Sentences with phrase «less greenhouse gases»

These renewable energy sources usually produce less greenhouse gas emissions than other fuels.
It requires less resources such as labor and water, and it emits less greenhouse gases compared with other rice growing methods.
Ironically, women also produce less greenhouse gas emissions than men, the report concludes.
It drives like a regular gasoline - powered car but produces 20 to 30 percent less greenhouse gas emissions than a gasoline or diesel car.
This technology is expected to become commercially competitive and generate much less greenhouse gases compared to fossil fuels.
More or less greenhouse gases in the atmosphere would make for further changes in temperature, which would in turn raise or lower the gas levels some more... and so on.
In certain jurisdictions, energy generation is a major source of carbon emissions, so switching to renewable energy sources like solar and wind will mean less greenhouse gas emissions.
It is expected to be more energy efficient and to generate less greenhouse gases than current generation biofuels (i.e. made from agricultural crops), without competing with food supply.
With thirteen times less greenhouse gas emission than beef, tofu is a protein - packed food that requires less water than many sources of animal protein.
They produce significantly less greenhouse gases than other insects, require far less space, feed and water and are nutritionally dense.
For example, If we want to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, scientific evidence suggests we should invest in alternative energies that release less greenhouse gases.
It is expensive, and at best produces only slightly less greenhouse gas than gasoline.
If more carbon is stored in forests, then less greenhouse gas is present to contribute to ocean acidification.
According to the company, making the plant - based burger uses 99 percent less land, 85 percent less water, and emits 89 percent less greenhouse gas than traditional beef production.
They also use less land, water and energy, and emit less greenhouse gases.
Natural gas vehicles have been found to produce less greenhouse gas emissions than gasoline vehicles, but very little natural gas consumption is currently used for transportation fuel.
On the other hand, the fact that we're transitioning from coal to natural gas means less greenhouse gases.
This process is toxin - free, and they estimate it produces 10 times less greenhouse gas emissions than typical petroleum - based dyes.
Third, the technology underlying the project produces less greenhouse gas than the technology that is typically used in comparable circumstances.
Natural gas is widely advertised and promoted as a clean burning fuel that produces less greenhouse gas emissions than coal when burned.
A vegan driving a Hummer creates less greenhouse gases than a carnivore riding a bicycle.
To meet U.S. and international climate goals we need to emit less greenhouse gas into the atmosphere and, eventually, emit none.
That's the conclusion of a new study that shows that ethanol derived from corn and switchgrass allows cars to drive farther and emit less greenhouse gases if these crops are converted to electricity for powering electric vehicles rather than pouring the ethanol into the gas tank.
According to a new study, many insect species gain weight faster and spew out less greenhouse gases as they grow than do their beefier counterparts.
According to a new study by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, population - dense cities contribute less greenhouse gas emissions per person than other areas of the country, but these cities» extensive suburbs essentially wipe out the climate benefits.
Seems like this site is anti EV's because I made a reasonable post about how a Tesla is responsible for less greenhouse gases than a typical ICE car.
Nuclear power produces less greenhouse gas [CO2] than any other source, including coal, natural gas, hydro, solar and wind.
«People need to start realizing that — and realizing that we're not going to turn this thing around unless we can really come to grips with figuring out ways to put less greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.»
Translation: more greenhouses in the «hood equals less greenhouse gas in the air.
Ironically, despite a reputation for being dirty, diesel engines produce one - third less greenhouse gases than their gasoline siblings do.
Did you know that convection ovens produce 30 per cent less greenhouse gases than conventional ovens?
New Yorkers use less energy and create less greenhouse gases than anyone else in America; that is because they tend to live in smaller spaces with shared walls, have less room to buy and keep stuff, often don't own cars (or if they do, use them a lot less) and walk a lot.
Though burning natural gas produces much less greenhouse gas emissions than burning coal, a new study indicates switching over coal - fired power plants to natural gas would have a negligible effect on the changing climate.
Even factoring upstream emissions of methane from flaring and leaks (that is, leaks and burning of gas before the end user flips the switch) natural gas emits far less greenhouse gases than does burning coal.
Polar ocean is sucking up less carbon dioxide Windy waters may mean less greenhouse gas is stored at sea.
Although natural gas generates less greenhouse gas than coal when burned, when its total life - cycle emissions associated with extraction and distribution are factored in, it does not seem much cleaner than coal
To qualify as «advanced,» EPA has to certify that the fuel emits less greenhouse gas emissions than conventional gasoline.
Speaking at the American Association for the Advancement of Science annual meeting in San Francisco, Dale says that while corn ethanol produces less greenhouse gases than gasoline, it can cause other detrimental environmental effects if not carefully managed.
Impossible Foods is an example of a firm that has gained consumer support and investments from the likes of Bill Gates by marketing its products on the premise of sustainability, claiming that one of its burgers creates 87 % less greenhouse gas emissions compared to a beef burger.
(Hanna Tuomisto, who in 2011 conducted a study at Oxford University's Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, found that growing meats in - vitro would use 35 % to 60 % less energy, emit 80 % to 95 % less greenhouse gas and use around 98 % less land than conventionally produced animal meat.)
By investing in solar energy, for example, Walmart has contributed to less greenhouse gas emissions, and helped create thousands of jobs for American solar companies.
«Energy efficient lighting uses significantly less electricity, which equals less fuel burned, and less greenhouse gases
There is a growing movement to promote the consumption of kangaroo meat over beef and lamb as it is seen as a more environmentally sustainable option, because kangaroos emit less greenhouse gas.
Compared to burgers make with beef, the Impossible Burger uses 95 % less land, 74 % less water and creates 87 % less greenhouse gas emissions, according to Impossible Foods, which makes the burger.
But unlike warm - blooded, or endothermic, livestock, bugs don't spend much energy to keep themselves warm, so many scientists assume that pound for pound, they produce less greenhouse gas, too.
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