Sentences with phrase «less crime»

Car insurance rates are lower in cities with less crime.
Living in a suburb could benefit in less crime rates compared to a big city.
In fact, some of the cities on this list have less crime per 1,000 people than some rural areas.
Why not choose one that offers the best of both worlds, including less crime and a bigger average paycheck?
For prisoners you can read crime... If you want less crime you have to stop children (for that is what they are) becoming offenders.
Even those accused of lesser crimes like theft or a simple assault are likely to need legal representation.
In areas where it is legal, they have much less crime associated with it.
In general, high - risk male youth commit about 50 percent less crime as a result of winning the school - choice lottery.
Living in a suburb could benefit in less crime rates compared to a big city.
What about those of us who are guilty of far lesser crimes?
Putting results first in public safety policy enables states to use research - based strategies that lead to less crime at far lower cost than expanding prison systems.
All available studies show atheists to commit significantly less crime than religious people.
Maybe if we had a little more prayer in schools we would have a little less crime and murders.
Everything we do is focused on achieving less crime, safer communities, fewer people in prison.
In other words, they are aimed at creating less crime.
If you live and / or regularly drive in a high crime or high accident area, your rates will likely be higher than someone in a zip code with less crime and accidents.
Those offenses can range from rape in the third degree to lesser crimes like sexual misconduct.
In general, high - risk students commit about 50 percent less crime as a result of winning a school choice lottery.
That helps to drive down the cost of renters insurance in Austin, TX, because less crime means less claims from property crimes, for example.
In response, Heastie said that was incorrect; he supports family court for lesser crimes, such as property damage.
That helps to drive down the cost of renters insurance in Austin, TX, because less crime means less claims from property crimes, for example.
These kinds of interventions typically produce cognitive gains that last a few years and then fade — but, more important, also produce better life outcomes, such as less crime, fewer teenage pregnancies, higher high school graduation rates, and higher incomes.
If you designate a very bad act as a crime, you should also be ready to designate less crimes as sins.
A person could be born with a predisposition for violence, and once they commit a violent act, it is no less a crime or sin because of their genetic state.
I'd expect to see at the end of a five year Labour government less crime, less first - time offenders and our prisons working, which means people going to prisons going on training courses, education courses, working in prisons.
On one hand, they could be a victim of a crime (140K index crimes a year as per ABC)- meaning, in 8 months since the election, that's ~ 100K index crimes; and 13 % drop means 13K less crimes - which the populace attributes to Duterte (regardless of whether that's correct).
Are we now perceiving less crime around us, whether through personal experience or from what we hear or read from others?
Crime has fallen in my lib dem led council area — council works hand in hand with the police to keep tabs on those that commit crimes — depends whether you think more police always = less crime 7.
The Film Noir Foundation's Eddie Muller introduced the film, noting that it was less a crime flick than an effective portrayal of the plight of the poor and downtrodden.
In Chicago and Philadelphia, open Catholic schools, holding demographics constant, are associated with a good deal less crime in the neighborhoods.
Typically, serious crimes are Offizialdelikt (for example murder, robbery and fraud are), while lesser crimes are Antragsdelikt (for example slander or petty theft).
A senior citizen renting a townhouse, or a family renting a house in an area not very heavily populated and therefore with probably less crime, would pay a quite low premium.
It consists of pistol permit applicants, license applicants such as bus drivers and those arrested for lesser crimes.
Whilst David Quinn did not elaborate on these benefits, they would seem to include less crime, lower divorce rates and psychological advantages.
Same as the if «we want less crime in the boarder states we need to start tossing all Hispanics back over the boarder, citizens or not.»
«It will result in less crime, better family structure.
«Last year, when we had the lowest number of [stop - and - frisks], we had much less crime, the lowest number of homicides in the recorded history of the department,» Bratton said.
Less crime means not only lower prison costs — it also means safer communities.»
I can not point to studies as to why Atheists / agnostics commit less crime, etc; I can only point to many studies that prove that is the case.
If you move to a better area with less crime, or are moving out of a high - priced auto insurance state, you can leave with big savings.
Transferring the illegal bettors to the regulated marketplace would mean more taxes paid, more interest in leagues, and less crime.
As a blogger for The Economist points out, mid-sized cities score better than megacities because they tend to have less crime and congestion.
It may be that they have less crime, divorces etc, etc, but when it comes to divorce woman have $ 00.00 rights.
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