Sentences with phrase «less impact on the environment»

Investment in infrastructure that will reduce our impact on the environment while improving the efficiency of our operations helps our company produce more for less impact on the environment and communities.
Generally speaking, green real estate has less impact on the environment in its construction and its day - to - day operation when compared to its less environmentally friendly and conventional neighbours.
It grows faster than conventional trees and has less impact on the soil which it is grown in, thus meaning more end product can be produced quicker and easier using the same field with less impact on the environment.
«The benefits compared to paper are obvious: they are less costly (than an equivalent amount of paper), offer expanded functionality, and have far less impact on the environment.
«The overall message is not just about plastic,» Wright reminds us, «but how you as a human being can create less waste and therefore less impact on the environment
I wish there were different sizes and shapes of Cups because the idea of less impact on the environment and less chemicals in your body is great!
Wolf, a Democrat, generally supports fracking, but called in his inaugural speech this month for it to be done safely with less impact on the environment.
Like fellow Bay area start - up Geltor, Perfect Day is one of a new breed of companies in the «cellular agriculture» business — using genetically engineered yeasts that have been «programmed» to produce proteins or other ingredients found in plants or animals - on an industrial scale, without raising animals, and with less impact on the environment.
Our recommendations help you choose seafood that's fished or farmed in ways that have less impact on the environment.
«Getting organic certification and being carbon neutral was a mindful decision for us, we wanted our business to have less impact on the environment, to promote sustainability and we also wanted to work alongside like - minded, ethically motivated suppliers.
It's actually debatable which has less impact on the environment, as the natural dyes require growing of the dyestuff, which requires a lot of water, land, and energy.
A truly Smart City, however, goes beyond using digital and telecommunication technologies to provide better public services for citizens, and also strives towards a better use of resources and less impact on the environment.
«More companies are coming into the green industry, making their products — including stain and odor products — with more sustainable resources, less impact on the environment, derivatives of natural ingredients, less harsh chemicals, etc.,» says Rose.
It takes a little bit getting used to the thinner material, but I appreciate that they have less impact on the environment.
We have implemented simple practices such as purchasing supplies that will have less impact on the environment, using less - toxic cleaning products, reducing waste, practicing water efficiency, and promoting green commuting by ride - sharing, walking and providing staff with a Bike@Work bicycle.
Dear Pablo: Is it true that plastic bags have less impact on the environment than the alternatives?
Given climate change, resource depletion and our renewed focus on the importance of nutrition, we need to be as sustainable as we are productive, generating more resilient food systems that produce more with less impact on the environment.
To produce it in a way that's not only economic but also has less impact on the environment has been one of the great engineering and technology challenges of our industry.
Silk has less impact on the environment than many other fabrics.
People who need a car for a few hours get one hassle - free; people who own a car but don't use it that much can make extra money and best of all: less vehicles in use is less impact on the environment.
JBEI researchers expect cellulosic biofuels to yield more energy, produce less greenhouse gases, and have less impact on the environment than other alternatives to gasoline, such as corn ethanol.
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