Sentences with phrase «less influence»

As far as our influences go, I'd go on record as saying we're far less influenced by video games than people would expect!
Many people like to have a little less influence on their business.
These tend to have lower interest rates and involve less influence over litigation strategies or settlement decisions.
If a higher yield to maturity is due to higher credit risk, on the other hand, then its interest rate risk will have less influence in the bond's overall pricing.
It is, many of the women on here are just moving out of the choking boundary less influence of the BC.
For example, an increase in the influence of staff teams or parents does not mean less influence for principals and district administrators.
It seems that men are therefore less influenced by the opinions of others when assessing a party programme.
Equal weighted indexes, on the other hand, give less influence to large - cap companies and more to small and mid-sized companies.
It could be that some portion was heavily influenced by humans, and the rest less influenced.
We've learned that we have less and less influence on public discourse relating to climate change.
Choice policies are likely to elicit more extensive responses in large districts, where individual families have less influence over policies and programs than in small school districts.
Do these people have more or less influence in the decision to recruit?
The vision was that Android could be made more customizable and extendable with less influence from Google.
When a certain amount of oxygen vacancies (4 mol %) exists in the material, the proton concentration around Zr is higher than that around the rare - earth element which indicates protons with less influence from the trapping effects of the rare - earth element (Fig. 1).
While the stock market's strength may have far less influence on a homebuyer's ability to purchase than interest rates, many consumers will make a decision to buy when the outlook for the economy looks brightest.»
However this is a change that is only now beginning to emerge and currently is exerting less influence on precipitation variability than ocean variability or internal variability.»
But political observers had expected the mayor to wield less influence this time around.
He continued: «We disagree that the UK now exercises less influence because of Iraq.
As such, the genome holds much less influence about longevity than expected and our results help to explain why [genome studies] of longevity have failed to find a reliable signal so far,» noted Erlich.
Curiously, the film seems less influenced by Raiders Of The Lost Ark than another Steven Spielberg event movie, The Lost World: Jurassic Park, from which it filches the primo trailer - hanging - off - the - cliff sequence, minus the hair - trigger suspense (and, of course, the dinosaurs — boy, could this movie use some dinosaurs).
I'd guess that means even plankton proxies would have the same issue as tree rings — photosynthesizers for primary production are mostly toward the poles, maybe less influenced by such dust.
Second, Democrats» beliefs about global climate change might be more crystallized and thus less influenced by subtle manipulations, consistent with research showing that stronger attitudes are more resistant to change (Krosnick and Smith 1994).
Wyoming has way less influence than New York.
The Fed has less influence over long - term mortgage rates than most consumers think.
Because the Rules Committee has immense power, the House Budget Committee has less influence in enforcing the budget resolution than its Senate counterpart.
Except the Cotswold MP has fewer connections and far less influence with Stroud district.
And a guy without a blog or SE account or other such platform gets even less influence than someone with one.
... It will result in fewer jobs created here at home, fewer dollars staying within our economy, less affordable energy for our families and businesses and less influence for our nation on the world stage.»
Annuity pricing is much less influenced by interest rates than most people think.
Nowadays, though we're hunched at computers instead of hunting game, we still instinctively seek patterns in the events that have happened most recently, while memories of older occurrences have less influence over our behavior.
Medical debt collections now have less influence in the latest FICO and VantageScore credit - scoring models, and once a medical debt is settled, it's ignored completely, said credit expert John Ulzheimer.
HR professionals who investigate complaints have even less influence.
On paper, Kushner is below Priebus and Bannon in the White House pecking order (he's a «senior adviser»), and in practice, he has seemed to have less influence than either of them on the administration's strategy so far.
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