Sentences with phrase «less apt»

Clients notice, and they are less apt to trust someone who's not honest about their appearance, Graham says.
Sending your clients to people who can corroborate your advice will also build trust, and sellers may be less apt to question your suggestions moving forward.
The illegal profit subscale described the most severe ethical transgressions, and for both men and women, the secure participants were less apt than the other participants to report a willingness to transgress.
When the teacher works with the child rather than against him, he is less apt to escalate emotionally in class.
If every woman could develop the personal skill of bringing up difficult discussions with their partner in a calmer way, their male partner is less apt to «flood,» focus and defend.
Family, friends, and co-workers may be less apt to ask for help and more likely to offer it, if they see how busy you really are — plain as day.
While acknowledging that criminals have ways to hide their tracks on the blockchain, she told CoinDesk that fentanyl users are likely «not as sophisticated» as other bad actors and less apt to change wallets or tumble their coins.
Thankfully, workers» access to civil remedies when their tips are stolen means greedy food industry bosses may be less apt to go for seconds.
Hutton says that because M's «google» everything, they're less apt to believe a CEO or other top - management level exec who claims cluelessness regarding what skullduggery her underlings were up to, figuring she should've searched for, say, «Ways my traitorous employees are undermining my fastidious, ethical and totally above - board running of this company.»
But it's more or less apt, unfortunately: the study finds that Russia's outdated infrastructure, Soviet «environmental mismanagement,» and the extreme nature of its climate, the nation is particularly vulnerable to the threat of climate change.
Here's a typical paper from the social sciences that makes more or less apt use of multivariate analyses of datawarehouses:
The thinly layered paint allows the canvas» texture through, but they feel less apt than certain non-concurrent works.
And so I guess in the end I gave up looking or would go to offbeat things that I was less apt to run into everybody I know.
These types of questions better allowed me to more objectively see my work, get out my own head and if all went well, tap into a more authentic voice, one less apt to fall into formulaic or stylized mannerisms.
MP games are less apt to provide that connection.
According to Dr. Guglielmino, kittens and young cats are less apt to develop hairballs than older cats that, as well - experienced groomers, are likely to spend a good portion of their waking hours busily licking their coats.
The grain free formula adds an added layer of protection in being less apt to cause allergic reactions as well as being so very beneficial for the skin and coat.
A dog that gets what he needs mentally and physically is less apt to be a problem barker.
The goal with crating is for the dog to be less apt to have an accident where it is residing and sleeping.
Dogs who are looking for things to do for you, are far less apt to be looking for things to get into!
Sadly, the diehard field trailers are less apt to modify their breeding programs to more closely approximate the breed standard.
It is also easier to take care of than longer styles and less apt to get caught on things, which might be helpful for particularly rambunctious dogs.
Kittens and young cats are less apt to develop hairballs than older cats that, as well - experienced groomers, are likely to spend a good portion of their waking hours busily licking their coats.
This fact is evidenced by the numbers of grass eaters that are less apt to partake in grass grazing after the owner takes more time to play with and engage with the dog.
As dogs learn there is always enough for them, they are less apt to steal your food.
And even when less - informed participants did venture into stocks, they were less apt to invest in international stocks, small - cap funds and, most important to my mind, less likely to own index funds, the option that has the potential to lower investment costs and dramatically boost the value of your nest egg.
Your old credit card company may be less apt to negotiate, since you're moving your debt elsewhere, but if you intend to keep your account open and have a good history with the company, you may be successful in obtaining a lower fee.
As I recall, they do a combination of straight trade publishing and some subsidy publishing for books they see as less apt to make a profit.
The «Kindle 4,» is, if anything, less apt to replace «more than just books.»
Obviously there can be a lot more contributing to the drop in sales — a weaker economy means less consumers taking farther - reaching vacations, for example — but if the trend that came about with the enhanced ebooks is solid, could this mean that people who buy books about business or technology embrace e-reading while readers who purchase travel guides or cookbooks are less apt to choose digital over print?
I mentioned this in the post, but most of my network would probably be less apt to be active and engaged on Sunday vs. during their work week.
Usually, the higher a vehicle is, the less apt it is to go around corners comfortably.
The sales underdog in the mid-size sedan segment has some stern opposition to face but that doesn't make it any less apt for the job
The longer low - performing schools faced the threat of sanctions, the less apt they were to examine their underlying assumptions and current practices — and pull together to improve them (Finnigan, Daly, & Che, 2012).
Centers implementing higher - quality practices were correlated with greater reductions in disciplinary referrals and higher rates of grade promotion than programs less apt to implement these practices.
In fact, the recently released ACE evaluation results (2012) found that implementing higher - quality practices is correlated, for example, with greater reductions in disciplinary referrals and higher rates of grade promotion than programs that are less apt to implement these practices (Naftzger et al., 2012).
Minority youngsters are far less apt to complete school and college, and their average academic performance is markedly lower.
As such, they are less apt to want to pursue further education in these subjects or to pursue a career in mathematics or science - related fields.»
He told Education World, «Thirty percent of new teachers leave the profession within three years, but teachers who have mentors are far less apt to leave.»
«How Schools Shortchange Girls» concluded that female students receive less attention from their teachers than boys do, are less apt to see girls and women reflected in their study materials, and are often not expected or encouraged to pursue higher - level mathematics and science.
At the same time, students who do not perceive their teachers to be fair in soliciting participation may become less and less apt to contribute.
The numbers cited in the report are sobering: High school graduates earn an average of nearly $ 290,000 more than dropouts over their lifetime, and they are 68 percent less apt to rely on public assistance.
In fact, researchers at the University of Iowa say people who are looking for love online are less apt to trust a person with a flashy profile, preferring instead a potential partner who appears not only successful, but humble and real as well.
Most men and women who have had children tend to know themselves better, are more patient, and less apt to sweat the small stuff.
I find that if I spend a little more, that I am more responsible with them and am less apt to misplace them.
When you develop a close relationship with your own sensitivity, you are less apt to violate another.
When you take time and space to honor your feelings before attending an event or being social, your emotions will be less apt to waylay you in public.
Banks are less apt to loan money to businesses that have to lease.»
Upon further examination, the researchers discovered that the new molecules bound to their molecular targets better and were less apt to be metabolized by the cells.
Maybe paper plates are needed until a kitchen helper becomes less apt to drop them.
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