Sentences with phrase «less concentration»

The idea is to allocate immediately all keywords that were used in the text with less concentration on details.
It takes less concentration and delivers the desired message all the same.
I'll go outside for a walk to get some air or even switch gears and perform work that requires less concentration (like doing the laundry).
Winter — closest to sun; yet Earth is tilted away from sun Thus, receives less concentration of sun's rays.
If you want a dividend fund with less concentration on financial stocks, try Phillips, Hager & North U.S. Dividend Income Fund.
Bitcoin stands in stark contrast with much less concentration although certain early holders boast of large holdings.
Literally the only traits Landry has an edge over Cooper in is that he has less concentration drops, and he hasn't dealt with as many injuries (which could easily just be the luck of the draw so far, and isn't necessarily predictive of anything).
Despite receiving far less concentrations than the mother, the alcohol can hit a child harder because they are smaller and their livers are not developed enough to properly metabolize the alcohol.
The monkey that received DON had about seven times less concentration of the drug in its blood than the monkey that received 5c.
Save non-billable work or work that requires less concentration for first thing in the morning, if you are a slow starter or later in the day, if you are an early riser.
The actual problems with this game - less concentration on dialogue, some maddening and unintuitive puzzles («THAT was the solution?»)
The results were hands down, 100 %, totally unanimous that the cherry planked salmon, despite having less concentration of seasoning was far superior to the unplanked salmon.
Burnley also defended very well for most of the game — a team with less concentration would have got decimated.
Keep in mind that insect repellents with higher DEET concentrations aren't necessarily stronger than those with lesser concentrations.
You will start to experience more fatigue, less concentration and have fewer sperms.
Less concentration on blockbusters.
In this state, motorists are presumed to be under the influence when they have a blood alcohol content of.08 or higher but can be guilty of driving under the influence even with a lesser concentration of ethanol in their system.
Less concentration on premium Hardware features like Camera, fingerprint scanner, premium finishing of outer body, water - proof body etc. (Updated based on comments)
* Greater rental demand, quicker tenant placement * Longer tenancies typically * Better resale options, including O / O buyers * Tenants pay all utilities, maintains yard * Can rent under lease - option if desired * Less concentration, more diversification * More liquid; if cash needed can sell one house
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