJEA gave to the opt - out movement in 2015 and to a lesser degree through its New Jersey Kids and Families initiative in 2016, I am nevertheless under no illusion that as soon as the NJEA sees the opt - out movement and its proponents as enemies rather than allies, the NJEA will sell us out as quickly as you can say Chapter 78 contributions.
GoodEReader recently covered the addition of a suite of self - publishing tools to Penguin Group's online writing community website, Book Country, but after a few indie authors got a hold of the information from Book Country, the response has been less than appreciative.
I am also appreciative, Professor Woolley, of your concise description, in your comment, of your job as an academic in law; I'm somewhat gratified that it tallies with my own recent, and regrettably less concise, blog post on that topic:
Men like intelligent women, but if they're not also understanding, fun, appreciative and open minded we could care less.
Families with young children loved us, but the response was less than appreciative from the street.
I am so much more appreciative and grateful of what I do have and find myself wanting less when my house looks nice and clean and everything is put away in its place.
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