Sentences with phrase «less cancer of»

A major recent review found that compared to those eating less than an apple a day, those eating just one or more had less risk of oral cancer, less cancer of the larynx, less breast cancer, less colon cancer, less kidney cancer, and less ovarian cancer.
It is proven that vegans have less cancers of all types, but it is unclear whether WFPB eaters or anyone in this day and age can have that «free» card.

Not exact matches

The senator from Arizona returned Monday to Washington, DC, less than a week after being diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer and less than two weeks after he had brain surgery.
As instances of obesity, diabetes, cancer and other chronic illnesses are on the rise, a subculture where eating less is prized can seem farfetched and against the grain.
The Center for Human Sleep Science found that getting less than seven hours of sleep a nigh can be linked to medical ailments like cancer, obesity and poor mental health.
In a statement released Tuesday, the American Society of Clinical Oncology outlined research tying alcohol to two types of cancer and told Americans to drink less.
While cancer and Alzheimer's seemingly don't have that much in common, there is one key link that researchers at MD Anderson think could be useful: People with a history of cancer are less likely to get Alzheimer's, while people with Alzheimer's are less likely to get cancer.
There are already plenty of reasons to keep your caffeine addiction alive and kicking: habitual coffee drinkers are less likely to die of heart failure as those who don't indulge, and research has suggested that caffeine may help prevent cancer, diabetes, stroke, and Parkinson's disease.
The results are: A less intense «buzz,» harsher side effects from acetaldehyde poisoning, and long - term, a higher risk of mouth and throat cancers.
In contrast, the typical, less efficient method of treating cancer uses combinations of surgery, chemotherapy and radiation to kill cancer cells.
It's just instead of a gaping mouthful of full - colour cancer, we're gently reminded to drink less, quit smoking, cut down on salt, exercise more, eat more vegetables and get a check up or we could spend our golden years cold and with wolves after us.
But treating cancer becomes less mysterious every day, and today Ignyta is writing a new story, identifying the genomic causes of cancer and creating targeted cancer drugs that attack cancer at its source.
«There is less of a clear road to market than for a heart drug or a cancer drug,» Newman said.
It is hoped this means of treating cancer will be more successful and result in far less debilitating side effects than chemotherapy.
By the way could the «BrainWashing» be from the uses of those Funny Shampoos and Products which are said to contain so many bad chemicals that could lead to cancers??! Any way I thought brainwashed one's are less human affectionate, rather acting as Robots in many ways so better check who does appear like that...!
Neuhaus» church, Immaculate Conception, a few blocks south of the house, and morphine from an Orthodox abbot who also had cancer — ecumenism of a less - expected sort.
Therefore it is no less a disease than some forms of cancer.
This was spurred by the loss of my mother to cancer when I was 20, my father essentially left my much younger brother and sister to my care for many months at a time only coming home 1 - 2 x a week and then less and less until it would be only a call every week or two to «check on things».
I'm also an extraordinarily hateful person, and I want everyone less intelligent than me to die of pancreatic cancer.
The German universities expressed less opposition to the growth of Nazism in the 1930's than did the churches and labor unions; their failure at this point has been attributed in large part to their neutral pursuit of truth without concern for the life of the nation.14 By contrast, an example of intellectual responsibility occurred a few years ago when the University of Chicago was building a new cancer research hospital.
This becomes especially evident when we consider some of our everyday acronyms: at one time cancer was the «Big C»; children have «to do a BM»; while «syphilis» may be difficult to utter, «VD» is less of a problem; the «SOB» may hand out a lot of «BS»; «HO» is to be dreaded; and of course we have our «F --» word.
Finally, it is true that having no children also increases the risk of breast cancer, for two likely reasons: (1) The breasts never receive the benefit of a full - term pregnancy, which renders the breast tissue more mature and thus less susceptible to cancerous change; (2) The breasts are chronically stimulated with more cyclic surges of estradiol, without interruption by periods of pregnancy and lactation.
Sarah Degner Riveros reflects on Angelina Jolie and the risk of breast cancer: Women of less means than Jolie are collectively throwing up our hands.
«Chances of cancer in someone your age and health are less than 1 percent,» the surgeon said just before performing the procedure.
Hasker's third proposition is that for the problem of divine non-intervention to be a real problem, «we must be able to identify specific kinds of cases in which God morally ought to intervene but does not» Many critics of (traditional) theism probably already have a more or less vague list of such cases, which might include genocidal events, such as the Nazi holocaust and the Rwandan massacre; wars; large - scale natural disasters; conditions of chronic poverty, in which millions of children die from starvation or are permanently stunted because of inadequate protein; the sexual molestation of children, which often leaves them psychologically scarred for the rest of their lives; death preceded by long, painful illnesses, such as cancer or AIDS, or by mind - destroying conditions, such as Alzheimer's disease; and the kinds of events described by Dostoyevski, such as the soldier using his pistol to get a mother's baby to giggle with delight and then blowing its brains out.
It may also lower your risk of developing cancer of the esophagus, although there is less evidence for this, according to the World Cancer Researchcancer of the esophagus, although there is less evidence for this, according to the World Cancer ResearchCancer Research Fund.
In spite of this startling statistic and the 40,000 children currently battling cancer nationwide, less than 4 % of the National Cancer Institute's $ 4.6 billion federal budget goes to pediatric cancer rescancer nationwide, less than 4 % of the National Cancer Institute's $ 4.6 billion federal budget goes to pediatric cancer resCancer Institute's $ 4.6 billion federal budget goes to pediatric cancer rescancer research.
And it's all in support of Cookies for Kids» Cancer, which is an American based charity that is dedicated to funding research for new, innovative and less - toxic treatments for childhood cCancer, which is an American based charity that is dedicated to funding research for new, innovative and less - toxic treatments for childhood cancercancer.
Several reports established that eating less meat could significantly lower the risk of developing colorectal cancer or succumbing to heart disease, as well as helping cut spiralling rates of child and teen obesity.
It seems to decrease cell growth, increase self - destruction of abnormal cells and shift estrogen metabolism to less cancer - promoting forms.»
Dogs fed on a diet of dry commercial pet food fed yellow - orange vegetables at least three times a week were 70 % less likely to develop cancer than dogs that weren't (2005 Purdue University)
Dying of bowel cancer is no fun — and eating less red meat and animal fat hugely reduces my risk.
Keep your heart healthy and go for organic, free range eggs for your omelet, which contain 1/3 less cholesterol than commercially raised eggs, and are also chock - full of omega - 3 fatty acids and cancer risk reducing beta carotene.
The mice fed higher amounts of soybean oil and less coconut oil experienced higher rates of obesity, diabetes, inflammation, mitochondrial dysfunction, and cancer (4).
Some of the benefits of eating more plants and less meat, include: reduction in cholesterol levels, blood pressure, certain cancers, heart disease risk and they have even shown those who eat more plants are happier.
The evidence is beyond question, yet still less than 35 % of those surveyed were aware of the associated risks between eating hot dogs and bacon and developing cancer.
• Organic arsenic and organic cadmium are more common and hundreds of times less toxic than inorganic versions in plant - based food, they are easily flushed out by the body, and may have benefits including organic cadmium helping fight breast cancer (Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry).
Laden with antioxidants and containing 80 % less caffeine, it promises to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, neurological decline — and even certain cancers.
Less common and more serious complications include those affecting pregnancy, such as having a low - birth weight baby, and some types of cancers, such as bowel cancer.
The good news is that from 1930 to the present day, stomach cancer has declined from the leading cause of death by cancer to one of the lesser causes.
That type of cancer is pretty much a death sentence in 2 years or less.
Better bonding, improved immunity, less chance of childhood obesity, higher IQ, reduced cancer risk - all this could be yours, simply by nursing.
There's less risk of postpartum depression, lower risk of breast and ovarian cancer, and it supports strong bonds between the family, both emotional and psychological.
Mothers are also in a lesser chance of developing certain types of cancers like breast cancer and ovarian cancer because of giving birth and breastfeeding.
For women who choose to breastfeed there are lower risks associated with breast and ovarian cancer, less chance of hip fractures and osteoporosis in later life, and the added benefit that it helps with getting back to their pre-baby weight.
I am not necessarily pro-circumcision either although both of my boys are... we chose that after reading both sides and decided if there's less risk of cancer and UTIs plus they'll look like most other boys their age that we would go with circumcision.
Women who breastfeed not only burn an extra 600 calories a day, but are less likely to develop osteoporosis, and they lessen their risk of breast, uterine, and ovarian cancer.
Given questions about how long the vaccine is effective for, she questioned the efficacy of giving shots to girls as young as 11 years old in parts of the world (such as the U.S.) where women regularly undergo safety Pap screening repeatedly over their lifetimes, saying that the chances of their contracting cervical cancer may be less than the «small» risks associated with the vaccine.
But the less hyped impact of this large study reveals another, greater lesson: Pasteurized milk is harmful to our health while fermented dairy such as yogurt and cheese extends life and reduces cancer and heart disease.
And if breast is best, and if insurance companies have to pay out less money for women and babies who successfully maintain a healthy breastfeeding relationship (this on the assumption that, in fact, breastfed babies and mothers are healthier and less at risk for a variety of chronic ailments or cancers)- wouldn't it be in their best interest to shell out a couple hundred bucks for help their working, nursing mothers maintain a breastfeeding relationship?
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