Sentences with phrase «less constipation»

"Less constipation" means experiencing fewer difficulties or infrequent bowel movements, resulting in easier and smoother digestion. Full definition
In addition, talk to your doctor about switching to a different prenatal vitamin, since there are some that tend to cause less constipation than others.
Taking a prenatal with foods and drinks high in vitamin C, like orange juice, can improve the absorption of the iron and cause less constipation.
Many mothers found their babies had less constipation after switching from a regular formula to Similac's Organic formula.
More water, less constipation.
Their digestion improved; they had less constipation or diarrhea, they reduced their joint pain and their fatigue lessened.
Fiber is also essential for regular moving bowels, and less constipation!
The end result is a cleaner colon, which means faster transit times, less constipation, better absorption of nutrients and a healthier immune system.
That means better digestion, a stronger immune system, and less constipation.
Other improvements you might notice are less constipation, better digestive health and a puppy that is just happier over all.
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