Sentences with phrase «less difficulty»

If a health problem can be detected in its early stages, there is a far greater likelihood it can be resolved and treated with less difficulty, less expense and greater success.
The process philosopher has less difficulty in accounting for changes in the soul than he does in explaining its continuity.
Does she have less difficulty getting up after resting?
The dog's sense of smell is so adept that a blind dog has much less difficulty adjusting to the loss of vision than a human does.
Your child will respond with even less difficulty the second time around because she already knows the drill.
Perhaps some in the information security community have less difficulties understanding the diverse threat landscape.
They reported faster time to sleep, improved sleep quality, increased sleep duration, and less difficulty staying awake during the day.
A comprehensive and well - organized research paper can cause less difficulty to incorporate the comments and the advice from the professors or the committee members for your future research.
Most agents have less difficulty discussing compensation when dealing with sellers.
The structure should help a recruiter to scan through your resume with less difficulty.
Playing on 150cc will still prove incredibly difficult, but playing on lesser difficulties make things feel more fair and less random than in some entries of the series.
The culture at large has only somewhat less difficulty getting evangelicalism into focus.
It is not, then, some fluke that Arsenal have suddenly been able to buy talents such as Mesut Özil and Alexis Sánchez while also having less difficulty keeping key existing players.
David Cameron has less difficulty at his conference.
College students who receive special accommodations because of a learning disability say they have less difficulty completing assignments and more contact with faculty outside of class than peers who don't receive extra help.
While some nutritionists praise it for its hunger busting and weight loss properties, certain studies suggest all of that is based on a myth and the people who eat a hearty breakfast every morning don't have a better health or less difficulties maintaining a healthy weight that folks who regularly skip breakfast.
Typically I struggle to do intensive workouts on back - to - back days because my body is fatigued, but I found that I was able to get through consecutive days at the gym with noticeably less difficulty with cryo treatments.
It also accounts for the frequent observations that people who consume low - protein, low - fat diets composed of whole plant foods have far less difficulty with weight problems, even if they consume the same, or even slightly more, total calories.»
In one study, adolescents who went to bed at the same time on weekdays and weekends reported less fatigue and less difficulty falling asleep than those who stayed up later and slept fewer hours on the weekends (20).
Later, in math class, the same students had less difficulty following Bridget McElduff as she taught a lesson on adding fractions with different denominators.
Investors implementing the covered call income strategy will have less difficulty unloading their contracts when the underlying is SPY.
Like in soul's games, most enemies have patterns, which once you memorize, you will have much less difficulty killing.
Another improvement: agents are having a little less difficulty getting a copy of the Closing Disclosure so they can provide advice to their clients.
Cuomo did open the door to possible special session later this year, noting that the politically difficult items like the partial decriminalization of marijuana he pushed for late in the process could have less difficulty in making it through the Republican - led Senate.
At Critter Doctor Animal Hospital in Kirkland, WA, our veterinarians and our medical staff recommend regular veterinary wellness examinations for the same reason that your personal physician or dentist recommends them — if a health problem or issue can be detected in its early stages, there is a far greater likelihood that it can be resolved and treated with less difficulty, less expense and greater success.
But by this time we had less difficulty in attracting good families of any race to apply.»
As a group, breastfed infants have less difficulty with digestion than do formula - fed infants.
If you start your puppy young and let it develop confidence in the field before these «fear periods» occur, it will have less difficulty.
The team at Salmon Creek Veterinary Clinic recommends regular wellness examinations for the same reason your personal physician or dentist does: if a health problem or issue can be detected in its early stages, there is a far greater likelihood it can be resolved and treated with less difficulty, greater success and less expense.
Veterinarians recommend regular wellness exams for the same reason your physician and dentist recommend them — if you can detect a problem in its early stages, it's more likely to be treated and resolved with less expense, less difficulty and better success.
Dr. Delijani and our medical staff at Green Forest Veterinary Hospital recommend regular wellness examinations for the same reason that your physician or dentist recommends them: if a health problem or issue can be detected in its early stages, there is a far greater likelihood it can be resolved and treated with less difficulty, less expense and greater success.
If your pet has a health problem or issue that can be detected in its early stages, there is a far greater likelihood it can be resolved and treated with less difficulty, less expense and greater success.
The toughest difficulty level has mechanical damage switched on, while damage is only cosmetic or affects the handling on some of the lesser difficulty levels.
Later on, the new Tutorial System will also be applied to other contents such as fishing, cooking, alchemy, so that you can play these contents with less difficulties.
While there's never a «right» way to play a game (and there's absolutely nothing wrong with playing on a lesser difficulty), each of The Evil Within 2 difficulty settings offers up a different experience.
Niantic Labs officially announced an upcoming new feature for Pokemon GO that allows players the chance to catch rare Pokemon of a specific type with less difficulty.
Interestingly, some Indigenous students within the circle had less difficulty with using the «foreign» concept to assist judges in their understanding.
The facts provide no indication that he was homeless and therefore, would presumably have less difficulty in ascertaining his trial date.
This sparked a chaotic exodus to the network with less difficulty.
Different jobs relevant to retail sales are listed below for you to have less difficulty in finding the retail sales resume that is applicable to you:
As a process, it should provide the freedom for parties to vent safely and productively and it should foster the ability to resolve or manage crises or problems with less difficulty.
Greater authoritative parenting was associated with greater behavioral adherence and less difficulty with pediatric parenting stress; no differences in metabolic control were observed.
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