Sentences with phrase «less conflict when»

For childcare, fairness mediated relations between mothers» violated expectations concerning the division of childcare and later conflict such that mothers reported less conflict when they perceived the division of childcare as less unfair to themselves; there was no relationship for fathers.
However, researchers found that these couples had less conflict when the overweight partner felt supported by the other partner in their efforts to diet and exercise.
I have found that newlyweds experience less conflict when spousal roles are adequately identified.

Not exact matches

For example, the comment letter submitted by Economic Policy Institute (EPI) estimates that retirement savers who received conflicted advice during the 60 - day delay would receive $ 3.7 billion less when their savings are drawn down over 30 years compared to those savers that did not receive conflicted advice.
While Trudeau, Notley and other Kinder Morgan cheerleaders cite the Constitution for their claim that B.C. has no jurisdiction over interprovincial pipelines, Canadian courts have been much less categorical about paramountcy (the doctrine that federal law automatically prevails when there is a conflict between provincial and federal laws).
The higher the percentage, the less potential conflict of interest that a broker may have when acting as principal versus its client.
In contrast, when relationships between parents are conflict - ridden and acrimonious, the adjustment of children and adolescents is likely to be less favorable.
21 (12, 15 - 17), 22 (19 f.), and 31 (15b) but thought to be an original and ancient unit, in which series the death penalty is assigned when comparable offenses in other codes are less drastically punished.13 But the death penalty in these cases serves generally to underline the moral and religious seriousness of the covenant community, and in the Israelite scale it in no wise conflicts with the pattern of law which places human life above all other values save two: the sacredness of family and the integrity of Yahweh.
Davis et al (2006) found fathers working non-standard shifts knowing significantly less about their teens» daily activities than fathers with daytime shifts; and fathers» non-standard shift working, when combined with high parental conflict, correlated with less father - teen intimacy.
In the private school setting, both parents and players seem far more patient and are less vocal when they have an issue or conflict with the coach.
In an experiment in the Minneapolis area, when schools started later, students felt less sleepy, got higher grades, had fewer depressive feelings, fewer conflicts, and less bullying — and SAT scores went up.
When men stop doing paid work — and even when they work less than their wives — marital conflict usually follWhen men stop doing paid work — and even when they work less than their wives — marital conflict usually follwhen they work less than their wives — marital conflict usually follows.
Then they told us with less than 24 hours notice that they had changed the date to October 18th — a day when we had a longstanding scheduling conflict
Ultimately, however, since the conflict has not ended yet, it is difficult to say what historians will regard the Oslo process when (or, as disheartening it is to admit, if) this conflict ends, for the Oslo agreement, particularly the original letters of recognition between the PLO and Israel, did have the positive effect of initiating meaningful and lasting dialogue between Fatah and Israel; it will more or less be the basis of any future agreement.
One could frame the debate in the advantages of using less fossil fuel, which range from lower costs to people (an all electric car has operating costs about 1/4 that of a gasoline vehicle), to balance of payments (less capital flowing out of the country, especially relevant to countries who import most of their oil), to terrorism (not funding it, and western influence leaving the ME, which is the basis of most ME terrorist organizations) to conflict in general (most of the major conflicts in the last 30 years have involved ME oil), to finite supply (when we run out, we'll be facing a global economic meltdown).
Theory on resolution of parental conflict over care provides a framework to explain how such a pattern may emerge: when, for the same cost to the parents, the benefits derived by the offspring produced from the care of each parent are unequal, then the parents contributing less in absolute terms (the lighter females) may not be able to compensate.
When you're not seeing them regularly, is there less conflict and stress in your life?
«A lot of how we understand those less adaptive or maladaptive ways of dealing with conflict to take hold is through a process called coercion, which is what happens when one partner uses emotional pressure to get the other to agree to make some kind of a change.»
Even when the director takes it too far — unceasingly pushing his camera through hallways and into ringing phones, or tilting up to the ceiling and spinning around a morally conflicted Graham — his curiosity is never less than winning, and his direction has rarely felt so energetic, giddy with scenes of overlapping dialogue and deftly orchestrated, impromptu conference calls.
The film's thematic center is no less than the human experience when faced with imminent, inescapable death, and the fact that, despite cultural boundaries and international conflict, there are universal truths to our existence as human beings.
When they have a conflict with their teachers, they learn less and they are more likely to be rejected by peers,» she said.
Intelligent lightweight design — major contribution to efficiency When it comes to its bodyshell, the 2012 CLS63 AMG is nothing less than an engineer - ing work of art — intelligent lightweight design plays a major role in overcoming the classic conflict between low weight and high stiffness.
Investment advisers are required to disclose the conflict of interest that arises when an adviser receives 12b - 1 fees for a share class when a less expensive share class is available for the same fund.
Also with the features such as the auto battle system which allows your party to automatically attack during conflicts it makes those times when the grind for resources is needed to be less arduous.
But for the artists themselves — for Ingres, Delacroix and Courbet — each of these styles was justified by ideal ends that they served, whether of order, liberty or truth; and when we look back now to the nineteenth century, the astonishing variety of its styles, the many conflicting movements and reactions, and the great number of distinct personalities, appear to us less as signs of weakness in the culture than as examples of freedom, individuality and sincerity of expression.
Zero population growth reduces demand pressure, less pollution, less resource use, less human conflict, and when there are so many positives and no strong argument that the world needs 12 billion people, it is «case closed» as far as I'm concerned.
Intercountry and civil war are the most extreme cases of conflict, but many lesser forms of conflict — food riots, for example — also can arise when resources are in short supply.
Perhaps the point is less about surrogacy as such, and more about modes of thinking predisposed to see the world in such a way for obvious historical reasons, made manifest in political institutions of many kinds — i.e. «establishment» and radical» — during the time when global conflict was a more tangible possibility.
This includes identifying the values that may be at risk; synthesizing information on how climate risk management problems can be prioritized and manageably bounded; providing concrete options for managing risks, including how to create or identify such options; summarizing lessons learned in how to defensibly select among options by making explicit the inevitable tradeoffs that will arise when objectives conflict; evaluating the conditions under which such actions would be more or less effective; and providing guidance on how to manage continuous change over time, since climate risks are unlikely to be static.
He sees conflict between his identity as a person, someone who wants a better world and his identity as a scientist, someone who is bound to telling the whole truth, even when he believes this may lead to a less better world.
The current situation on Burnaby Mountain, the looming conflict of Northern Gateway, and a host of other environmental flash points around the world makes the likelihood of a frame shift from peaceful revolution to something very different seem less a question of «if» than of «when».
Based on my informal discussions with lawyers and the business community over the past year, it appears that the deal - making phase, lawyers pay a lot of attention to the terms of the deal but give much less thought to what happens when conflicts or unexpected events occur during the course of the arrangement.
You'll especially find travel insurance offerings when it comes to traveling to lesser developed nations, or areas of the world that are potentially in conflict.
Proficient in dealing with potentially tense situations and resolving conflicts when customers are less than kind.
When there is less conflict and more safe communication, it is typical to start spreading out sessions to every other week so there is more time to practice and integrate what we are focusing on in session.
Via «100 Simple Secrets of Great Relationships»: «While people may employ many different conflict resolution strategies in a relationship, when both partners use the same strategy they experience 12 % less conflict and are 31 % more likely to report their relationship is satisfying.
You can probably tell what a less - than - ideal combination of attachment styles can do for your relationship, but it also affects your stress levels when a conflict arises.
Escalating conflict, overuse of grievance procedures indicate that another less expensive, less stressful and more positive approach is needed when inevitable conflict comes along — we have long experience in providing constructive and cost effective approaches to workplace conflict...
Research shows that when men do their share of the chores, divorce rates are lower, their partners are happier and less depressed, the relationship has fewer conflicts, and they tend to have more sex.
So, when you understand how to manage the stress in your life, you tend to experience more peace and less conflict.
In other words, when you have negative thought patterns, you may be less able to resolve common conflicts that come up in dating relationships, including differences in opinion, jealousy and scheduling conflicts.
An important critical entry point occurs when a helper becomes aware of a situation in which a child of a high - conflict divorce spends progressively less time with one parent and / or voices strong objection to being with that parent.
Kazdin explains that when parents make an effort to show positive or constructive interactions after an argument, children will have less anxiety and may even learn conflict resolution skills.
Given this additive effect, self - control similarity was beneficial when both couple members scored high: such partnerships were marked by high relationship satisfaction, secure attachment, smooth daily interactions, committed styles of loving, more forgiveness, less conflict, and fewer feelings of rejection.
Rather than interpreting each other's words as intentionally aggressive or negative, even when they are not meant that way, you will hear each other's message loud and clear: Though at the moment you may be arguing, you both know that you love each other, and that this momentary conflict is much, much less important to each of you than your relationship.
The second part of the survey was a scale asking participants to rate their attitudes toward physical affection and how it can influence the quality of the relationship (e.g., «There is less conflict in romantic relationships when partners give each other physical affection.»)
When both partners in a relationship thought the other had a good sense of humor, 67 percent less conflict was reported than in couples where neither thought the other had a good sense of humor.
More importantly, when comparing the conditions on the key outcomes, the results indicated that, following conflict, men perceived their partner as more sexually attractive, while women perceived their partner as less sexually attractive.
Some studies have looked at things like coping processes, 2 attachment styles3 and capacity for forgiveness4 as factors that may influence marriage longevity, in other words, maybe couples that know how to cope with (and recover from) conflict better, or are not particularly insecure, or are better at forgiving are less likely to suffer when their marriages face the inevitable arguments that all couples face.
When parents experience less conflict with each other, parent - child relationships are more supportive and nurturing, and children fare better on a range of social, emotional, behavioral, and academic outcomes.
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