Sentences with phrase «less during bear markets»

Value stocks tend to outperform by falling less during bear markets and growth stocks tend to outperform in the bullish phase.
Such a portfolio declines less during bear markets as these are «defensive» sectors that hold up well even in recessions.
This explains why dividend stocks tend to fall less during bear markets.
For the 50/50 and 40/60 portfolios they were back at even quicker at 9 and 6 months, respectively, since they declined far less during the bear market.

Not exact matches

If the value is less than 100 it means the fund has performed better than benchmark during bear market (bear market).
One can make more profit during a bull market, when the value of stock markets is high, and less profit during the season of the bear market, when the value of stock markets decline.
While active fund performance is generally very poor on average, it appears to be slightly less poor during bear markets in this sample.
So of course even with a balanced or conservative portfolio they will decline during bear markets, but as you can see the declines are far less severe than an all equity investor.
You must invest substantially during bear markets but buy lesser shares during bull periods.
I noted back in 2007, during a similar period of frustration, that less than half of the typical bull market gain is retained by the end of the subsequent bear market - «Once stocks become richly valued, the remaining gains achieved by the market are almost always purely speculative - they are generally erased over the remaining course of the market cycle.
Our research showed that, on average, actively managed large - cap stock funds lost less during recent bear markets than large - cap index funds.
At the same time, someone saving during a bear market who is nowhere near reaching a traditional wealth accumulation goal may have given up saving or needlessly delayed their retirement, when it is precisely such individuals who could have enjoyed higher withdrawal rates and, therefore, less accumulated wealth.
This approach generally has been vindicated in the past, as value investors tended to outperform a majority of money managers over full market cycles; and this outperformance has been achieved principally during bear markets, by losing less than most.
But here's the main advantage behind this model: it is less volatile than buying and holding SSO because it helps you avoid some parts of bear markets during which SSO will get clobbered.
Low volatility ETFs, one of the dominant types in the smart beta segment, are designed to perform less poorly than traditional funds during bear markets, not capture all of the upside in a bull market.
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