Sentences with phrase «less intensive work»

Two cores are designed for processor - intensive tasks, while the other four are energy efficient, designed for less intensive work.
One more thing: For less intensive work and media consumption purposes, even the base Core m model should suffice.

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It was originally a Proof - of - Work model, but since the entire project is centered around energy efficiency, the choice to switch over to a less resource - intensive consensus mechanism was obvious.
Purists will tell you that a sambal must be made using a stone mortar and pestle, but a blender or food processor will work and is much less labor intensive.
China leans toward cap and trade In a separate effort published yesterday, a Massachusetts Institute of Technology report concluded that climate policy researchers who work in China would prefer an emissions trading market that puts the highest burden on energy - intensive regions and cities in eastern China and, as the market moves west, becomes less costly.
They are working on all kinds of projects: a less energy - intensive way to make solar panels, a cheap water purification device for the developing world, and materials that mimic eye and liver tissue to substitute for live animals in toxicity testing.
What I learned was that, although consulting had some less attractive features, such as long hours, and much travel, it offered location independence; intensive, in - depth project work; and the possibility of seeing a significant impact resulting from my efforts.
We had been working 14 - hour days in the makeshift intensive care unit at the Buen Samaritano clinic on the outskirts of Jimaní in the Dominican Republic, and none of us had ever before seen, much less been responsible for, a unit so laden with human misery.
Once they cracked how to make Dragon Quest VIII work well on mobile, it paved the way for the older, less graphically intensive games in the series, like the excellent port of Dragon Quest IV.
Progress monitoring helps teams determine if the new supports are working, if they need to be adjusted, or if the student can sustain progress with a less intensive level of support.
If the percentage of students who require intense interventions is too high, RTI improvement work needs to begin at less intensive tiers.
Only the top 1000 or so bestselling works were checked, as this was labor - intensive and became less important with the lower rankings.
Aside from moderately intensive reviews every three to five years, an established relationship becomes less work and is more lucrative for advisers as time marches on.
Forbes: I am going to assume that your work requires space (hence the move from New York to LA), do you worry that artists are less likely to throw themselves into large scale labor - intensive work by sheer fact that there isn't enough space to do it in?
Carol Browner worked with Vice President Gore and others to develop paths for moving forward toward a less carbon intensive economy.
If renewables did not work and we did not go back to coal it would be a very different world, no global catastrophe but a much less energy intensive existence.
And while there are some initiatives in the works that could lessen the eco-impact of these highly unnatural developments (such as converting some of the turf areas back into natural habitat, or to use turf which is less water - intensive), the luxury golf courses which cater to the elite few who can afford them are decidedly not moving toward environmentally - benign design or management.
General counsel at large companies — including Allstate, Johnson & Johnson, and Waste Management — today are sending more litigation and deal work to regional firms that, in the past, they've relied on for less intensive matters, according to half a dozen consultants we talked to.
We think we've found a tool worth exploring for those of you who want to start leveraging your time early on in the growth process by outsourcing less intensive legal work and without spending $ 50 - 100k on hiring another attorney.
Seen through Josh's eyes, the effectiveness of the law firm intraprenuer is less about individual brilliance than empathy, listening skills, patience, and budget, as doing this type of work «is very labor intensive
I love the XL's battery life, which is never less than an intensive day's work for me, but the idea of having an extra 16 percent more juice without any size (or even weight) trade - offs is immensely appealing.
But some Bitcoin and cryptocurrency enthusiasts are actively whitewashing the environmental impact of their anarchic systems and can not empirically claim that their proof - of - work - based networks are any less wasteful or resource intensive than the traditional foreign capital markets they loathe.
Less intensive use would probably allow it to last through a full day at work, but note that we had a Core i5 / HD configuration: a Core i7 / 4K model would place more demand on the battery.
The ThinkPad X1 Yoga packs in 54 watt - hours of battery capacity, and it utilizes a CPU that sucks power when working hard but allows a battery to stretch its legs when the system is performing less intensive tasks.
He is right bro SD650 and 650 is heating upto 46 - 47 ℃ just after light gaming, so i also think SD625 is much wiser choice may look like a downgrade but that's not makes any difference in real work they both handels most graphic intensive games at same smoothness level but SD sd625 at less heating and less battery consumption.
Employers and new clients would rather see a high profile company you worked for, even if the project was less important, over a more intensive project for a small business.
Generally, hiring managers are less interested in an internship at your uncle's insurance agency than they are with, for example, the fact that you learned hard work growing up on a farm in Missouri; that you learned discipline on the varsity cross country team in high school; or, that you gained great organizational skills balancing the most intensive course load your university had to offer.
The authors found that staff continuum measures of criticism, positive remarks, and negative relationship quality were all associated with change from working with one key worker to another at 12 months, with high EE associated with changes in key workers but not in the patient's location and low EE associated with moves to less intensive support.
Now that I've learned what works and what challenges may come up, my focus is more on developing systems to automate and make management less time intensive.
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