Sentences with phrase «less conflict at»

Greater parent participation was associated with having less Conflict at 18 months (−.12, p =.05).

Not exact matches

Even at work, where the issues are much less daunting, challenges and conflict can become motivators and blessings to help guide you to a positive outcome.
Prodding your people to be less conflict adverse can lead to real benefits, according to Thompson who cites recent research that shows, «brainstorming groups that engage in open debate, challenging each other in benevolent ways, perform better than groups that don't have any debate at all.
Either Jesus was a real man in history who we know absolutely nothing about, due the the Bible's completely innaccurate and conflicting accounts, or he didn't exist at all and was a lesser god that was created based on many of the tenets of the Cult of Osiris.
Similarly sizable majorities said that h0m0s are generally less happy than heter0s 73 % and less capable of mature, loving relationships, 60 % A total of 70 % said that h0m0 problems have more to do with their own inner conflicts than with stigmatization by society at large
Arising out of what I have said, the diagram at the end of this chapter represents the state of tension which has come to exist more or less consciously in every human heart as a result of the seeming conflict between the modern forward impulse (OX), induced in us all by the newly - born force of trans - hominization, and the traditional upward impulse of religious worship (OY).
Those couples who have realistic expectations of one another and their marriage, communicate well, use conflict resolution skills, and are compatible with one another are less at risk for divorce.
«Mothers who don't discuss their results with their kids are relatively less satisfied and feel more conflicted,» says Kenneth Tercyak, director of behavioral prevention research at Georgetown Lombardi and lead author of the study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.
A recent study showed that in many parts of the country less than one in ten kids even get «behavior therapy» in addition to medication «Symptoms» of inattention and hyperactivity represent a communication of a range of issues, including sleep deprivation, marital conflict, sensory processing concerns and multiple other possible family stressors, The post does not say not that medication may not have a role to play at some point in a child's life.
A child who can easily tap his funny bone is more likely to make strong friendships, be well - liked by peers, and as an adult get along with colleagues at work, manage frustration, diffuse conflict, and suffer less from depression.
Other city employees who misused their work vehicles less frequently than Romano and Youssef have been fined or suspended by the city's Conflicts of Interest Board, or at times put on probation.
Authors speculate that perceiving more goal conflict could also have other behavioral consequences, that marketers should take into account: consumers may spend less time in - store on shopping trips or may utilize online shopping outlets at a greater degree.
This work suggests that in snapping shrimp species that are less cooperative, female - female conflict within the colony has selected for queens that retain weapons at a significant cost to fecundity.
Still, Friedman is less concerned about a conflict of interest, noting that von Eschenbach could delegate NCI - related decisions to others at FDA.
After participating in the Decision Counseling Program ©, patients had a higher level of knowledge about their treatment options, reported feeling less conflicted about the treatment decision, and had more favorable perceptions of active surveillance than they did at the outset of the study.
Image analysis, completed less than a month later, covered a total of 36,000 square kilometers and revealed roadblocks, an influx of military vehicles at airbases, naval blockades, and other pivotal events as the conflict escalated.
The researchers speculate that faithful males are better at keeping tabs on a mate or are less likely to return to a place where they've encountered conflict.
Some estimates put rough touched by conflict at less than 1 percent today.
Once you start to work on relaxing your mind regularly you will be astonished at the difference it can make to your daily life, you will have less conflict with others, achieve a lot more and be free from the nagging pain that muscular tension causes to so many unsuspected people each day.
For exercisers training for about 1/2 hour to 1 hour at a time (if you exercise less than this, you definitely don't need anything during your exercise session), research experts have had conflicting recommendations of what you should consume during exercise.
The complicated web of love, hate, and betrayal sprawls over the entire town and Stewart, less psychologically haunted than in previous Mann collaborations, becomes a catalyst that pitches the conflict into violence, usually directed at him.
While the thin story is divided into tonally conflicting parts that move at different paces, it is less tiring than following one indestructible character through dull set pieces — an annoying staple of this genre until now.
Donald Sutherland remains a preening, gleefully and theatrically arch villain (though the less said about his rebellion counterpart Julianne Moore's performance the better), and Hutcherson puts in a strong, conflicted performance (Jennifer Lawrence, however, never seems entirely at home once she embraces the role of inspiring leader).
While «Rush» has plenty of exciting, highly saturated racing scenes as it makes pit stops through famous Formula One courses, Howard (whose directorial debut, 1977's «Grand Theft Auto,» was a far less accomplished tale of car chases) is more concerned with the personality conflict, played out at high speed.
The second sub-theme linking the exhibition with society at large deals with the work's conflict with its own support, seen to less effect in Untitled (Angelica)(2013), which sits on a sterile shelf attached to the wall.
With less emphasis placed upon the aesthetics of the object, All the Actors Have Withdrawn depicts, rather, a violent conflict carefully paused at an opportune moment.
This includes identifying the values that may be at risk; synthesizing information on how climate risk management problems can be prioritized and manageably bounded; providing concrete options for managing risks, including how to create or identify such options; summarizing lessons learned in how to defensibly select among options by making explicit the inevitable tradeoffs that will arise when objectives conflict; evaluating the conditions under which such actions would be more or less effective; and providing guidance on how to manage continuous change over time, since climate risks are unlikely to be static.
Biglaw attorneys also need mediators and arbitrators, and smalls are less likely to be conflicted out than neutrals at other large law firms.
Layer on top of that, technology that reduces the number of lawyers needed for certain tasks, the conflict between hours targets and the «do more for less» challenge, alternative legal providers, the growth of contract lawyers, permanent associates, partners who aren't permanent, the growth of paralegals, as well as a clear message from partners at most law firms that there is no more room at the top.
In our latest review of the court decisions of most interest to construction Andrew Croft and Simii Sivapalan look at one that highlights the danger of conflicting and complicated drafting in contracts; and another that confirms the need to serve a pay less notice under the HGCRA 1996 applies to final or termination accounts as well as to interim payments.
Truss's silence fed the sense that the government was «either hopeless at avoiding conflict or couldn't care less about the constitution», he argued.
In a speech delivered at a conference in Strasbourg, France, Justice Binnie directly confronted the content of the CBA task force report, emphasizing the need to «enhance the public trust» in the legal profession and the important role of more, not less, strict conflicts rules.
This time they concentrate less on how to make sense of our diferences and more on winning at conflict without losing at love.
For example, compared with counterparts in the control group, nurse - visited women with missing postbaseline data were 2 years older at registration, and as a trend, had less conflict with their own mothers.
Some couples who were in conflict at the onset of the divorce actually experienced less conflict over time as they adjusted to the joint custody dynamics.
Rather than interpreting each other's words as intentionally aggressive or negative, even when they are not meant that way, you will hear each other's message loud and clear: Though at the moment you may be arguing, you both know that you love each other, and that this momentary conflict is much, much less important to each of you than your relationship.
High conflict includes less obvious specific patterns at one end of the spectrum: Child and Parental Alienation and Child Abduction.
Research by Dr. John Gottman — who spent sixteen years studying what makes marriages thrive and fail in his «love lab» at the University of Washington and who famously possesses the ability to predict with over 90 % accuracy whether a couple will end up divorcing based on watching them interact for just 15 minutes — found that happy couples don't necessarily have less conflict in their marriage than unhappy ones.
Whether you are meeting close friends for an afternoon in a café or trying to manage a relationship conflict with a level head, chances are that, at least at some point, you won't have the opportunity to edit yourself: to delete a less - than - ideally worded phrase or add a clarifying emoticon to the end of a potentially inflammatory statement.
Similarly, those who shifted topics more often (i.e., avoiding the issue at hand) and were inflexible in how they resolved conflict were also less satisfied.
According to a study published in the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, married couples who went to bed at roughly the same time reported less conflict, more in - depth conversation, and more time spent engaged in shared activities.
Some studies have looked at things like coping processes, 2 attachment styles3 and capacity for forgiveness4 as factors that may influence marriage longevity, in other words, maybe couples that know how to cope with (and recover from) conflict better, or are not particularly insecure, or are better at forgiving are less likely to suffer when their marriages face the inevitable arguments that all couples face.
As boys tend to be less efficient at using language to resolve conflict, this is where they learnt non-verbal cues telling them it was time to leave and walk away.
Siblings with an age difference of less than two years may have a relationship characterized by more conflict than children at different developmental stages.
Although we want to feel more acceptance, closeness and connection in our lives and have less conflict and tension, it can be very difficult at times.
At OC Relationship Center we want to help you find more love, more joy, more peace... and less conflict and less stress.
At the end of therapy, couples experience less conflict, greater understanding of one another, and a more secure connection.
Married couples who said they argued constantly and had low affection for one another (which study authors defined as «high - conflict marriages») were actually less happy than people who weren't married at all, the Harvard study found.
Specifically, across both the SB and comparison samples, family conflict was found to predict less adaptive parenting behaviors at T1, and more adaptive parenting change trajectories over time.
The present study also contributes to a growing body of literature that parental acceptance and less conflict (at least with mothers) is related to better glycemic control, better adherence, and fewer depressive symptoms.
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