Sentences with phrase «less committed to a relationship»

While younger ladies can be less committed to a relationship, the older ones would impress you with their maturity and association.
But if you focus on your dissimilarities, thinking about death makes you less committed to your relationship.3 Essentially, thinking about death polarizes your thoughts about the relationship.
Across two studies with over 200 participants, researchers found that partner - friend jealousy was greater for those who: (a) considered their romantic relationships more important to their lives, (b) were less close to their own friends, and (c) perceived their partner was less committed to the relationship.
More interestingly, their partners also felt less sexually satisfied and less committed to the relationship four months later!

Not exact matches

Though Facebook has committed to fixing the news feed in a way that users end up seeing more posts from friends and less from publishers, the company is still trying to improve its relationship with news items.
But I also think it has to do with modern committed relationships being absolutely more about the love relationship and perhaps less about social dos and donts.
A new study seems to confirm what «J» and I already know — couples that live apart feel happier in their relationship than couples that live together, and feel more committed and less trapped.
And according to recent research, that's likely true; couples that live apart feel happier in their relationship than couples that live together, and feel more committed and less trapped.
... Individuals may now experience more committed relationships than it was possible to in the past, but this does not mean that there is less commitment or that it is impermanent — if anything, there is more commitment in more relationships and the commitment that is being experienced is taking on a different form.
While previous studies have examined the relationship between formula use and breastfeeding, some have questioned the results, wondering if mothers using formula were simply less committed to breastfeeding.
A study out of University of Toronto that came out in November found that the key to sexual satisfaction in committed relationships had less to do with expecting it to just happen and more to do with admitting it takes time and effort — like a garden that needs to be «watered and nurtured,» as study author Jessica Maxwell explains it.
I could never commit to an anniversary, much less the relationship (there is an obvious connection there).
While Carrie is less likely than Samantha to simply hook up with an attractive stranger, she doesn't need to feel like she's in a committed relationship before she will have sex.
Open relationships require each partner to be less clingy, more independent and definitely more creative about how to stay committed.
When you throw the seemingly endless possibilities that internet dating promises into this equation, you get even less willingness to stay in a single committed relationship.
If a person does not feel that you are willing to commit time to communicating with them on a regular basis, they will be less likely to actually want to have a long - term relationship.
While dating apps do attract users with less virtuous intentions, and some people feel compelled to meet for random hook - ups through a dating app even while they are in a committed relationship, there is an interesting question: what if some of these non-single users don't even know they have an online dating profile?
Those who live in the West were less likely than those in other regions of the country to believe people are online to find committed relationships (19 percent, compared with 26 percent in the Northeast, 25.5 percent in the Midwest and 23 percent in the South), but they were more likely to say people are looking for marriage (7 percent, compared with 5 percent for the rest of the country).
Non-whites, women and those with post-graduate degrees prefer to see online dating sites as potential sources for a committed relationship — or, to a lesser extent, marriage.
From these subtle yet powerful opening scenes (it's the poor and the disenfranchised who fight for the wealthy and powerful), The Manchurian Candidate explores a multitude of political «issues» to a lesser or greater extent: the ill that is committed under the guise of defending a nation; the behind - the - scenes machinations of any country's political process; the unpalatable relationship between entertainment, money and politics, and most specifically, the enormous influence big business has on politics and politicians.
Can we encourage more planning and less drifting among young adults and perhaps bring back marriage, or at least a long - term committed relationship, as the standard precursor to bearing and raising children in the U.S.?
Though Facebook has committed to fixing the news feed in a way that users end up seeing more posts from friends and less from publishers, the company is still trying to improve its relationship with news items.
It's been posited that the shift to a temporary workforce could be reflective of a generational trend of a less committed relationship between employees and their employers.
It turns out that men who choose to live with a woman first rather than marry her are far less committed to marriage in general and their cohabiting partners in particular than the group of men who commit to marriage without first «testing the relationship out».
For women in a long - term committed relationship, your men seem to think that you want sex less often than you really do.
These include: * Improved physical health * Faster recuperation from illness * Longer life * Better emotional wellbeing * Improved relationships with children * More satisfying sexual relationship with their wives * Wealthier * Higher wages and greater employment stability * Decreased risk of drug and alcohol abuse * Less likely to commit violent crimes * Less likely to contract a sexually transmitted disease
She's just glorifying a less engaged, less committed approach to relationship.
By making it okay to «walk away» from an unhappy marriage, people should be less likely to stay committed to their relationships for the wrong reasons.
Essentially, there are certain people with skewed views of relationships who are both less committed and like to plop themselves in front of the TV for a Sex in the City marathon.
The third part of the argument was also supported: those who reported that their expectations were unmet in their relationships were more likely to be dissatisfied and less committed.
LDR partners are found to be less satisfied with their relationships than GCR romantic partners.1 However, both LDR and GCR romantic partners» relationship satisfaction positively influence how committed they are to their relationships.2 What can contribute to LDR romantic relationship satisfaction?
The more Matt engaged in poaching behaviors (e.g., the more he insulted Dan and tried to keep Sue away from Dan), the less committed Sue was to her relationship with Dan one week later.
We're big fans of John Tierney at the New York Times, and in a recent post he discusses new research by Saul Miller and Jon Maner at Florida State University.1 Their work indicates that single men are more attracted to women who are ovulating, but that men in committed relationships are actually less attracted to those same ovulating women.
For example, the more that a woman said that she followed rules like, «Don't see the man more than twice a week», or «Don't tell the man details of what occurs when you're apart», the less committed, on average, he was to the relationship.
Research shows that narcissists are less committed to their romantic partners and less determined to make relationships work compared to less narcissistic individuals.1 This is a major problem, because commitment leads to a lot of highly beneficial relationship behavior, such as willingness to forgive one's partner, 2 or willingness to make sacrifices for one's partner.3 Since Charlie Sheen probably doesn't become as committed to his relationships, chances are he's less likely to accommodate his partners in these ways, which means lower relationship satisfaction for everyone.
For example, the pronouns that people use when telling their stories can reveal their relationship's stability: People who are more committed tend to talk about «us,» whereas people who are less committed tend to talk about «me» (see here for more).1 People who write about important events in their relationships and end the story positively (e.g., «We went through a rough patch, but now we're stronger than ever!»)
On the other hand, Tara isn't committed to Bill and doesn't have any motivation to keep the relationship going (she also doesn't have the positive biases that Sookie does), so she's less forgiving of Bill's transgressions.
People who stayed in touch with an ex to keep a «backup» or a partner on the «backburner» were less satisfied and committed to their new partners, whereas staying in contact with an ex because of common friendships predicted higher relationship satisfaction.
Those who are in committed romantic relationships are less likely to participate in risky behaviors like drug abuse, binge drinking, and frequent uncommitted sex, which have all been shown to be related to poor mental and physical health.
Couple Premarital Behavior and Dynamics We examined 14 behaviors and dynamics related to the focal relationship as predictors of marital quality: age at marriage, length of relationship before marriage, whether the couple had a child or were pregnant together before marriage, whether they began their relationship with hooking up, whether the respondent had sexual relations with someone else while dating his / her future spouse or knew that his / her partner had, whether the respondent reported any physical aggression in the relationship before marriage, whether the couple cohabited before making a mutual commitment to marry, the degree to which the respondent reported sliding into living together vs. deciding to do so, whether the respondent perceived that he or she was more or less committed than the partner before marriage, whether the couple received premarital education, and whether the couple had a wedding, as well as how many people attended the wedding.
The hypotheses stated: the higher the negative interaction with one another, the higher rating of divorce potential the couple faces, couples who state that one of the individuals withdraw will be characterized by greater levels of negative interaction and dissatisfaction, men typically withdraw more than females do, money is the number one issue couples argue about, and more committed couples with think less likely about what it would feel like to be in another relationship and feel less trapped and more satisfied (Stanley, 2002).
«I am committed to helping people understand themselves better so that they can make constructive changes in their lives, whether that is to feel less depressed or anxious, to establish more satisfying relationships, or decrease behavioral problems.
Couples that commit to creating a new relationship as friends and co-parents will find their transformation less painful and more constructive for all concerned.
Study 2 showed that romantically involved individuals induced in a promotion focus, compared to those in prevention focus, reported less initial attraction, but only when more committed to their relationship.
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