Sentences with phrase «less chance you»

I love wearing wedges because there's less chance of me tripping and falling XD.
I especially love duo fiber brushes for really pigmented blushes, because it applies it softer, so there's less chance for mistakes!
Less chance of me wasting it.
As a cyclist I've always wondered whether as a vegan my testosterone level is lower and if it effects my strength however when you look at the advantages... better arterial health, less cancer, less body fat, less chance of diabetes / back problems / sexual dysfunction / dementia / macular degeneration / kidney stones... the list is long..
If you're a yoga student wanting to learn how to ensure your yoga practice is giving you all the benefits, with WAY less chance of injury, you will also get a ton out of this training.
If you transit back to usual eating smoothly, there is less chance of suddenly gaining back all the water that was lost during the diet.
This means that you have less chance of hanging on to stored body fat.
However with no bacteria lodged in pores to attack, an overactive immune system will have less chance to create acne anyway.
I have found that the more I chew before swallowing, the less chance of flatulence.
For example, using a machine as opposed to free weights can help prevent bone bruises because there's less chance of dropping weights onto your body.
«A fully functioning back helps you squat, lunge, deadlift, plank, and do a push up with more power, and with less chance of injury,» says Annette.
The more aerobic she is, the less chance of any injury, shin splints included.
The less you sleep and the more disrupted it is, the less chance you have to release Human Growth Hormone (HGH), that necessary hormone for lean muscle.
But if we're adding in good high - quality saturated fats, uhm — they're much more heat stable, less chance of oxidation.
The antioxidants present in this fruit can protect the cell, so there is less chance for aging.
If you are a skinny body type, there is much less chance of you bulking up.
Thicker moisturizers including ointments and creams, tend to stay longer on your skin, offering more protection and have less chance of drying out.
I think it will be perfect to help speed the actual milking process along with less chance of spilling the almond meal into the bowl of perfectly strained almond milk.
If you exercise your back regularly, you will be able to do more things and have less chance of injury.
These positive effects on blood sugar can last for several hours after completion of exercise, and I have always noted that when a patient finally engages in a regular program of exercise that she has much less tiredness, develops better sleep patterns, can handle stress better, is more optimistic and less chance of depression and will burn fat at an increased rate.
Less chance of you deciding you can't be bothered when you know you have somebody else to answer to.
This means less chance of reaching for a doughnut and a better chance of getting a filling, satisfying start to your day.
The connection between antioxidants and losing weight is this: antioxidants repel fatty buildup inside the arteries, which means you have fewer fatty deposits in the arteries and have less chance of developing heart disease.
Cravings can not be ignored (although, there's significantly less chance for them to creep in when the diet is correct)-- controlled amount of sweets, chocolate, junk food etc. can be a rare exception of the regular menu.
You will have less chance of developing food allergies as well with a good digestive system, which will also allow your immune system to ease up.
Also, make sure you start dieting out far enough so you have less chance of running into a problem of being behind as the show gets closer.
It means less chance of food waste and always having something to hand for an impromptu treat!
The less of it in you, the less chance you have a catabolic effect eating at your gains.
For people possessing the HLA - DQ2 or - DQ8 genes (90 - 95 % and 5 - 10 % of those with CD, respectively), avoiding gluten means less chance of gliadin fragments being bound tightly and starting telephone in the immune system.
When it comes to cellulite and water, the more you hydrate your body, the better your blood flow and the less chance your skin loses elasticity due to dehydration.
They are especially important post-workout, are processed by the body quickly and there is less chance they will be stored as body fat.
Thirdly, and probably most important — far less chance of injury.
This demand can be from doing mental or physical work, and what you will find is that if your breakfast and lunch contain sufficient protein, you will have more staying power or endurance and much less chance of fatigue in the early afternoon.
If your shoulders are strong and mobile, then you are going to be able to practice advanced skills, such as handstands and overhead squats with better form, with a greater range of motion (ROM) and less chance of injury.
Exercise paired with energy reduction (fewer but higher quality calories) resulted in 50 % less chance of muscle losses.
Not only is it more effective for fat loss, there is actually LESS chance of injury than with the typical repetitive - movement cardio activities (anyone who has tried to take up jogging when they're 20 + pounds overweight can attest to that!).
If he or she wishes to improve bone density, back strength, or improve weak hamstrings, he or she is FAR better served engaging in a carefully designed weight training program incorporating a deadlift variation or two - there is less chance for injury, a much shorter learning curve, and quite frankly he or she will be less physically devastated after a few sets of deadlifts than after moving a tractor tire back and forth across a parking lot.
There's less chance of disease, and it keeps everything growing better.
It can also set the stage for making healthy food choices for the rest of the day — if you are not so hungry, there is less chance you'll binge eat later in the day.
There is less chance for error when injecting insulin on a keto diet as opposed to a higher carb diet.
Researches have confirmed that those who eat 5 - 6 times a day and consume small portions of various foods have far less chance that they will be overweighted.
Cumin, like cinnamon, helps keep blood sugar levels stable, which means cumin is great for diabetics or pre-diabetics for post-meal blood sugar control, and it means less chance of weight gain and excess body fat.
Hotter: anything not crunches / sit - ups and the abdominal machine has less chance of injuring you.
Results Study participants who ate spicy foods once or twice a week had 10 percent less chance of dying than study participants who ate spicy foods less frequently.
If you do freezer them I would definitely reheat in the oven, so they will be less chance of them becoming soggy.
The simple act of making it harder to get to will mean the less chance of mindless eating occurring.
They found that those who consumed three to five cups of coffee per day had about a 20 % less chance of developing dementia.
New research pinpoints a way to lose fat and keep lean body mass, despite eating below your energy needs (that means less chance of yo - yo and skinny - fat effects).
The idea is to maximize recovery because that translates into muscle gains and less chance for injury.
The sooner you start to receive treatment, the better off you will be, and the less chance you will experience permanent joint damage.
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