Sentences with phrase «less electricity yet»

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There are 9 million electricity customers, yet less than 12,000 solar rooftop systems.
The wind turbines themselves would cover 57 square miles of the Atlantic Ocean, yet would produce slightly less electricity than a «new baseload 350 MW gas - fired combined cycle generating unit,» which would «occupy only a few acres.»
But he said, look, we've been trying to do solar for a long time and yet we get less than a half of a percent of our electricity globally from solar, about two percent from wind, and the majority of our clean energy comes from nuclear and hydro.
A far less costly option, although still a fossil - fueled one, might be the as - yet - unreleased $ 6,800 Elio Motors vehicle, which is touted as being capable of getting 84 mpg, but there's another contender in the race to build clean affordable vehicles, and instead of being powered by electricity, the $ 10,000 AIRPod boasts of being a «Zero Pollution Vehicle» because it runs on compressed air.
The higher tech systems may produce way less emissions, and work far more efficiently, than a wood stove, yet they are reliant on complex, high - tech components and expertise when it comes to both installation and maintenance — not to mention convoluted, vulnerable, and far - from - sustainable supply lines for their fuel, whether it be natural gas or electricity.
Germany added a whopping 10 percent more wind capacity and 2.5 percent more solar capacity between 2015 and 2016 and yet generated just one percent more electricity from wind — and one percent less electricity from solar.
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