Sentences with phrase «less hunger when»

All three patients experienced significantly less hunger when the electrodes were switched on, and all regained their normal hunger when the electrodes were switched off.

Not exact matches

When it is less than this, confirmation rituals are a mockery of the spiritual capacity and hunger of teens to find a way of life that is an alternative to the nihilistic ways of «the world.»
When you start starting your days the Paleo way you'll find that you have more energy, less grogginess, are more alert, and make it all the way to lunch with no hunger pangs.
I know that when I have fruits and veggies ready to eat I am much less likely to reach for a packages snack when hunger hits!
When we fill our tummies up with processed foods and very little or no fruits and vegetables, we've got a prescription for fatigue, constant hunger due to lack of nutrition, and likely less - than - stellar sleep as a result.
(If I don't, I usually end up missing lunch and snacking on less than ideal foods when extreme hunger strikes in the late afternoon.)
Many of our players will fail outside of the club if they do not have the SELF MOTIVATION, HUNGER OR DRIVE TO SUCCEED because it was not embedded in them at arsenal, when you lack challenge, there is less of a chance to grow, they are too safe too comfortable at arsenal.
When the baby is starving she will be much less likely to do anything else than try to sooth her hunger by the only way she knows that works which is breastfeeding.
It takes me less than two minutes to make up a bottle which is a life saver when your baby is screaming with hunger at 3 am and you can't think straight (even your sleep deprived brain can press a couple of buttons and scoop out formula).
Night waking can be due to hunger, but it can also be due to teething or «reverse cycling,» (when babies eat less during the day and more at night, often due to a change in routine like a return to work, or distracted behavior during the day).
And they're particularly good for your waistline when cooked: in a recent Nutrition Journal study, participants who ate 220 calories of hot oatmeal for breakfast reported less hunger later in the day than those who ate cold oat cereal.
Especially those that govern our weight, hunger, and blood sugar balance like insulin, leptin, and ghrelin — all become less effective when you're chronically eating sugar.
When we get less than eight hours of quality sleep, our body produces the hormone ghrelin, making us crave foods (especially sugar) and our hunger is often insatiable.
This way, when hunger strikes, you'll less likely be tempted to eat snacks that work against you instead of for you.»
Although this side effect is usually presented as a negative, it is in reality just a natural consequence of being in ketosis and eating less food, which is what usually happens when you are keto - adapted and hunger is reduced.
When you reduce your carb intake, hunger decreases and you'll eat less without thinking about it.
Less sleep and chronic fatigue cause a rise in hormone ghrelin, and since ghrelin is a primary hunger hormone, it makes you feel hungry even when you aren't.
While the ketogenic diet allows you to eat when hunger strikes, you will find that you feel hungry less often.
Try doing this for a few weeks and you will reach your fitness goals in no time and most likely, with less worries about when the next hunger pain or craving will start again.
When we fill our tummies up with processed foods and very little or no fruits and vegetables, we've got a prescription for fatigue, constant hunger due to lack of nutrition, and likely less - than - stellar sleep as a result.
Although a ketogenic state is not absolutely essential for improved satiety (ie, less hunger and less caloric intake) with high - protein diets, voluntary intakes appear to be greater for such diets when their carbohydrate content is moderate (35 — 45 % of energy; 14) rather than low (< 10 % of energy; 18).
Pack healthy snacks This will help avoid indulging on less healthy options when hunger strikes.
The filmmakers should be careful, lest they fall into the same trap as they did with Hunger Games # 1: when your motivation is solely your paycheck, you're a lot less likely to be inspired to set everyone else's hearts on fire.
I really am interested in how a former undersecretary of education has come to the point that he is so determined to attack teacher tenure, teacher unions and «restrictive work rules» for teachers — especially during a time when public schools have been systematically defunded, forced to jump through hoops (Race to the Top) in order to get what remains of federal funding for education, like some kind of bizarre Hunger Games ritual for kids and teachers, and as curriculums have been narrowed to the point where only middle class and wealthier communities have schools that offer subjects like music, art, and physical education — much less recess time, school nurses or psychologists, or guidance counselors.
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