Sentences with phrase «less hair»

Black monkey can be black monkey with less hair.
They take up less space, shed less hair and generally have less impact on a home than a big dog.
As a bonus, more brushing means less hair on your clothes and in your vacuum.
They shed a lot less hair than most other breeds, making it less likely that these allergens become airborne.
I may even try topical melatonin; in one study men and women showed less hair loss after three months of nightly applications.
A lot of your cat's excess hair is removed in the blow drying and brushing phases of grooming, which means less hair around your home and on your furniture.
By far, there is much less hair on the leather couch than on the previous sofas.
Between the toes there must be as less hair as possible.
Regular brushing helps remove much of your cat's loose fur, allowing for less hair to be consumed in your cat's daily grooming routine.
The other reason is that when you are pregnant your hair goes into a dormant cycle and you lose less hair.
Tiny dogs possess less hair growth in general, and they can be washed in every 15 days.
I use the whey for my hair each week, resulting in less hair fall.
While it may feel that way, this breed simply emits more heat because there is less hair covering its body.
You will appreciate having less hair when it's time to get ready.
All my life I have had excessive hair growth on my body and on areas where women usually show less hair growth.
It took about six weeks to see the new hair coming in, but only took about a week to notice less hair coming out in the shower and the brush.
Women having less hair density can definitely wear this messy hairstyle for small parties.
Here are some common and not - so - common reasons why you might be seeing less hair on your head.
I was wondering if there is a food item I can add to ensure less hair loss.
So keeping the environment clean and keeping your pet clean will result in less hair balls.
As a general rule, the hotter the place you live, the more your golden retriever will shed as they need less hair to stay warm.
A dog provided with a coat will grow less hair — but then he'll need the coat all winter to stay warm or will run the same risks of being chilled as humans.
They are scientifically formulated to provide optimum nutrition for the cat, thus improving the overall skin and coat condition, which results in shed control and less hair ingestion.
This is a dedicated tourist service and while it's slower than going by plane or bus, this is one trip where it is considerably less hair - raising.
Hence, lesser the heat, lesser the hair damage.
Areas with less hair, such as the ears, elbows and stomach, generally have the most severe outbreaks.
This one, however, only has the bottom layer, meaning they have a lot less hair than other cat breeds.
Even dogs that naturally experiencing shedding will have less hair loss when their food contains healthy supplements and fewer fillers.
The more dead, loose hair you remove with a brush means that much less hair will get swallowed by your cat.
Less hair falls out too (a major plus if you have thin hair).
These allergies also tend to affect the parts of his body that have less hair cover, so that can be a giveaway.
There is usually less hair on that part of the baby's head.
I like for my coffee to put a little LESS hair on my chest.
Long or short haired coats, cats that are regularly groomed will have less loose hairs, so less hairs get swallowed, less chance of hairballs.
No one likes the bait and switch — there's nothing wrong with looking different than you did in college, be it a few extra pounds or a little bit less hair, but you will eventually get caught when you meet that person in real life.
If a cat is on a flea preventative, the Vet will look for signs of food allergy, contact allergens in areas with less hair such as the abdomen, face, feet and neck, and food allergy.
Brushing removes dead hair from the coat and helps prevent matted fur and also prevent furballs since the cat will swallow less hair when it grooms itself.
Give your Boxer a weekly once - over with a grooming brush, and they'll lose even less hair around your house!
Slather on some coconut oil and shave, while also moisturizing your legs and promoting less hair growth.
This resting period lessens considerably during pregnancy and women typically lose less hair during pregnancy, but the postpartum hormones can cause the body to catch up on the rest period for hair follicles, leading to more than normal hair loss.
I too noticed that my hair seemed stronger and that there was definitely less hair in my brush each day after a few weeks of castor oil treatments.
Yassss please help with less hair washing!
Swap your pillowcase for a silk version to not only help the aging game, but it'll also lead to less hair breakage and skin issues.

Phrases with «less hair»

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