Sentences with phrase «less attitude problems»

Last but not least, it appears that boys are easier to raise as they have less attitude problems and less complicated.

Not exact matches

Not because of attitude problems but because the club went more or less bankrupt and could not pay for the foreign players salaries anymore (Nasri, Etoo also were released).
A 2004 study, for example, found that therapists who reported colorblind racial attitudes also had less empathy and were more likely to think that black, but not white, clients were responsible for the solutions to their problems.
Even when dealing with less severe, but considerably uncomfortable and unpleasant symptoms such as low sex drive, loss of hair growth, loss of muscle mass, weight gain, fatigue and lethargy, loss of motivation, poor attitude with irritability and sometimes depression, men need to only work with the best in the field to alleviate these problems.
Allen's Interiors was a lot better than some people thought and less good than others thought; as with Annie Hall, I had a hell of a problem trying to work out the director's own attitude.
There is clearly a problem with drivers using hand held phones whilst driving (but apparently less so when it comes to drinking lattes, eating sandwiches, grooming beards or applying make - up) and attitudes need to change.
If the problem is your attitude, your expectations, your need for applause, your passion myths, then chances are good that the next job you find isn't going to be any less horrible than this one, and you are not going to be one inch closer to finding your passion.
If there are problems in the bedroom — say, one spouse feels like sex isn't happening enough — simply talking about its lack of frequency is often a less effective approach to addressing the issue than what Gottman recommends: «Instead of isolating sex from the rest of your relationship, try a change in attitude.
Compared with their peers, participating students also significantly improved on five key nonacademic measures: They demonstrated greater social skills, less emotional stress and better attitudes, fewer conduct problems such as bullying and suspensions, and more - frequent positive behaviors, such as cooperation and help for other students.
Parents can play a vital role in shaping teenagers» sexual attitudes, behavior, and contraceptive use through communication, however, less is known about how to modify parent — adolescent communication among youth with mental health problems.
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