Sentences with phrase «less flexible pricing»

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Factor in increasing pricing pressures, and you may soon realize that conventional flexible packaging printing methods are leaving you less profitable.
The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), which offers advanced teacher board certification, is revising its process for earning the credential to make it more flexible and efficient and less costly by reducing the price from about $ 2,500 to $ 1,900.
It is 41 % less expensive than the average market price ($ 19,309) followed by «Flexible» priced at $ 13,185.
* Let's assume, for the moment, that commercial publishers suddenly change their contracting patterns to be simultaneously fairer to the authors and more flexible in their own pricing by redefining «deep discount» to mean «sold at a price less than 200 % of the actual per - copy production cost established by printer invoice.»
Well, a recent study by David Blanchett, head of retirement research at Morningstar, found that by being flexible about how much you draw each year from your retirement portfolio — say, scaling back withdrawals when the market is faring poorly and spending more when stock prices are surging — you may be able to get by while investing less in an immediate annuity than you otherwise would.
The gaming problem occurs because index funds find that they have to buy or sell stocks when indexes change, and more flexible investors act more quickly, causing the index funds to transact at less favorable prices.
But those who aren't flexible, plan ahead, and don't fly to expensive destinations will generally find better value in cash for travel options, which avoid airline prices which can result in 1 cent or less per mile in value.
The question for Phillips de Pury is whether their problems lie in having moved to high up the price ladder for the new economic climate or whether their consignors were less flexible about reserves.
In other markets where windpower was significant, like the Midwest / Central and Texas regions, the large majority of negative pricing were attributed to nuclear, coal and less flexible natural gas power plant operations unable to adjust as demand changed.
Regardless of your situation, if your house qualifies and you are flexible on price and terms, We Can Buy Your House in 7 Days or Less!
And while prospective buyers can dicker with traditional contractors or home sellers, pricing on modular homes is less flexible.
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