Sentences with phrase «less garbage»

I can't believe how much less garbage we have now, especially now that it's summer and we have a lot more produce coming in.
As kids fill up the truck, you can talk about the limited space for waste disposal and why it is important to create less garbage.
Or is it because they're eating less garbage and they're actually eating vegetables.
The engine is more or less garbage at that point.
You may notice that there was significantly less garbage on the bike lane in the last two photos.
Lucky for you, I can help you not only make bars that are healthier and contain real food, but they will also be cheaper and cause less garbage in landfills.
Your computer is going to also work a lot faster with less garbage files taking up valuable space and save you lots of time aimlessly searching for a file or picture.
This means that Eagle Digital Mortgage will diminish its energy usage annually by the equivalent of 78 fully powered homes, create 15 less garbage trucks of waste and emit 966 less 18 - wheeler gases into the atmosphere.
We already recycle like mad, and put out far less garbage per person than most other cities, but as Robert Ouellette points out at:: ReadingToronto, changing how we
It's amazing how much less garbage you produce when you start composting.
This alternative disposable diaper brand offers a lot of convenience, less smell, less garbage and no guilt.
Less garbage creates a healthier world.
The general rule of thumb you want to go with is the shorter the list of ingredients, the less garbage ingredients there typically is in the food.
As the first ingredient, there's more of those things than anything else, and it's more or less garbage.
It's good for everyone: less waste, less garbage, less expense and good for the environment.
Put a deposit on everything from automobiles to small appliances to hamburger clamshells to water bottles to coffee cups and see how much less garbage we have about.
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