Sentences with phrase «less iron»

Less iron in the water allows the ice to set better.
However, when exclusively breastfed babies are introduced to solid foods, they begin to absorb less iron from their milk.
You need less iron while breastfeeding because you likely will not lose a lot through your menstrual cycle.
The breastmilk of women who regularly drink three cups of coffee per day during pregnancy and breastfeeding contains a third less iron than women who don't drink coffee.
Babies born small or premature have less iron at birth, and for some reason, boys are also at greater risk for iron deficiency.
Less dust from the desert means less iron into the ocean.
In fact, you need less iron than before you were pregnant.
Breastmilk contains much less iron than formulas, especially the iron enriched formulas.
It's true that breastmilk contains less iron than bottlemilk which is why people mistakenly think iron stores will run out.
If iron is so important then why is there less iron in Enfamil A + Stage 2 formula versus Stage 1?
Some experts say that the iron stores of a breast fed baby are NOT necessarily deficient by 6 months of age and that the introduction of iron fortified cereal can lead to baby absorbing LESS iron from breast milk.
«Thus the bridgmanite in the deep layer ends up with less iron,» explained Shim, noting that this is the key to why this layer behaves the way it does.
The relevance to atmospheric composition is that silica - rich rocks have far less iron and sulfur than silica - poor rocks, and iron and sulfur react with oxygen and form a sink for oxygen.
For galaxies less than twice as massive as the Milky Way — the vast majority — star - forming galaxies possess less iron and other heavy elements than quiescent galaxies of the same mass.
Could it be that breast milk isn't low in iron automatically, just that women are eating a lot less iron because we no longer eat organ meats in large quantities like we did during the bulk of human evolution?
The wall texture above, for instance, was included in both betas before being changed to something less Iron Cross-like in the final edition.
Those for men and postmenopausal women on the other hand generally contain much less iron and some have none at all.
The original recommendations for iron - fortified foods were based on a formula - fed baby's need for them and the fact that breastmilk contains less iron than formula (doctors didn't know then that the iron in breastmilk is absorbed much better).
Because heme iron is better absorbed than nonheme, vegetarians typically absorb less iron.
Questions like: what if the Earth had more or less iron in the mantle, how would that change the environment?
Much less iron is found in breastmilk, but what is contained is more «bioavailable» (more readily absorbed) than iron found in fortified formula or foods.
This appearance indicates that less iron could likely be given since it's being lost to the stool and probably causing harder stools.
By comparison, you'll notice that Stage 2 has more calcium, more protein, and less iron than Stage 1.
Beef and chicken contribute several-fold more protein, moderately more zinc and much less iron, compared with the cereal.
This finding was expected because meteorites from Vesta have less iron than the solar nebula from which planetary building blocks formed.
In addition, according to Dr. Mercola, «baby carrots have less iron, phosphorus and magnesium....
Many people around the world already struggle with nutrient deficiencies, especially anemia, and for food to have less iron, zinc, vitamin C, and calcium could have devastating effects.
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